View Full Version : Posted for no particular reason

11-30-2011, 01:33 AM
I was going through some old photos today, and found one of me at one of our elk camps in the Great Bear Wilderness. We were on Dolly Varden Creek, just below Pentagon Divide. This is a camp where a wolverine made a nuisance of himself, and we ended up moving camp a long way to get away from it.
Sure was a lot skinnier and tougher back in those days!
The cabin is where I was living back in those days. It had been an old stage coach remount station in years past and had been moved here, where I finished putting it back together. This sits on the old Kootenai ceremonial grounds.
I do miss some of the fun from back in those days.

11-30-2011, 03:01 AM
Well, W., I'm not ashamed to say I am envious. Don't know if I could have made it, myself...

11-30-2011, 07:37 AM
Very interesting. Somewhere I've got some old photoes from the 60's of hunting camps us Indiana boys had in the Black Hills of WY. Like you I was alot lighter back in those days, not to sure about being tougher tho.

11-30-2011, 09:09 AM
I was going through some old photos today, and found one of me at one of our elk camps in the Great Bear Wilderness. We were on Dolly Varden Creek, just below Pentagon Divide. This is a camp where a wolverine made a nuisance of himself, and we ended up moving camp a long way to get away from it.
Sure was a lot skinnier and tougher back in those days!
The cabin is where I was living back in those days. It had been an old stage coach remount station in years past and had been moved here, where I finished putting it back together. This sits on the old Kootenai ceremonial grounds.
I do miss some of the fun from back in those days.

Dunno if I would have waited for him to do that much, darn things sure are a headache! Never had the privalidge myself but we did have his cousin the fisher tear up camps in the area we had the use of a camp.

All that aside, nice camp and I think we all have beefed up the R factor over the years. ;-)


11-30-2011, 01:02 PM
I'd like to see some pictures of your hunting camps.
As far as taking care of the wolverine problem, hard to do, as it wasn't particular about coming into camp in the day time while we were out hunting.

11-30-2011, 06:01 PM
I'd like to see some pictures of your hunting camps.
As far as taking care of the wolverine problem, hard to do, as it wasn't particular about coming into camp in the day time while we were out hunting.:shock:

You had to ask....Sheesh I don't like looking at pictures of me when I had hair....I've lost so much...:bigsmyl2:

O-k, I tried the flatbed and couldn't get the proportions right so I just snapped it with the digital. Pic was taken in Feb. of '91, I'm on the right and my buddy Jim on the left with our trusty H&R 12ga single. I've got me da's 870 w/ a Hastings smooth bore slug barrel. I popped the two snow shoes with #7 1/2 dove and rabbit reloads.


11-30-2011, 06:27 PM
Forgot to mention about the camp, Dorf can chime in anytime with more details but it is outside Jackman up Route 201 near Moose River? Cozy affair with 2 bedrooms and a loft. Wood for heat and gas for lights and cooking. In the heavier snows only access is via snow machine or snow shoes. IIRC on that trip we found plenty of spots where moose had just folded leg and melted to the ground. I belive the hard pack was about 4.5 feet. Good snow shoe stuff. Pretty good weekend except when the F-111's out of Pease buzzed the area at 500 feet off the deak.

Doc Highwall
11-30-2011, 06:38 PM
Thank's for posting it waksupi. Looks like a place I would like to see just to be out in nature.

12-01-2011, 01:42 PM
Great pics or obvious good times! Wish you many more of them!

12-01-2011, 02:42 PM
We're at aroud 5000 feet in Union County Oregon on BLM land. This is public land, you gotta love America.

12-01-2011, 04:59 PM
Driving in is cheating! :kidding:

We had 28 miles by pack string into this camp.
This was the only 3-400 yards on the whole trail when you had time to take a picture.

12-02-2011, 09:05 AM
Driving in is cheating! :kidding:


LOL! Not if you have to hike 5mi in snowshoes after the drive. :lol:

smoked turkey
12-02-2011, 11:00 AM
I'm also envious too. Looks like good times and great memories. +1 on gotta love America. We still have lots of places this can be done. My bucket list includes something like that wilderness camp, either with a wall tent or an old cabin with elk on the menu. It seems that that sort of adventure is now so expensive when tags, outfitter, and guides are all added up. Still what are good memories worth?

12-02-2011, 09:43 PM
Ric, even though we can drive to camp it's surprising that we seldom see anyone else in the field hunting. There are a few road hunters that we can hear driving up on the forest service road but they are afraid to get out of their cars.

12-03-2011, 12:13 AM
Ric, even though we can drive to camp it's surprising that we seldom see anyone else in the field hunting. There are a few road hunters that we can hear driving up on the forest service road but they are afraid to get out of their cars.

I hear ya. Get a couple hundred yards off of a road around here, it is seldom you see another hunter.

12-03-2011, 02:03 AM
We never had a camera at our camps when I was younger. I wish we would have. Great pics waksupi!

12-03-2011, 03:37 AM
I did notice how absolutely filthy I was, after looking at the first picture again. I suppose between horses, wood cutting, and setting up camp, is is to be expected. Didn't both any of us one bit. I was the guy re-shoeing any horses that needed it, so I had a bit more contact than others. As to why I rode so far wearing chaps, and didn't have them on when shoeing, I have no idea. Brain fart, I guess. Rick says, hey, I think I have a loose shoe, so I end up going through the whole string.
Heck, after a few weeks, you could get clean again.

12-03-2011, 07:01 AM
Nice photos, Gentleman. Thanks much for posting and for sharing you past experiances.


12-03-2011, 11:32 AM
Well whatever the reason I enjoyed this thread.