View Full Version : Thanks for Being There -Stuck on the Couch

Silver Jack Hammer
11-23-2011, 12:28 AM
Fellow Cast Boolit Conversationalists,

Thanks for being there. You guys have helped me figure out what puzzles me and now you help keep my sanity. Broke my leg on Halloween, on crutches and can't even get to the range. Tried, but loading gear bags and guns down the stairs into the truck on crutches was too much. If it weren't for these forums -and Deadwood, I'd loose my mind. It was a dangerous Injun, I am a modern peace officer but like Custer I didn't count on there being that many of them. I broke my leg and was surrounded by 20-30 angry Indians. i guess I'm not 20 anymore. Called in the cavalry they saved me but I'm on crutches until Christmas. Can't go to the range, can't shoot. Thanks for the conversations.

11-23-2011, 12:33 AM
SJH--sorry to hear about the mishap. I've been laid up about as long as you have, though not from such an adventurous cause. This laying about makes me nuts, too--and the folks here have kept me sane more than once over my years of membership.

Heal up quick, and get back out shooting ASAP!

11-23-2011, 01:19 AM
Been working around White Clay?

11-23-2011, 12:36 PM
Jack--I understand and feel your pain. While no where near as incapacitated as you I just had some minor knee surgery last Friday. The dog and I always did a couple miles walking first thing in the morning and now she looks at me kind of puzzled when when come back in after she finishes her "business". I'll be back up to speed shortly so I've got a short sentence unlike you. Hang in there friend. Man I wish they'd continue the "Deadwood" series, I really enjoyed that show!

Silver Jack Hammer
11-23-2011, 01:24 PM
fecmech; What do you mean by White Clay?

I didn't mention just to add insult to injury an old .357 3-screw was hanging on a local shops wall begging me to take her home. Which I did, and gave to my 15 year old son. His eyes really lit up. The Ruger has not been fired yet. Ugh.

11-23-2011, 01:42 PM
Get well, anyone with an injury! I am with you and pray for you.
I had a mishap hunting while dragging a deer this season. I slipped on a sloped rock hidden under leaves and banged my knee hard, twisted and hit my butt, with a twist to my back.
Stuff is getting back to normal. Hang tough!

Wayne Smith
11-23-2011, 03:35 PM
Hummh, 15 yr old son, new gun. You on crutches. Nobody to take the two of you to the range? Your son can hump all the weight!

11-23-2011, 05:30 PM
I'm the one who mentioned White Clay. Since you sounded like you were working LEO in the West part of South Dakota, thought you may have been down there. That's where all the Sioux from the Pine Ridge and Rosebud go to buy their booze. Real tourist mecca on the weekends.