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View Full Version : Australia - Guns Are Back, shooting sports on the up

11-20-2011, 03:31 PM
The Australians here and maybe others may be interested in this interesting Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio report on the surge in interest in shooting sports in Australia:


You can download the .mp3, it is 48 minutes long.

It turns out that all the hoopla about the gun buy back has probably increased the number of guns in Australia and is now increasing the number and political strength of gun clubs and associations - and the gun control industry is realising their tactical mistake.

The program suggests that by making people go through a background check and safety course, this forces new shooters to join a club which swells club numbers and income. This is creating a new wave of shooters in Australia.

The increase is also coming from the slow food and ethical food movement with the interest in hunting and gathering wild food.

I particularly liked this quote from one academic:

"Carla Meurk: What I think might be happening in Australian society is I think that we're getting to a point where we've lived under the sort of risk-averse society for a very long time and we've seen audit cultures and bureaucratic cultures just growing and growing and growing. And we've become quite abstract and cerebral in the way that we're living and there's a need to reground and to reintegrate into sort of the danger of life."

11-20-2011, 03:46 PM
Fight back, good on ya!

11-20-2011, 04:16 PM
Great news!

11-20-2011, 04:25 PM
If only we could hope for the same in the U.K. ..........

Bad Water Bill
11-20-2011, 04:55 PM

11-20-2011, 08:08 PM
I hope you can get organized politically and start reversing the trend, as we have done here.

In the US 35 yrs ago, the gun control organizations were ascendant and there was a real, and
fairly credible push to outlaw handguns nationwide. Handgun ownership was outlawed in
Washington, DC and Chicago, and some smaller cities. Military style rifles were banned nationally,
along with all magazines of more than 10 rounds capacity, large pistols, etc. Things were really
looking bleak for gun owners.

Today, the military style rifle and hi cap mag ban is repealed, 49 states have some version of concealed
carry, 39 states make concealed carry simple for any honest person to obtain, four states let ANYONE
carry a concealed gun without any license requirement. Polls show that about 75% of the
population thinks we have "the right amount" or "too much" gun control and several recent
calls for tightening gun restrictions by various antigun politicians and antigun groups have been
almost totally ignored, gathered essentially no significant support.

I only catalog our history to encourage Aussies to know that things REALLY CAN change, and you
CAN undo some of these horrendous anti-gun laws.

I truly hope that our friends in Australia can reverse the trend and regain their gun rights. I'm
sure it will take time, but keep organizing and keep marching forward. It takes lots of hard work,
but it is worth it.


11-20-2011, 10:47 PM
"Abstract and Cerebrel" sounds like "Politicaly Correct" Don't it?

11-21-2011, 03:25 AM
There's probably a good reason why the anti-gun lobby in America has lost ground - crime has shifted its emphasis to cyber-crime. Guns just don't pose a threat to cyber-criminals so they don't fund anti-gun so much any-more.[smilie=1:

11-21-2011, 03:26 AM
The ABC has run quite a few well balanced Firearms reports is recet times, I will listen to this a bit later on

There is a definate increase in participation in the Shooting Sports in Australia since the restrictions where introduced in the mid 90's, more so in the last 5 years but the attitudes that Firearms are bad and the people that use them are worse is alive and kicking. The Anti's have all levels of Government infiltrated.

For instance there is a new Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Branch in the process of being formed in my district. They have actually had Government funding to assist in constructing the Range granted. Sounds good - but a condition of this funding is that the Local Council approves of the Range. The local Mayor is an Anti and the Funding has been stopped.

The Range is on private land and can not be stopped from going ahead, just means that things are being made more difficult than they need to be. The authorities in Queensland have also recently changed the procedure for gaining a "Permit to Accuire". Waiting times are now commonly in excess of 10 weeks instead of 3 or 4 weeks and as soon as 2 weeks as before the changes.

The Authorities are also further driving in the thin end of the wedge. Calibres such as 338 Lapua and 460 Weatherby are nearly impossible to accuire a permit to aquire for and there is only one Range in Qld that meets the insane safety requiments imposed. They are outright refused access to all SSAA Range. Some would argue that SSAA is not being as proactive as they should for shooters rights but thats a can of worms not suitably opened here.

Firearms owners, Outdoorsmen, Hunters and those disposed to self sufficiency and self reliance may well have much to be pleased about, the Tide is showing sights of turning but there are many challenges still

regards Jacko

11-21-2011, 12:57 PM
Great quote, particularly coming from an academic. Wish we had a few academics in the U.S. who had their heads on that straight!

11-21-2011, 04:46 PM
A really useful thing to do politically is to select an antigun politician that isn't winning by
huge margins and put all your efforts in the next election into defeating him or her. In
many cases, going door to door with fliers outlining the issue sensibly can change a lot
of minds. Lots of legwork, but not too much money required in many cases to get someone
to vote for "the other guy". If you win, you have a toe hold. The next time there is an issue,
you ask for discussions with a politician, and you can say "Do you remember John Smith? We are
the reason he is no longer in office. We'd very much like to work with you on doing this in
a good way, but if you won't listen to reason, maybe your replacement will."

It has worked reasonably well like that in many states, if the progun groups start focussing on
someone, they usually decide it is not a fight that they want to have. Of course, there are
states like California where the antis outnumber the shooters by such a large margin that
it is pretty tough to get things changed.

Best of luck, keep organizing and get people fired up to start working for good politicians against
bad ones. Ten people spending 2-3 Saturday mornings distributing literature door-to-door can
make a real difference in a close election.


11-21-2011, 04:59 PM
Yep. Things are looking up. The Shooters and Fishers party in NSW is doing a great job of putting it to the anti gunners.

Now we need 40 and 45 back for IPSC Single Stack division.

And Semi auto rifles and pump shotguns back as well.
I really miss my AR-15 HBAR.
That thing could pick a flea of a dingo's **** at 500 yards :bigsmyl2:

41 mag fan
11-21-2011, 05:54 PM
Need an org like NRA and 2nd Amendment foundation down there. Someone needs to start up a WWGA. World Wide Gun Assoc.
That way it can push pro gun in countries around the world, that are anti gun

11-21-2011, 06:02 PM
Yeah,it is good that we are getting back some ground we lost over the years,but still a long hard fight ahead,what with the Greens in and that bloody ranga in power.
But I have done my bit this year,towards the increasing numbers of rifles in Oz,on my third one coming in December :)

11-21-2011, 06:05 PM
Now we need 40 and 45 back for IPSC Single Stack division.

And Semi auto rifles and pump shotguns back as well.

Yep,we need them back,especially my 30/06 Garand that I was going to get before all this poop happened,put a deposit on one,then had to cancel,was not happy,no sir!

11-21-2011, 08:53 PM
Gun owners in the US have never had it so good, as Bill points out those who made a career of blaming law-abiding gun owners for crime have been thoroughly discredited--and voted out, in many cases.
The anti-gun movement here in the US has gotten so ineffective, in fact, that they have been forced to change tactics. The old strategy was to demonize hunters and law-abiding, gun owning citizens. When this failed, the new strategy, and ultimately the greatest threat to our ability to own and use our firearms, is the use of junk science in an effort to ban the most important component to our ammuntion, lead. We as gun owners need to be vigilant here, and not give an inch to this nonsense. How many people can affort to shoot if ammo goes to $1 or more per round? It don't take a guru to realize if this happens, our gun rights are as good as gone.
To our fellow gun owners in Australia, I say, way to go, keep up the good work, and keep pressing forward!


41 mag fan
11-21-2011, 09:01 PM
Gun owners in the US have never had it so good, as Bill points out those who made a career of blaming law-abiding gun owners for crime have been thoroughly discredited--and voted out, in many cases.
The anti-gun movement here in the US has gotten so ineffective, in fact, that they have been forced to change tactics. The old strategy was to demonize hunters and law-abiding, gun owning citizens. When this failed, the new strategy, and ultimately the greatest threat to our ability to own and use our firearms, is the use of junk science in an effort to ban the most important component to our ammuntion, lead. We as gun owners need to be vigilant here, and not give an inch to this nonsense. How many people can affort to shoot if ammo goes to $1 or more per round? It don't take a guru to realize if this happens, our gun rights are as good as gone.
To our fellow gun owners in Australia, I say, way to go, keep up the good work, and keep pressing forward!


Good thoughts there.
Another one that has to be watched out for is the buying of gun and shooting mfrs and then closing them down. I seen an email about this but don't know how true it really is.

11-21-2011, 10:40 PM
And the Ozzies make great powders too!:drinks:

I've got my eye on a certain 25-303 over there in Ozz if it's still available when I have the funds. Ummm ..... that would be taking a gun out of Ozz! Oops![smilie=1:

11-22-2011, 01:40 AM
There's probably a good reason why the anti-gun lobby in America has lost ground - crime has shifted its emphasis to cyber-crime. Guns just don't pose a threat to cyber-criminals so they don't fund anti-gun so much any-more.[smilie=1:

Interesting point. Hadn't thought of that one.


11-22-2011, 05:10 AM
Yep,I moved out into the desert and have been actively chasing people for ''our'' club.We chased up the local companies for donations to get the club going and all is going well,the only trouble we have is now it's summer the daytime heat gets into the 45's celcius and it's too hot to shoot,we are getting some lights set up to shoot at night which will be brilliant.I forgot,I own more guns after the buyback than before. Pat

11-22-2011, 05:32 AM
G'day Pat.
Mate i'm the same. Before the buyback I have 3 rifles and 1 shottie.
Now there are 7 rifles 1 shottie and 7 handguns.

John Howard is still a slimy little mongrel and always will be.

11-22-2011, 02:11 PM
Fabulous news!! Good on you!!


11-22-2011, 02:20 PM
I honestly didn't think I'd ever see it happen...wow. It's also funny that your anti gun groups caused this due to faulty tactics. A bit "short sighted" so to speak, but whatever the reason it's sure a change from the "dark days" several years ago. Congratulations and keep pushing!

11-22-2011, 02:59 PM
Congratulations, you've become rolemodels.

I can't imagine living unarmed in a country where every creepy critter is poisonus except the wombat wich is a harda$$ in its own right..


11-22-2011, 03:01 PM
Good luck to all you Aussie's!

There's probably a good reason why the anti-gun lobby in America has lost ground - crime has shifted its emphasis to cyber-crime. Guns just don't pose a threat to cyber-criminals so they don't fund anti-gun so much any-more.[smilie=1:

That and,,,more and more people are waking up, seeing the facts for what they are, rather than listening to BS propaganda. There still are those that insist on disarming the public, and they do have some political backing,,,,just in most recent times, they (politicians) realize it's a toxic position for most of them. Although, had the situation had been other than what it has, BO would have gone after guns when Pelosi controlled the House, at least in some fashion. They were hell bent on their agenda, just guns were not top on the list this time. But I do agree, that with the general public opinion, the pendelum has swung back with 2nd Amendment. Hopefully it spreads!!!!!

11-22-2011, 03:07 PM

If I calculated correctly, 45C is 113F which is pretty hot. We rarely go over 105-108F here,
but we have put up metal roofs over all our shooting lines so we can shoot in the shade
in the middle of the day. Not cheap, but something to think about.

Good luck, guys.

By the way what is the 'slow food and ethical food' stuff all about that someone mentioned?


11-23-2011, 02:01 AM
Bill,the heat is at times something that you really have to experience to know what it's like.Last Xmas was spent inside as it hit 43 at lunch,the hottest day last year was 48C.This Xmas I'm going to fry an egg on my Land Rovers bonnet as a joke. Pat

11-23-2011, 02:29 AM
G'day Pat.
Mate i'm the same. Before the buyback I have 3 rifles and 1 shottie.
Now there are 7 rifles 1 shottie and 7 handguns.

John Howard is still a slimy little mongrel and always will be.
Yep,you can take that to the bank,Johnny Coward,when he came to Sale,in Victoria to try and appease us hunters,wearing a bloody bulletproof vest under his suit,don't he know,we would go for a head shot..nah,waste of a good bullet! ;)

At the buyback,I owned 3 centrefire rifles,now I have 14[smilie=w:

11-23-2011, 02:54 AM
After the first buyback I added to the number of longarms I had and after the second buyback I added to the number of handgins I had. Now wen I apply to buy any more they tell me I have too many???????

Yes, it all seems to have backfired, I have signed up two shooters for my club in the last 18 months.

11-25-2011, 05:32 AM
Enemies, foreign and domestic. We share China as the potential "foreign" and we have the domestic type enemy in our media and the politicians who lie about most things, practice junk science, and have the balls to exempt themselves from what they stick up our butts, and feel so good about themselves they vote themselves a pay raise.

They go about wrecking our currency, ignoring or the directed lie about Chinese sub launched missles fired off our coastline, lying about buying weapons for drug cartels, a UN treaty to disam us, and doing end runs around the due process of our constitution, and they lie about that too.

V.I.Lenin was quoted in 1923:"a lie told often becomes truth."

paul edward
12-04-2011, 07:33 PM
I am happy to hear about the resurgence of good sense in Australia.

Keep up the good work.

12-04-2011, 09:29 PM
Good news from down under. Keep fighting.

12-06-2011, 07:47 PM
When I read things like the quote by this Carla Meurk or whatever her name is. I always try to understand what they are trying to say.

I read that quote several times, and the Queens English not withstanding, I have no idea what she was trying to say. The funny thing about the liberal academic mind is that they seldom know what they are trying to say anyway.

When ever I hear someone talking this kind of gobbledegook I immediately label them as FOOL.

Here's the deal guys,,,, I don't care how many degreees you have, and how smart you are supposed to be,,, If you can't communicate in plain english you are basically an idiot!

I don't listen to idiots.

I do hope you Aussies regain your gun rights. I would look very carefully at those who voted that ban in place and make sure they don't vote for anything again.

You really need an NRA type of organization to protect your rights over there. "The ARA",,, Austrailian Rifle Association! Here, here! A good place to start would be a manditory membership accompanying any gun purchase. But not Govt sponsored,, Association sponsored. You guys should start talking this up locally and spread it around on the internet!

I personally feel our gun manufacturers here in the US should be selling a membership to the NRA with every gun sold. We have better than 100,000,000 gun owners but only about 5 million? in the NRA..

I don't feel you should be allowed to excercise your right to own a gun without taking responsibility for the maintainence of the right that allows you to do so. You're either part of the group or you are not in.

Can you imagine how much clout the NRA would have with 100 Million members? a little less than 35% of the population. Gun Control would be dead forever, and we'd be free forever.


12-06-2011, 09:00 PM
you need women , yes thats right women who like to shoot and hunt
they are worth their weight in gold politically , get all your daughters shooting , get them to own guns enjoy the sport and stand up for it.

did i mention , the author of Wisconsin's concealed carry legislation is a woman or that every woman in the state assembly voted for concealed carry , several of which represent the most liberal districts, one represents down town millwakee the a#1 most demicarat voting district in wisconsin and Milwaukee county the most ani gun place in Wisconsin it also has the highest rate of murders and violent crime (they tried it the anti way now they were ready for a change) and that when asked she said she had talked to her constituents and this is what they wanted.

ask yourself could you tell a woman who just wants to protect herself and her kids , who has the training and a spotless record , that she shouldn't be able to carry a gun , pepper spray , or a tazer . I sure couldn't i would probably offer to take her to the range for practice.

even my no good worthless state senator who voted against it , when i called to ask his office to support it his staffer and i had a nice conversation , she was excited about it passing even though her boss wasn't likely to vote for it. she wanted to be able to carry a tazer.

put your money and time were your mouth is , you might say , i have 2 daughters both shoot , i am also a youth shooting sports instructor and almost half my shooters are girls , and the girls make up some of the best shots in the club.

Southron Sanders
12-06-2011, 11:24 PM
Here in the U.S. most states now have "Concealed Carry" laws on the books. This means that any law abiding citizen who applies for a Concealed Carry permit is issued one-the police have no say so.

Criminals prefer unarmed victims and now, they can't tell who is carrying a gun and who isn't. This is a good reason crime rates have dropped.

Also, "Castle Laws" have been passed by many state legislatures. This is based on the old English Common Law concept that a "Man's Home is his Castle." If a criminal breaks into a person's home and that criminal ends up wounded or dead, the homeowner CANNOT BE CHARGED WITH A CRIME FOR DEFENDING HIS HOME.

Of course, this has caused burglaries and "Home Invasions" to drop dramatically.

Like the old saying: "If you are attacked by a criminal, the cops can be there in 5 minutes but the bullet from your .357 Magnum can be heading for the criminal at 1,200 FPS instantly!"

12-07-2011, 12:23 AM
Castle doctrine laws are important beyond just protecting a home owner from criminal prosecution. It is also important to protect against civil suits. Its common enough that after breaking in to someone's home & being shot the criminal (or their surviving family) will sue the home owner for defending themselves! Even if the home owner wins the suit, which isnt always certain, they can be bankrupted by the legal expenses. Proper castle doctrine laws provide protection against both criminal and civil charges. As always, the devil is in the details so know your local laws well.

12-07-2011, 01:28 AM
I have no idea of the laws in Australia, but in England it is essentially illegal to defend
yourself "too vigorously". As I understand it, you can apparently get away with using
the same or lesser weaponry in self defense. If attacked by a guy with a bat, you could
not use a gun or knife for defense, but apparently a bat of your own would be OK.

Of course, I may have it all wrong, but this is what I have read.

Pretty crazy that defending yourself is a problem if you hurt the criminal.

What is the self-defense situation in "The other OZ"?


12-07-2011, 04:42 AM
Bill,our law states that a person can defend themselves but as in the UK excessive force cannot be used unless your life is in danger.Like many laws it is open to interpretation and for me if my family is put in danger from a gun or scewdriver the threat is still the same.As far as buying firearms I put a deposit on a nice,little used S&W 586 357 last weekend. pat

12-07-2011, 08:27 AM
Get Political, defeat the Anti's. The subject of getting women involved is spot on target. Women really have a voice and a determination when they become involved in a subject. I like the idea of the NRA Membership sales by gun shops with a new firearms purchase, and maybe the NRA could assist other organizations (or countries) with "ORGANIZING AMBASSADORS" or sponsor people to come to the U.S. to learn the BEST METHODS to faceoff with the Anti's and to establish shooting safety programs, clubs, competitions, etc.

12-07-2011, 02:29 PM

I have a 586 +1 (7 shooter) in 6" that is a really good gun. Just right in every way,
smooth, well made. I hope yours is as nice. If it is, you'll be please with it.

Glad to hear you can defend yourself in Oz. I sincerely hope to never need to do it, but
am willing if necessary.

I want to see if somebody can actually cook an egg on the bonnet. I tend to doubt it
would work, but it would be interesting to try.


12-07-2011, 04:06 PM
There's probably a good reason why the anti-gun lobby in America has lost ground - crime has shifted its emphasis to cyber-crime. Guns just don't pose a threat to cyber-criminals so they don't fund anti-gun so much any-more.[smilie=1:
I think you are saying guns don't pose a threat to cyber criminals so CRIMINALS do not fung gun control anymore.

It is not criminals (unless we are talking the government) that fund anti gun agenda. It is plain ole every day liberals and others afraid of guns. A lot of the funding comes from our taxes!

If I am wrong about your thinking, I mean you no disrespect.

12-07-2011, 07:13 PM

I have a 586 +1 (7 shooter) in 6" that is a really good gun. Just right in every way,
smooth, well made. I hope yours is as nice. If it is, you'll be please with it.

Glad to hear you can defend yourself in Oz. I sincerely hope to never need to do it, but
am willing if necessary.

I want to see if somebody can actually cook an egg on the bonnet. I tend to doubt it
would work, but it would be interesting to try.


Trust me,it gets hot enough.I've often wondered what bonnet fried egg's taste like. Pat

12-08-2011, 09:40 PM
Hmmm...this is really good news. I had thought Oz was lost to the panty waists. Keep pushing, keep funding pro gun legislators and keep your efforts in the news.

And whatever you do, take non shooters to the range and teach them to shoot. Let them see the good people who are involved in shooting and they will change their mind. There have been some funny articles about reporters who have been asked to the range and found themselves in conversations with doctors and lawyers. It really changed their mind about just who was a shooter.

Specially when they run into a 10 year girl with her own AR-15.

12-09-2011, 09:22 AM
+1 +1 +1 for taking a NON-SHOOTER out to the range for the experience.