View Full Version : Altering a Mauser extractor

11-20-2011, 01:29 PM
Over 4 + decades of messing with Mausers I have patiently single loaded cartridges into the chamber via feeding them up out of the magazine. Supposing that even an old dog should be amenable to new tricks, what are the pros and cons of altering an extractor to allow it to snap over the rim of a cartridge single fed into the chamber? I have been hesitant to alter the shapes of the hooks for fear of compromising the utter reliability of the controlled round feed that is, to me, one of the endearing features of the 98 Mauser.

If you recommend it, can you also provide a tutorial on how to do it? (I much prefer to profit by other peoples mistakes, not my own if I can help it!)

11-20-2011, 01:40 PM
You need to remove the barrel, and make the relief at the chamber entrance.

11-20-2011, 11:47 PM

isn't there enough room now?

what I have done is just use my thumb to press mid-extractor, which "Lifts" the hook somewhat and allows it to slip over the rim.

I don't think my barrels were ever altered... but perhaps.

also, I have a gunsmith book that talks about grinding the hook down slowly, checking often and stopping when it will slip over. there was no mention of it becoming less effective at holding....

Now I'll have to dig out my books and reread them...

but again, just try the thumb pressure trick... it worked on all my Mausers. If it works no point in altering anything

11-21-2011, 01:24 AM
What I have seen in the past is the extractor claw breaking off. Just not enough clearance in there on some of them. Military stuff mainly from what I've seen.
Considering you can get extractors cheap, you don't really have much to loose by giving it a try.

11-21-2011, 11:05 AM
Thanks for the input. I think I will give it a try with a spare extractor from out of the junk box.

11-21-2011, 04:12 PM

I can take some pictures of the extractor setup like you are wanting. I also have an ejector that allows the bolt stop to work but not kick out the shell. The rifle they were in was made as a target rifle by a friend of mine with lots of experience with the mausers, sadly he left us for greener pastures some years ago (about 7 years ago). In general the hook is trimmed back to vertical and relieved to the right, new bevel face set, and re installed. The top of the extractor still grabs the rim, but not the side, Kind of a not so controlled-controlled feed.

But the easier way maybe to buy a score hi benchrest follower or similar.

The downside to the modified extractor is that it cannot be used under field conditions. It is not 100 percent reliable on extraction. Not a big deal if the rifle is setting on the bench in a rest, you just shove the rod in to knock the fired cartridge out. The modified bolt stop/ejector obviously has issues for a field use. Under bench conditions my rifle would extract and hold or drop the fired cartridge right back on top of the follower. I will even strip the next round out of magazine or feed on that is just dropped on top of the follower.

I will try to get you some pictures. Or if you want one on loan send me a pm, I may be able to dig out my original for you to test.

11-21-2011, 04:19 PM
Even better just get a Score High benchrest follower for the Mauser 98 and use that. Feeds single rounds slick, lets the extractor work as intended and nothing on the rifle gets changed. Get them from Midway, Grafs, or Brownells.

11-21-2011, 06:35 PM
waksupi: I understand now

I'll have to look more closely at mine to see how it works. I guess I'm lucky in the roominess of it.

I've looked into those Score High followers, but am not sure where to get them up here. M, G, B's don't ship up here easily.... I often use my rifles as single shots, so figured one of those would work well for me

11-21-2011, 06:41 PM
manley has it right I made one for win 70 to bench shoot with . Still works for mag feed too .
You may mess up one but if you go slow and cut from the bottom and try the round and then cut and try again you should be OK
Use a fired case and crimp a CB to set against the rifling

11-21-2011, 07:26 PM

you can likely make a benchrest follower out of hardwood. Send Ben ( yes our very own) a pm to see if he will post pictures of the ones he made long ago. You can find the old posts in the archive

Try this link for Ben's photo bucket album.


6.5 mike
11-21-2011, 07:51 PM
+1 on the high score followers, use one in a '98 chambered for 220 swift. :popcorn:

11-22-2011, 10:17 AM
waksupi: I understand now

I'll have to look more closely at mine to see how it works. I guess I'm lucky in the roominess of it.

I've looked into those Score High followers, but am not sure where to get them up here. M, G, B's don't ship up here easily.... I often use my rifles as single shots, so figured one of those would work well for me

Go to the Score High website, www.scorehi.com, and you can order directly. He will ship to Canada, just takes him a while sometimes.

11-22-2011, 01:10 PM
you can probably get a commercial extractor that will work. wouldn't bet the farm on it. I don't know how many mausers I have, but they all will push feed. some have been altered, no extraction problems. blacken the face where it contacts the rim and try to close it over the rim. look and see where it is hitting the extractor hook. it is probably hitting on the flat rather than the bevel. it doesn't take much altering. remember, you can't put it back after you take it off.

11-22-2011, 02:57 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I appreciate it. Will post my results after experimenting on the spare extractor.