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View Full Version : H&G68 casting today!

11-20-2011, 03:09 AM
Got around to casting with my favorite bullet mold today.http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/PDshooter/casting/Casting45ACP001.jpg
Walked away with about 250rds in just about 90mins. Just had to get my head clear..Looks Tobe the wife and I are headed for the big "D" after 17yrs of marriage.But when I cast and reload , I forget all the ****, for awhile.http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/PDshooter/casting/Casting45ACP002.jpg
Bought Mr H&G back in 91 for $190 I think. At the time I really thought I was paying waaaaay to much for her.....I wish I would have bought more!...

This IS a great web site!:bigsmyl2:

Dennis Eugene
11-20-2011, 01:44 PM
Nice Mold I have the same one only in 4 cav and with the plain base instead of bevel. Got mine a couple years back at a garage sale. Yours looks to have been very well cared for. looks almost new as does your lee pot, I admire some one who takes as good of care of there equipment as you obviously do. Nice pics. Dennis

11-20-2011, 04:43 PM
Yes, I take good care of her. After every casting session, I hose her down with WD-40, till she drips!

Le Loup Solitaire
11-20-2011, 04:45 PM
That is a fine mold and the bullets you casted look really good. I have a 4 holer, but the 6 cav produces a lot more and quicker. $190 in 91 wasn't bad....try to find one or one that is in such good shape 10 years later/now for that price. Check the price list at Ballisticast (which is currently producing H&G molds) to see what a new one costs. Its astounding where prices have gone to. Nice orderly casting setup you've got there. LLS

11-20-2011, 10:45 PM
Wonderful design, wonderful mold. Looks to be in near mint condition. Mine is only a 4 cav
but I chose (and prefer, slightly) the non-BB version. Take care of it and your children can
use it after you have been gone for decades.

IMO, I'd keep the WD-40 away from that mold. Other than drying our a wet distributor on
an E Jag many years ago, I have never found anything that WD-40 does worth a darn.
Poor lube oil, poor corrosion protection.

I'd never trust something that I actually cared about to WD-40 as a corrosion inhibitor unless
I lived in Phoenix!
