View Full Version : making pan lube

11-15-2011, 06:00 PM
I tried my first attemt at pan lube making yesterday and I ran into trouble that I need some advice on. I was attempting 50/50 beeswax and moly greese. I melted the beeswax in double boiler, but couldn't seem to get the greese hot enough after mixing with beeswax to get a consistancy other than "globby" do I need to add more heat or more beeswax to thin it out? Would thinning it with LLA help?

11-15-2011, 07:09 PM
I played with a bullet lube that was called "mirror lube" and tried to mirror it in consistency and performance.

2 oz High temp Lith moly grease
6 oz of beeswax
1/8 teaspoon of carnauba wax
1/2 teaspoon of Lanolin

I called it my Billy Bob clean bore lube it works but the mixing of it was tough. Heat was the trick...
Heat your grease first and add small pieces of beeswax and stir a bunch add your other stuff last so you don't burn it.

MORE BEESWAX is what you need. Cut it into pieces and add it slowly

11-15-2011, 09:02 PM
When making Mirror Lube, I put the grease into the crock pot first, got it good and hot, and then added the beeswax to it. I never had the least bit of trouble with gobs or grease that had to be beat into the mixture.

While we are on the subject of Randy Rat's mirror lube recipe, I have had reports back from our field testers (beladran and Sonnypie) that it is a somewhat smokey lube. I was thinking about a tad more carnauba wax or some 45/45/10 to firm it up a bit and raise the temp at which it starts to smoke.

Randyrat, I'm still saving my pennies for another box of beeswax, but I had to put money aside for a Christmas present I am buying from Springfield.:wink:

11-15-2011, 10:39 PM
most greases have a melt point near 350.
i mix moly in mine by softening the b-wax to a mushy stage then mix in my moly with a blender.
allowing it to mix in and be suspended.
the moly i use has high solids in it and they fall out if i melt the lube.

11-16-2011, 07:28 AM
Plow, I may have misunderstood what your asking.. Did you want that recipe thinner or thicker...
I showed you the Mirror lube recipe because, it had 3 times the beeswax as grease and was a bit hard but it did flow with some heat.

bofin, does that mean I have to change the name to smokin joe babba lube?:-P

11-16-2011, 11:14 PM
When making Mirror Lube, I put the grease into the crock pot first, got it good and hot, and then added the beeswax to it. I never had the least bit of trouble with gobs or grease that had to be beat into the mixture.

While we are on the subject of Randy Rat's mirror lube recipe, I have had reports back from our field testers (beladran and Sonnypie) that it is a somewhat smokey lube. I was thinking about a tad more carnauba wax or some 45/45/10 to firm it up a bit and raise the temp at which it starts to smoke.

Randyrat, I'm still saving my pennies for another box of beeswax, but I had to put money aside for a Christmas present I am buying from Springfield.:wink:
thinkin of a Christmas present from Springfield... A holster?

11-19-2011, 12:45 AM
thanks for the input, I threw it all in a skillet and got it good and hot and it worked much better. now it's off to the range soon to see how it works.