View Full Version : Single-set trigger…on which Highwall?

11-14-2011, 02:45 PM
Now that my dad (100-1/2) is heading downhill quickly, I'm trying to think of fun projects to occupy my mind. One is adding a single-set trigger to one of my original flat-spring Highwalls. I have all of the parts. Originally I planned to convert a .44 Mag he built from parts in the early '70s, but now that it's disassembled I see that it still has the sear, knock-off, and link he hand-filed. For sentimental reasons I think I'll keep that one the way he built it.

I have two other Highwalls, both flat-spring models so the parts will work fine:

1. Thin-side, #3 octagonal barrel, originally a shot-out .32-20, relined to .22 K-Hornet. Iron sights. Accuracy unknown—fire-formed cases, but then got the casting bug real bad and set it aside.

2. Thick-side, #3 octagonal barrel in .38-90 Winchester Express. Iron sights and Lyman tang sight. Accuracy unknown—I've been using cases formed from .405 Basic brass, mostly interested in fire-forming rather than groups. Now I have 20 CNC-turned cases. Everlasting? (At the price I sure hope so.)

Which one should I install the set-trigger on? Obviously, I can move the tang sight to the K-Hornet.



11-14-2011, 06:55 PM
Sorry to hear about your dad. Sounds like he is quite a guy. I would shoot both of the HWs and put the trigger in the one that's most accurate. (But I would lean toward the K-Hornet.)

11-14-2011, 07:00 PM
Sorry to hear about your dad Richard. I think I would give the 22 K-Hornet a go first then try the other one to see which seems more suited.
