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11-08-2011, 12:56 PM
My oldest daughter, whose name is Lily, is just 3 years old.

I open carry frequently, and I've been doing this since she was born.

Well, any time I'm not carrying or carrying concealed, she asks me "Dadda, where you gun?"

And every time I'm cleaning one or hauling them out to go shooting, she will stand a few feet from me and say "Dadda, you gun?"

Then she gets really excited when I allow her to look at them. (Keep in mind, she is NOT handling loaded guns, nor is she handling them on her own. She is ALWAYS sitting in my lap.)

Every time I let her look at one, I go over the gun safety rules with her, and tell her that when she's older, I will take her shooting with me.

She LOVES guns right now, and if she continues this, I'm gonna have me a shooting and casting partner for some time.

I tell you friends, I don't wanna rush the day, but I really look forward to when she's old enough to shoot with me.

Here she is, in all her nutty glory.


MT Gianni
11-08-2011, 01:08 PM
Looks like a lot of fun in a small bundle. Enjoy all your years with your kids.

11-08-2011, 02:32 PM
Kind of reminds me when I came back to Ne. from being stationed in Alaska. In both cases, we lived in base housing. In Alaska, I often left quarters with a 357 and a sheath knife on my belt to go hunting. Not so when I was transfered to Offutt AFB in Omaha. If I had walked out of my quarters with a revolver on my hip, in all probability, at the least I would have been subject to some form of military discipline.

Anyhow, and the reason for this response, is that when hunting season rolled around in Ne, and I headed out of quarters with a rifle in hand. My daughter (then about 8 years old), said, Dad now you look right with a rifle in your hand.
She had always been raised around guns, reloading, casting etc. She was shooting 22's when she was 5-6 years old. She was a competitive muzzle loading rifle/shotgun shooter, and still holds a state record (I think).

She married a shooter, caster, reloader, and still shoots on occaision. More importantly, she had my grand daughter who is also a shooter who took her first deer and first turkey at age 12-13. I hope you have as much pride in raising your
Lilly and I have for my daughter and grand daughter.

11-08-2011, 07:17 PM

I'm raising 2 granddaughters ,2 1/2 and 4 now ,they seem to spend my man cave time under my feet. They've bee shooting a couple of times,not to shoot but to be along.

My own kids went along on hunting trips,rabbits,ditch jumping ducks,quail etc,from the time they were big enough to make the walks. There was a running thing between the 4 of them over who got my rifle and my Grampas 38 . I fixed that when I told them I planned on just handing them off to my greats personally.

Enjoy her every day you can get her in the field the days will be too few and too short..........

11-08-2011, 08:18 PM
Which one is the 3 year old?

11-08-2011, 08:57 PM
Enjoy it while you can. It goes by so fast. My grandson is 2 and lives next door so he keeps me from having empty nest syndrome. Love it. That girl looks like a keeper alright.

The Dove
11-08-2011, 09:48 PM
Good pic amigo.... Enjoy every minute!!!

The Dove

11-08-2011, 10:24 PM
My oldest daughter, whose name is Lily, is just 3 years old.

I open carry frequently, and I've been doing this since she was born.

Well, any time I'm not carrying or carrying concealed, she asks me "Dadda, where you gun?"

And every time I'm cleaning one or hauling them out to go shooting, she will stand a few feet from me and say "Dadda, you gun?"

Then she gets really excited when I allow her to look at them. (Keep in mind, she is NOT handling loaded guns, nor is she handling them on her own. She is ALWAYS sitting in my lap.)

Every time I let her look at one, I go over the gun safety rules with her, and tell her that when she's older, I will take her shooting with me.

She LOVES guns right now, and if she continues this, I'm gonna have me a shooting and casting partner for some time.

I tell you friends, I don't wanna rush the day, but I really look forward to when she's old enough to shoot with me.

Here she is, in all her nutty glory.


#1. She has clued in Dad and gun= a normal picture. Nothing bad there.

#2. Never too early to start. I applaud you.

#3. The most important! My Da and I have connected so much over the past year with my intrest in Cast that I often wish I had gotten bit sooner. That said, I have a 4 y/o I have to run off every time I light the pot! Can't wait to get him started. ;-)