View Full Version : Case Lube, Lanolin?

11-07-2011, 05:36 PM
Anyone try this for case lube or have a recipe for it?

11-07-2011, 05:47 PM
Yup, liquid lanolin and anhydrous isopropyl alcohol. Works good and goes a long way.

11-07-2011, 05:47 PM

In case you are not sure what I meant.

It has been highly recommended for around 100 years.
It is an excellent lube.
Hundreds of thousands if not millions of reloaders use it.
There are at least a half dozen commercial versions of it available over the counter. Cabella's for one.

Most of the commercial versions are diluted with alcohol and applied by a spray pump bottle.
It is very quick and easy to apply.

Then the fun starts.

After it is applied and the alcohol has evaporated it is like GLUE. It is thick. It is stickey. It is nasty. It is almost impossible to remove.

If you want something really good, really cheap, really easy to use, really easy to remove, try Imperial sizing wax - Hornady has a similar product that is just as good and comes in a larger tub for about the same price.

Now I am going to set back and watch the fireworks.

I know this is going to cause a storm.

11-07-2011, 06:03 PM
My wife had plenty of "expired" tubes or the stuff laying around after our second. I don't think I'll ever have to buy any of the "real" stuff.:bigsmyl2:

11-07-2011, 06:04 PM
Now I am going to set back and watch the fireworks. I know this is going to cause a storm.

Not from me except you forgot to mention the cost, Lanolin is pricey.

If you want something really good, really cheap, really easy to use, really easy to remove, try Imperial sizing wax - Hornady has a similar product that is just as good and comes in a larger tub for about the same price.

I use the Hornady stuff, it's called Unique and comes in a small tub. Just a very little on the tips of your fingers is all it takes while handling the brass. Plus it wipes right off. I also use it when sizing bullets with no lube, just a bit on the finger tips while handling them to drop in the sizer die.

Another big plus . . . That little Hornady tub is nearly a lifetime supply unless your just using too much.


11-07-2011, 06:28 PM
When I first started reloading in the early 70's an old timer told me that the old lanolin based hair tonics were commonly used for case lube. If I remember correctly the best for a case lube was named Vitalis. There was another brand that worked well and came in a pump sprayer but I just can't recall the name.

11-07-2011, 06:51 PM
Don't know if you can still get it but, I had gotten 2 tubs of Bull Size sometime ago and used it for the first time this weekend, schooling my father in reloading 101, and I must say it was a pleasure to use. Didn't have any problems with it at all. I assume it is close to imperial sizing wax. I have used the Lee sizing lube and it is also good. I apply it with my fingers and usually do 3-4 cases before I have to put anymore on my fingers. I have used the RCBS Case Lube #2 with the lube pad, but i noticed that I had a tendency to use to much as it is very thick and would end up denting the shoulder of my cases. Just my 2 cents worth.


11-07-2011, 06:57 PM
If you use Alcohol and lanolin as a case lube it should be the 90+% and don't use so much of it and it won't get sticky. Cold temp it will get sticky........ I added a little Vaseline and lanolin and it worked better. Use it carefully and it last forever.

zomby woof
11-07-2011, 07:11 PM
I thin my Lanolin with lots of alcohol. It works great as a case and boolit lube. I use a solution of Dawn dish soap and water to clean the brass. You can always tumble it too.

11-07-2011, 07:14 PM
I like the Hornady Unique stuff. Works well, not sticky, comes off the hands easily.

11-07-2011, 07:16 PM
I mix Lanolin with Castor Oil and use it to swage 9mm lead cores & cases into .40 S&W bullets. According to BTSniper on the swaging thread, it works good as a case lube, so I tried it and used very lightly, it is great. I have also had good luck for years with Lee Lube. I don't notice any buildup with either if you use it lightly. Keep it off the shoulders or it will dent them.

11-07-2011, 07:17 PM
Folks I just go cheap because I am cheap, Baby oil. A Couple of drops (well maybe more like 6) on my ink pad and roll them on it and it's good for at least 100 case. It cost me $1 about 10yrs ago and I still have over half a bottle left. Told you I was a cheap ole cuss. Not all that hard to take off in the tumbler either.

John Boy
11-07-2011, 07:34 PM
Bag Balm ...http://www.gemplers.com/img/tin-bag-balm-B105.jpg
FORMULA: 0.3% Hydroxyquinoline Sulfate in a Petrolatum- Lanolin Base
8 bucks for a 10 oz can at the drug store

11-07-2011, 07:45 PM
Is Vitalis still available? My Grandfather used to use it when he combed his hair, it would be nice just to have a bottle of it around.

11-07-2011, 08:24 PM
I mix Lanolin with Castor Oil and use it to swage 9mm lead cores & cases into .40 S&W bullets. According to BTSniper on the swaging thread, it works good as a case lube, so I tried it and used very lightly, it is great. I have also had good luck for years with Lee Lube. I don't notice any buildup with either if you use it lightly. Keep it off the shoulders or it will dent them.

I blend Lanolin with Neatsfoot oil in a 80/20 mix for swaging brass Jacketed bullets.
BT recomended Castor Oil...But I had a vintage gallon can nearly of neatsfoot oil, so that's what I use.

Le Loup Solitaire
11-07-2011, 08:55 PM
It works very well as long as you do not use too much of it on any one case. Its also messy if you apply it by finger rubbing it on; just touching it can do 5-6 cases. Another way to apply it is to use a case lube pad or an un-inked office ink pad. A dab spread out on the pad will lube a great number of cases if they are simply rolled on the pad. The lanolin lube must then be cleaned off of the sized case, but alcohol or some other solvent will do the job. I bought a pound of Anhydrous Lanolin around thirty years ago and still have most of it so I guess that you could say that a little goes a long way. It used to be reasonably priced, but since I have not had to buy any in such a long time I don't know what it costs nowadays. LLS

11-07-2011, 08:56 PM
I use the Hornady stuff, it's called Unique and comes in a small tub. Just a very little on the tips of your fingers is all it takes while handling the brass. Plus it wipes right off. I also use it when sizing bullets with no lube, just a bit on the finger tips while handling them to drop in the sizer die.

Another big plus . . . That little Hornady tub is nearly a lifetime supply unless your just using too much.


Ditto on every word of that. Except, The only way you could use up one tub of the Hornady wax in a single lifetime is to wax your car with it.

11-07-2011, 09:23 PM
Since I have psoriasi the pound of it I brought is mostly used on my hands anyway. Since I was useing the finger approach to the lee case lube and read that people put it in the case lube I think I will try it straight. Besides it is the only think I know of that also makes my hands feel good and not dry out.

I will test it on .223 brass first since it is free and plentiful at most ranges.

If you use Alcohol and lanolin as a case lube it should be the 90+% and don't use so much of it and it won't get sticky. Cold temp it will get sticky........ I added a little Vaseline and lanolin and it worked better. Use it carefully and it last forever.

Lee W
11-07-2011, 09:45 PM
I use this with 90% alcohol. I use 2 16oz bottles of alcohol per 4 oz of lanolin.


11-07-2011, 10:06 PM
I use this with 90% alcohol. I use 2 16oz bottles of alcohol per 4 oz of lanolin.


This is really similar to what Dillons case lube is. I always wondered if I could make my own. Thanks!!!

11-07-2011, 10:33 PM
I use this with 90% alcohol. I use 2 16oz bottles of alcohol per 4 oz of lanolin.


Same exact stuff I use except that I use 1oz per 16oz of 99% anhydrous isopropyl alcohol.

Have you had any problems with separation? Mine is still perfectly mixed.

A buddy of mine cringes every time I tell him what I use for case lube. He says he can't stand the smell of "sheep sweat". :D

11-07-2011, 11:14 PM
I use lanolin and isopropyl alcohol and run it through my Dillon 650, have not have one stuck case or any problems with too much lube, just use a pump sprayer, let it dry, throw in hopper of Dillon and start loading, have loaded thousands of rounds and no problem.

11-07-2011, 11:34 PM
I use Kiwi brand Mink Oil.

Castor oil makes a good case lube, and I think it can be diluted with denatured alcohol so it could be used for a spray lube.

Hypoid gear oil also might be worth a try.

11-07-2011, 11:36 PM
I have to +1 the Bag Balm suggestion.

I have used it on the Ranch a for a number of years. I have used it on chapped lips, on dry chapped hands, on animals, and on healing wounds, and most recently as a case lube.



Bag Balm is a wonder. It isn't a soap, it's Hydroxy Quinoline Sulfate, in a Petrolatum Lanolin base.

It doesn't corrode brass, and I haven't had a case stick while using it yet.

One can will last you for a long long time, and it's even green, so it won't clash with your RCBS equipment.

It also keeps your hands soft and nice while you are lubing cases. (as well as your udders) I read about using Bag Balm for a case lube as a tip here on Cast Boolits a while back. Since I already had some on hand, and I use it for so many other things, I just had to give it a cautious try. I found out that I like using it quite a bit as a case lube.

I also use baby oil, if i need a mineral spirit based solvent since it smells nice.

Sometimes I will use a few drops of baby oil on a paper towel to remove Allox of a boolit, or to remove other crud off of brass.

- Bullwolf

Lloyd Smale
11-08-2011, 07:04 AM
Ive used lanolin for a few years now for case lube and have found nothing better. If your having problems getting it off the case your using way to much. What i do is put my cases in a carboard box and put a peanut sized dab in the palm of my hand and rub it between my hands and then stick my hands in the box and work it into the cases. If im only loading 20 or so i just rub them between my hand as im loading. It only takes a very small coating for it to work and if you use to much you will get dents and it will be hard to take off in the tumbler. I bought a big tub of it for 30 bucks on ebay and have been using it for case lube and felix lube for about 5 years now and theres probably enough left for 10 more years so it sure isnt expensive. If your making bullet lube make sure you get anhydrous lanolin. the first time i made felix lube i used the water based stuff and it dried up in a few months and fell off the bullets.

11-08-2011, 09:40 AM
Cabelas spray lube is lanolin & alcohol. Even says lanolin on the bottle. Believe it's similar to Dillon spray lube. Been using it for a couple of years now. No bad fumes to smell. Make sure to shake the bottle as you can see the lanolin on the bottom.

http://www.cabelas.com/product/Cabelas-Case-Spray-Lubricant/1187345.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3D searchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProduc ts%26Ntt%3Dcase%2Blubricant%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BS earch-All%2BProducts&Ntt=case+lubricant&WTz_l=Header%3BSearch-All+Products

11-08-2011, 01:11 PM
I went to the link, their product has all bad reviews.

Cabelas spray lube is lanolin & alcohol. Even says lanolin on the bottle. Believe it's similar to Dillon spray lube. Been using it for a couple of years now. No bad fumes to smell. Make sure to shake the bottle as you can see the lanolin on the bottom.

http://www.cabelas.com/product/Cabelas-Case-Spray-Lubricant/1187345.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3D searchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProduc ts%26Ntt%3Dcase%2Blubricant%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BS earch-All%2BProducts&Ntt=case+lubricant&WTz_l=Header%3BSearch-All+Products

11-08-2011, 01:43 PM
I went to the link, their product has all bad reviews.
Good point but I wouldn't necessarily pass on a product over 3 reviews. I read them and they all look like inexperienced reloaders. Buildup at the shoulder??? Sounds like they sprayed too much on it. That happens with RCBS Case Slick. Earwax??? My god, how much did they spray on it? Where did the yellow come from as the lanolin at the bottom of the bottle is white. I was actually worried the first time I used it that there wasn't enough lanolin in it, didn't feel oily enough. It's the same makeup as everyone on this post was talking about. Alcohol & Lanolin. Didn't read in the reviews anyone shook it up. If they didn't all the lanolin is at the bottom. You can see it if you don't shake it. The one guy may have been sizing with the alcohol part w/o the lanolin.

Funny the stuff's been out for years but only has 3 reviews all within 3 months of each other (2, 3 days apart) this year. Maybe it's the same person upset for some reason.

I've sized thousands of 223 & 308 shells as well as hundreds of 300 win mag and no stuck shells and no excessive buildup. A friend of mine is also using it. Also, from what I've read in the past, the Cabelas stuff is almost identical to Dillon's if not the same. Cabelas used to sell the Dillon but could never keep it in stock. That's when they came up with their own. The only reason I use the stuff is it's easy to get, no fumes and works fine. I also like the Hornady aresol (not the environmental stuff) but if the can stops working there's $8 wasted. The pump stuff can transfer to another bottle what you can't get out. Case slick is good also but like the Hornady, has fumes.

Simple, if you don't like it based on 3 reviews, don't take a chance on using it but then don't try mixing alcohol & lanolin as it's the same thing. JMHO

Additional: Just shook up my bottle and within 15 min the lanolin begins to settle to the bottom so it's necessary to shake the bottle just before using it every time.

John Boy
11-08-2011, 02:04 PM
I use this with 90% alcohol.
Be sure to check the insides of your for rust using the 90% Isopropanol. 99% is better if you can find it. I asked the pharmacy to order me some and said No. Too many druggies would drink it

11-08-2011, 03:44 PM
HEET brand gas line antifreeze in the red bottle is 99% isopropyl alcohol.

11-08-2011, 04:50 PM
I went to the link, their product has all bad reviews.

I've used the Cabela's spray lube before. It works great. The reviewers must not know what they are doing. You spray it on *lightly* then wait for the alcohol to evaporate before you try resizing.

Be sure to check the insides of your for rust using the 90% Isopropanol. 99% is better if you can find it. I asked the pharmacy to order me some and said No. Too many druggies would drink it

HEET brand gas line antifreeze in the red bottle is 99% isopropyl alcohol.

I think 99% ethanol (denatured alcohol or shellac thinner) will work just as well as isopropyl.

11-09-2011, 11:21 AM
Plus one on the Imperial Sizing Wax. I bought a little can from the guy who "invented" it, like 20 years ago. I don't think I'll ever use it all. I don't know why guys would fool with anything else. It't even cheap. I always thought it was some kind of shoe polish, myself. enjoy Mike

11-09-2011, 12:06 PM
and it's even green, so it won't clash with your RCBS equipment.

Now that right there is More than Enough reason to have it on the reloadin bench. :bigsmyl2:
You had me LOL with that one!

I use C-H Die lubricant. (Thick, brown, oily, old...)
More recently I tried some RCBS case lube.
Both worked great for me. But the RCBS is water based.... Slickery though.

Some of you guys must go through a bajillian cases! :shock:
Or you use W-A-Y too much case lube! (Obviously with you case-denters!)
I roll mine, no spray. I know, I know... I'm "Old Fashioned".

11-10-2011, 07:26 PM
I used RCBS lube on the pad for awhile. Got so much on my hands I didn't have to use the pad after a couple of cases. I finally got tired of the mess and bought a tin of Imperial wax. Works like a charm.

11-10-2011, 08:50 PM
RCBS Case Lube II will rust the inside of your dies and corrode cases left in storage unless you clean them with petroleum solvent. Water and bare metal are a bad combination.


11-10-2011, 09:14 PM
The only way you could use up one tub of the Hornady wax in a single lifetime is to wax your car with it.

i couldnt resist the humor lolz

unless you also make boolit lube with it ( shhhhh..... ;) )

11-10-2011, 11:01 PM
RCBS Case Lube II will rust the inside of your dies and corrode cases left in storage unless you clean them with petroleum solvent. Water and bare metal are a bad combination.


Where does the water come from??

I went to the shop to check the bottle of lube and all it says is "water soluble". I checked the last size die I used with the RCBS lube and the inside surface was OK.

I'll check all my dies tomorrow and clean them just in case but I don't think I have a problem.

11-10-2011, 11:19 PM
RCBS Case Lube II will rust the inside of your dies and corrode cases left in storage unless you clean them with petroleum solvent. Water and bare metal are a bad combination. Gear

I'm with alamogunr on this one. I used the RCBS stuff for many years and never found rust inside a single die. I only switched to Hornady Unique because the pad isn't needed, just a very little on the finger tips as you handle the brass is plenty.


11-11-2011, 12:21 PM
I use Kiwi brand Mink Oil.

Castor oil makes a good case lube, and I think it can be diluted with denatured alcohol so it could be used for a spray lube.

Hypoid gear oil also might be worth a try.

+1 on the mink oil. Been using it for a few years and it works really well. Just a little on the tips of your fingers like the sizing wax :popcorn: