View Full Version : Diagnosis Confirmed: Marlinitus

11-04-2011, 03:59 PM
I just picked up my second Marlin and I think I'm hooked. I even called a bunch of pawn shops and gun stores around town asking if they have any Marlins for sale.

Here is the latest and the one gun I had to have for no other reason than I WANTED it.

1895G Guide Gun 45/70 Manufactured in 2000. Looks almost new. Can't imagine it has had many rounds down the pipe.






Any suggestions for factory ammo so I can build up my brass supply. I see a lot of folks enjoy loading 45/70 and I hope to be among y'all soon.

11-04-2011, 11:10 PM
Why not just buy some Starline brass,works for me.

11-05-2011, 12:20 AM
Remington 405 grain softpoint

Canuck Bob
11-05-2011, 12:42 AM
There is a therapy for Marlinitis. Buy a Winchester every two Marlins. Nice rifle.

11-05-2011, 11:20 AM
You need to be very careful, I was a bolt guy growing up and about 1990 one of those snuck in the house. Then all of a sudden more started sneeking in. Then they wanted to only be together, then I had to buy them there own house. Then there were more sneeking in, be very careful, be very careful! Gtek

Matthew 25
11-05-2011, 11:46 AM
Nice find. When you're playing with different ammo, just remember the gun is capable of 1 MOA with stock sights. One good thing about the 45-70 is it can group fairly well with almost anything.
I second what Gtek said, levers sneaky critters.

11-05-2011, 12:16 PM
There is a therapy for Marlinitis. Buy a Winchester every two Marlins. Nice rifle.

See, that never worked for me. I bought the Winchester, then went back to Marlins exclusively and traded the Winchester!

I did let an Uberti 1860 toggle-link slip in, though, and it may bring some friends.


Canuck Bob
11-05-2011, 06:12 PM
See, that never worked for me. I bought the Winchester, then went back to Marlins exclusively and traded the Winchester!

I did let an Uberti 1860 toggle-link slip in, though, and it may bring some friends.


Got to agree. My last rifle was a pre-64 94 in 32 Special. A fine rifle with a deep heritage. But as an in the field working gun I have to give the Marlin a thumbs up. My hunting rifle for many years remains a 444.

I saw a picture of an 1873 Uberti in 22 and it sure called out to me! Them toggles are nice!

Centaur 1
11-05-2011, 10:44 PM
You need to be very careful, I was a bolt guy growing up and about 1990 one of those snuck in the house. Then all of a sudden more started sneeking in. Then they wanted to only be together, then I had to buy them there own house. Then there were more sneeking in, be very careful, be very careful! Gtek

Gtek, I think that we need to start a Marlinitis support group. We can meet at Titusville Rifle and Pistol Club every other Wednesday at 10am. :bigsmyl2:

11-06-2011, 12:31 AM
When you are buying factory ammo, don't forget that the Leverevolution brass is shorter than most 45/70 brass.

11-06-2011, 01:23 PM
Centaur 1- How about after hunting season ( Wife, Work, Hunting) I have that in the right order in in case she is looking. Sure, and at Malabar? Gtek

11-06-2011, 01:40 PM
Got to agree. My last rifle was a pre-64 94 in 32 Special. A fine rifle with a deep heritage. But as an in the field working gun I have to give the Marlin a thumbs up. My hunting rifle for many years remains a 444.

I saw a picture of an 1873 Uberti in 22 and it sure called out to me! Them toggles are nice!

This one's really fun, I made a new buttstock for it since I wanted darker wood and some checkering. .45 Colt, you really can load it on Sunday and shoot it all week! Straight shooter, too.

I have to admit, though, that nothing beats a Marlin carbine for sneaking around in the woods after whitetail.... and when your eyes start to give out it's easy to put a scope or red dot on it.


11-06-2011, 02:18 PM
That is a very special chunk of wood on that toggle gun. Unlike you folks I am not hooked on Marlins as I only have a 30-30CB, a 38-55CB, a 35 Remington and a 32-20. I were to buy another one I likely would go over the edge. A 39 22 does kind of call to me. I did trade off a Rossi 357 to get the 35 Remington. Do kind of think I will miss the 357. Oh well


12-03-2011, 07:14 PM
I am sure you're already acquainted with the Marlin owners website... it's truly "everything Marlin"

Welcome to the Marlin asylum.
I've run out of room in the safe.

12-03-2011, 09:28 PM
Your Guide Gun bears a striking resemblence to my first Marlin. RP 405 factory ammo will serve you well until you decide to load for it. My handload is only a little warmer. These GG's are oddly accurate, more than a few bolt guns can't keep up with it. You've done well but if you don't agree I'm sure someone around here will dispose of it for you. [smilie=l: