View Full Version : Bench time, during crysis at home....

11-02-2011, 07:42 PM
Well things are heading south between my wife and I...:-( Lost 12LBS the last 3weeks....Really feel sorry for are 2 children ages 15-16, and our marriage of 17yrs...
But the good news is that I finally got alittle bench time in and sized 100rds of my favorite C/B H&G68 a mold I bought back in 91http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/PDshooter/casting/BulletMold.jpg
I thought at the time I was nuts to spend $180 for a mold......
Just nice to do what I like to do, and R E S T the mind and not try to predict the future....:drinks:

Jack Stanley
11-02-2011, 10:16 PM
Just call it casting therapy and in some cases it works better than a doctor . I'm sorry to hear the family is having a rough time I pray things get better for all of you .

I spent what seemed a lot of money back when I bought my molds but they have been well worth it .


11-03-2011, 09:46 AM
How many times have we spent, what initially seemed like too much money for something, and later said - wish I hadn't spent that much. Not very often. Buy the best you can afford. I know I've rarely regretted it.... Mike

old turtle
11-03-2011, 10:04 AM
i have found that shooting (I like to shoot off hand) and casting to be very relaxing. You must concentrate and it helps make the troubles go away for a period of time and that results in sometimes seeing things differently. Over the years my wife an I have had our ups and downs. Some good days, some bad days. Just so the good outweighs the bad, hang in there. Things have worked out and we have been married for 47 years. I hope things work out for you, your wife and children.

11-03-2011, 10:05 AM
Hang in there. Two wives have come and gone and the constancy of bullet casting and gunning in general got me through it both times.

Good molds are worth every penny of what they cost. I spent a small fortune back in the very early 80's on a few custom molds, guided by the likes of Ed Harris, Syd Musselman, Frank Marshall, et al, in those early years of the CBA. Wife #1 had a fit when she found out how much money I spent. She's gone, but the molds are still here. What does that tell you?

11-03-2011, 10:24 AM
I went through a hard time after my first divorce. From experience I can tell you that the best thing to do is to stay busy at something, especially something you enjoy. The less time spent sitting around thinking, the better off you'll be.

Someone once said that adversity is the fire that tempers the steel in men. It's true. In time you will be even stronger than you were before things went south.

mold maker
11-03-2011, 10:58 AM
I can't personally relate to seperation or divorce, but casting and shooting have been good theropy for everything stressful in my life.
PD Shooter, good luck with what ever comes your way.

11-03-2011, 11:32 AM
Hang tough and keep your cool!

Idaho Sharpshooter
11-03-2011, 12:51 PM
Sad to hear. Nothing is better than a good marriage, nothing is worse than a bad one.

We will pray for God's grace and healing for you all.


11-05-2011, 12:05 AM
Tough times bring out the best in all of us. Prayers are offered for you and your family.

11-05-2011, 11:44 AM
This old bachelor doesn't have any helpful experience with marriage or divorce but I'm hoping and praying for the best for you and your family. It's remarkable how time spent casting or loading helps me think more clearly afterwards. I bought most of my casting gear before my dad died and it sat in boxes for nearly two years while I administered his estate. I simply didn't have the time to learn a new hobby. I did a tiny bit of loading during those years and it was helpful.
Quite an attractive mould, BTW. Looks like she'll get you through good times and difficult ones as well.

11-05-2011, 03:23 PM
That's a beauty od a mold PDShooter. I love that boolit also!

My wife of 22 years walked off a few years back. I lost lots of weight! I know what walking around feeling like you were kicked in the belly feels like.

I was lucky to have a great friend that helped me stay busy. We cast, loaded and shot a lot!

If you need to talk or anything get ahold of me. If you get too squirly contact somebody trained to help.

11-05-2011, 04:04 PM
Thank you for all our support........Seeing a marriage con, , but I'm the only one going...She wants out after 17yrs.....Will try to make the best of it till kids graduate from H.S in 2yrs....She can't afford the house on her own.....

Canuck Bob
11-05-2011, 06:03 PM
It is just a plain crappy time for you. Your showing your real backbone by focusing on the kids. Your a decent man and should be proud of yourself.

I use these gun forums to help me deal with cancer and worrying about my family. We might argue about gun stuff but I find real support from like minded folks.

11-06-2011, 09:04 PM
Don't give up either. I stayed in prayer for 8 months and kept being civil even after being kicked out. Helped when the computer broke and she needed help, etc. Finally, one day she showed up on my doorstep wanting to talk. Just make sure you don't push and let the man upstairs change her heart. ;) Sorry if my religion offends, but it got me through...

11-06-2011, 11:49 PM
Best of luck to the personal issues, they can certainly weigh heavily on a person.

let the casting, loading and shooting take some of the burden off of your brow.

11-07-2011, 07:56 AM
Life's a bitch until you divorce one!

11-07-2011, 10:34 PM
Don't give up either. I stayed in prayer for 8 months and kept being civil even after being kicked out. Helped when the computer broke and she needed help, etc. Finally, one day she showed up on my doorstep wanting to talk. Just make sure you don't push and let the man upstairs change her heart. ;) Sorry if my religion offends, but it got me through...

Thank you.......Your sooooo wright........I concur!

11-08-2011, 11:52 AM
Well things are heading south between my wife and I...:-( Lost 12LBS the last 3weeks....Really feel sorry for are 2 children ages 15-16, and our marriage of 17yrs...
But the good news is that I finally got alittle bench time in and sized 100rds of my favorite C/B H&G68 a mold I bought back in 91http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v292/PDshooter/casting/BulletMold.jpg
I thought at the time I was nuts to spend $180 for a mold......
Just nice to do what I like to do, and R E S T the mind and not try to predict the future....:drinks:

I'd sure like to have about 500 of those....

Wayne Smith
11-08-2011, 12:48 PM
Yes, it takes at least two to make a marriage work. One can hold the family together until the other makes up their mind, however. Congratulations for accomplishing that! Until the kids get out of college, if they go there, they will need a bedroom in the summer at least. If your wife can't support herself she can't support them.

"At least two" means that the Holy Spirit in both of us helps. It's still hard work with His help.

11-08-2011, 01:01 PM
I am divorced once, about 20 years ago, best thing I ever did. Now I am married again with 2 kids. Things are up and down with us now, money is tight and she worries too much in my opinion. I have learend to just not take it too personal, people think how they want to and usually you can't change their minds. What you can do is stay friendly and helpful as much as you can and don't try to force things. If they really want to go they will, but don't force them out due to your pride or stubbornness. I hate to sound sexist but most women don't think the way most men do. I have a difficult time to not try and change her mind using logic, but she bases WAY too much of her decisions based on emotion. So I try and act accordingly. She doesn't make sense(to me) but that is just how it is, so I deal with it. Just remember it takes TWO people to make a marriage, and if you are the only one trying it will never work.

11-08-2011, 04:00 PM
+1 Springfield, I would add do the right thing because its the right thing to do. Give her space, act civil and with kindness, let her know you care and pray it saved my mariage, 4 times in the early years now my marriage is the best ever. I dot want to offend anyone with my religon but without God I would not still be married. I pray you and yours find peace and comfort. You still have time, use those ears. with kindest regards. Wendell

11-10-2011, 11:41 AM
Oh, well thanks for all the advice ......
Wife said to me this morning she file for divorce 1st of the year! After the holidays ......I got to give her credit, at least she up front and honest about her intentions:holysheep

mold maker
11-10-2011, 12:43 PM
All the above is good advice.
You've got the rest of your life to live with the outcome. Don't let quick decisions cause hard feelings. God has a way of letting us find the right way, in his time, and with his mercy.
When we ask the wrong question, God isn't saying "NO", he is allowing us to rethink what we want.

Ed in North Texas
11-10-2011, 08:51 PM
Oh, well thanks for all the advice ......
Wife said to me this morning she file for divorce 1st of the year! After the holidays ......I got to give her credit, at least she up front and honest about her intentions:holysheep

If there isn't much chance of changing her mind (I know I can't change my wife's mind, and I've been trying for 44 years), my best advice at that point is don't fail to find a good divorce attorney. Husbands without an attorney are made ex-husbands with all the bills, large support payments, no house and little else.

I didn't like writing that, but I've seen too many fail to protect themselves and get the short end of the stick.

Good luck and God Bless.


11-11-2011, 05:50 PM
well that sux....+1 Ed

Chris Smith
11-13-2011, 09:45 AM
I caught my wife of 4 and a half months (yep you read that right) in bed with her 18 year old son. She said that was showing affection, I corrected her as it's incest. Cost me a bit of money for a lawyer but I am free of that problem and have been for about 18 months. Life does hit you in the head sometimes. It's tough sometimes but just keep up the happy thoughts and in dire emergency attend a gun show with lots of cash.

11-15-2011, 07:31 PM
Life is too short to be miserable, and there are plenty of awesome women out there looking for a great hearted fellow. The kids are your priority now keep your focus on whats best for them.

I got married to my HS sweetheart, we had our daughter the following year and were split up a few months later. I got custody and lived at home with a lot of help, I managed. I prayed till my knees were bruised, and all asked was for someone to love me back as much as I loved them. I nailed down a job and am still working there 28yrs later. My deal was that while I lived at home I picked up the bills. My ex's best friend almost moved in with us to help care for the baby, and we started casually dating. It was rough, but 4 yrs later I married her, the sweetest thing I ever met and we're still as strong now as we were then. She is an inspiration to me every morning when I wake up.

Hang tough, and pray hard, God will see you through. Don't overlook the obvious, as sometimes it is staring you in the face.

Good luck.

11-15-2011, 08:52 PM
Old Turtle said:
i have found that shooting (I like to shoot off hand) and casting to be very relaxing. You must concentrate and it helps make the troubles go away for a period of time and that results in sometimes seeing things differently.

And I agree, I go out for "Recoil Therapy" sometimes.

11-16-2011, 04:25 PM
All above is great advice and trust me it is much better than how I handled it. I had been diagnosed with ms for 6 months when My wife left me. Due to the ms I lost my job then my house and the losing her was bad but what killed me was she took my son. To make a very ugly long story short After losing everything and I mean everything I crawled in a bottle and could careless about anything. But lucky for me someone took a interest in me and to be honest I still don't know why. But she basically saved my life she pulled me out of a bottle and gave me some self worth. I was able to return to work and she marrried me. That was 6 years ago. So as the old saying goes do as I say not as I do. I lost a bunch of time feeling sorry for myself and trying to drink myself into oblivion. Shooting is a much healthier and more productive way to deal with it and shooting still gets me through the hard times and of course I have the the Angel that was sent to me to get me thru what shooting can't. You will make it thru this and there is a angel meant for you as well. You also have this site that you can come and talk anytime of the day and believe me that will be a big help and I promise booze ain't gonna help a dam thing

11-16-2011, 06:05 PM
Wasn't married, but went through a bad split, and the shooting is also what got me through. It was the only thing that allowed me to completely clear my mind and fully concentrate on my task. You'll make it through, but just dont allow yourself to give up during the rough times.

11-16-2011, 08:13 PM

Best of luck w/the attys, they held things up longer than my ex did . We split after 20 yr and raising 4 kids. I stayed as long as I could take being there w/ her . When the day came it came w/a fury,no fighting just so long pick up your stuff drop of your keys. Funny thing is the exs sister invites me every year for the holidays new Mrs her kids too,always punctuated w/"and your ex isn't invited". She was a gem, she used the kids then and uses them now. I know the grind you will face and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers . Burning powder helps more when you cans share it w/the kids and the pick you up dust you off put a boot in your pants seat friends.

Keep your tools ,guns ,truck,and dog. The house well it won't be right anyway.

11-26-2011, 04:09 AM
Hang tough and keep your cool!

I concur........1ST Shirt:bigsmyl2:!

11-26-2011, 10:04 AM
If there isn't much chance of changing her mind (I know I can't change my wife's mind, and I've been trying for 44 years), my best advice at that point is don't fail to find a good divorce attorney. Husbands without an attorney are made ex-husbands with all the bills, large support payments, no house and little else.

I didn't like writing that, but I've seen too many fail to protect themselves and get the short end of the stick.

Good luck and God Bless.


This is solid advice. There is nothing wrong with an amicable divorce, but it is a lot easier to be amicable if your interests are protected.

01-16-2012, 11:49 AM
Don't give up either. I stayed in prayer for 8 months and kept being civil even after being kicked out. Helped when the computer broke and she needed help, etc. Finally, one day she showed up on my doorstep wanting to talk. Just make sure you don't push and let the man upstairs change her heart. ;) Sorry if my religion offends, but it got me through...

Good news..........[smilie=w:
My wife doesn't want a divorce.....Wants to work things out.....I did alot of praying we been going back to church as a family again......

01-16-2012, 11:58 AM
Congrats,good to hear you were able to work it out .

01-16-2012, 02:09 PM
Faith certainly helps in these times!

I have found in the last 20 or so years that women in my country(Canada) are becomming more and more independant.
That seems good in our politically correct society, but creates a new kind of attitude in the newer generations.

Women dont "need" men like they used to, so they treat them as much more disposable.
This destroys the fabric and moral fiber of family life unfortunately!

This break down isnt "ALL" thier fault, but the stats/percentages speak for themselves. I was never able to find a good dedicated family type lady (that was interested in me) in forty years of life. But I met a Phillippina lady here through a friend of mine.
It is truly unbelievable to witness a true hearted, old fasioned family person like her! The old high value, family structure is still alive in some cultures!
We are now very happily married, and have one boy.

It is soooooo easy to give yourself to someone who so wholeheartedly gives themselves to you!

Lets hope that the feminism movement etc. Doesnt go much further!
They are already becomming much "more EQUAL" than men are.(so to speak)

Balance is what we all need in life and living.
Take care guys, keep casting and shooting! Its great theropy!

01-17-2012, 01:43 AM
We have a God of Reconciliation. I will pray that both of you listen to him. Been there and done that. It is a tough time, but remember God's character as you go through this time.

lead chucker
01-17-2012, 02:21 AM
When things go south spend time with your good friends and go shooting with them that's good therapy.

El Bango
01-22-2012, 12:24 AM
Sorry Amigo,I offer my prayers for you and yours,Michael

01-22-2012, 07:42 AM
Sorry Amigo,I offer my prayers for you and yours,Michael

Yeah, here's his latest SITREP:
Good news..........[smilie=w:
My wife doesn't want a divorce.....Wants to work things out.....I did alot of praying we been going back to church as a family again......

Just figured you missed it.

03-17-2012, 02:07 AM
Best wishes!!!

03-18-2012, 05:27 PM
I wish you all the best!

I am presently dealing with a very stressful situation!

I have had a bad spot on my forehead that the doctors have repeatedly told me was psoraiasis (for 3 years)! I finally got my doctor to refer me to a specialist last week.
As soon as I walked into his office (even before he said "HI"), he said "I am cutting that thing out!"
He removed a 1-1.25" wide, by 2.5" teardrop shaped section!
Now not only do I have a permanant scar, but my left half of my face above my eye is now out of proportion! AND he said its Cancerous for sure! We just have to wait to find out what kind/severity it is!
I have had it for this long and now its bad?! I hope this didnt allow it to spread beyond this spot!!!

I should find out within this week.

Talk about an uncertain emotion! The test could come back saying its a minor cancerous leasion(removing it would have solved that), or the opposite.

Now I am gettimg a rash that seems to be spreading around my left eye, and the back of my hands. Talk about stressful!
Sorry guys, I dont mean to whine!

03-18-2012, 10:36 PM
Dthunter and PDShooter: I will keep both of you in my prayers, and expect good news from you also Dt.

03-18-2012, 11:17 PM

Gobless you too!

And besides, I have ALLLOT of castboolet shooting to do!

05-03-2012, 06:25 PM
Well things are turning around.... NO DIVORCE.......... Marriage con, church, praying.:drinks: And admitting that I have taken her for granted..

05-04-2012, 10:02 AM
Well things are turning around.... NO DIVORCE.......... Marriage con, church, praying.:drinks: And admitting that I have taken her for granted..

Church, prayer and not taking your partner for granted are HUGE steps to working through things. My wife told me it was till death, I bought her a 12 guage, don't want to suffer. :holysheep

05-04-2012, 05:13 PM
church, prayer and not taking your partner for granted are huge steps to working through things. My wife told me it was till death, i bought her a 12 guage, don't want to suffer. :holysheep


05-05-2012, 05:00 PM
Glad things are working out for you both..I got married in 1968, got divorced in 1986, remarried in 1999. Best 13 years of my life carried through by goods friends and a lot of golf..however, these are working out nicely also, so that may end up being the second best...:bigsmyl2:

05-09-2012, 12:55 PM
Hi guys!
Just thought I would drop you a message about my cancer.
It has been removed and I expect a full recovery.
The scar is healing very well so far.
Boy am I glad to leave that situation behind!

05-09-2012, 07:34 PM
GREAT !! i am glad for you !!

05-13-2012, 06:24 AM
"Church, prayer and not taking your partner for granted are HUGE steps to working through things. My wife told me it was till death, I bought her a 12 guage, don't want to suffer. "

5:23 AM and LOL, thanks

05-13-2012, 06:42 AM
Today is Mother's Day in my corner of the world and this thread makes me thankful for my wife and mother of our kids. She is supporting of my "casting therapy," part-wise because she like to shoot these boolits, too. Likewise I try to help her in her personal endeavors. Our Faith and this collaboration has helped us weather some lean times, and our oldest is off to college this fall. My prayer is that you both can see a good way through these trying times and come out stronger on the other side. DRNurse1

05-13-2012, 08:24 AM
PDshooter, Dthunter,

Great news from the both of you.

My second wife and I have been together for nearly 30yrs and married for coming up on 25 in July. I honestly would not be here today if not for her, and I cherish her every day. I might not always head down the proper trial, but it usually isn't long before she directs me back to where I need to be. We talk about everything and we share the love of the outdoors in many ways. She don't hunt, but will jump right in with skinning, quartering, wrapping and cooking up whatever I haul to the house as needed. She usually outfishes me 9 out of 10 times when we go, and has camped out in weather and conditions that would make most men cry.

As mentioned it is Mother's day and I have already expressed my commitment to her and our lasting marriage. Together we have no children, but she helped raise my daughter from my previous marriage. She asks very little of me, and I of her but we work together to get any obstacles overcome.

Glad to hear things have made an upturn for the both of you. Here's to continued growth and longevity to you all.

05-13-2012, 01:58 PM
Hi guys!
Just thought I would drop you a message about my cancer.
It has been removed and I expect a full recovery.
The scar is healing very well so far.
Boy am I glad to leave that situation behind!

Glad to hear your ok:D

05-13-2012, 02:49 PM
Wow. Interesting thread to stumble across on Mothers' Day. Makes me thankful of my wife of 16 years and mother of our 6 and 4 year old children.

We recently had our own drama of me deciding the answer to escape a job of 5 years that was making me miserable was to take one two states over and relocate us all.

Wound up deciding that wasn't the answer after 3 months and moved us all back. Turned out we were too attached to the place we'd lived the past 9 years.

She was supportive through the whole ordeal and I thank her often.

God's blessings to the OP for things working out.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express

05-14-2012, 10:23 AM
PDshooter and Dthunter,
My prayers were with you last week when I stumbled across this thread. I wasn't able to post right away when I read it, but will share in rejoicing for the improvement in both of your situations. Lost my best friend to cancer 2 years ago, but always keep his friendship in my heart. And always pray for those who are told they have any form of Cancer. Godspeed recover Dthunter. PDshooter - Letting your wife know that she is your partner, and never taken for granted goes a long way in developing and showing mutual love and respect, and I can't remember any long-term relationships I've seen people in that survived without those two major factors. I am so glad to see your situation improving. I have been married to my wife for 29 years next month, and had to wait for her 13 years to marry her. We have had our trials and the mutual love and respect helped immensly, but those would not have come without plenty of prayer and the grace of God. It does matter, at least to me it seems to be the source of all the rest. God Bless, and keep the faith.