View Full Version : Lamenting about Leementing

02-13-2007, 02:02 PM
I'm lamenting the fact that I didn't do this sooner!

I have a 6.5mm kurz 6 banger that I got on a group buy a year or so ago that I've always had problems with. It never fills out quite right and I have to bang the heck out of the handle hinge to get the boolits to drop. I was about ready to give up on it when I tried the Leementing ttricks on it. First time casting after fixing the mould, it absolutely freaked me out that the boolits fell right out of the mould- in fact I dropped them right on my boots as its been my practice to open the mould, grab my dowel, then bang on the hinge bolt over a bucket of snow/water. :)

02-13-2007, 06:23 PM
It's amazing eh! I have a .303 mold that was crap until I ran some abrasive through it. Now it's my favourite.

02-13-2007, 09:07 PM
I guess I have been fortunate with the 6-cavity moulds from Lee. All were group buy products and I haven't had a moments problem with them. Their single cavity moulds that I have picked up along the way have always needed help. I use comet cleanser and then toothpaste followed by a good cleaning in boiling water and dawn dishwashing liquid. That treatment will make em cast like a high dollar mould. It makes them last longer too if you think about it. If they work smoothly, you don't have to beat the boolits out of it and that has to increase the lifespan