View Full Version : Moving Day is here!

10-31-2011, 12:47 PM
Moving Day is finally here. I've got to get a few big things loaded on the truck and then we are ready to hit the road for Arkansas.
I'm going to have a big new shop, 28x40, to set up the biz in. So hopefully we should be able to crank more lube out to fill the ever increasing demand.
I won't be here to answer PMs for about a week, so sorry in advance for the delay.
We have lube pre packaged so we can fill orders as soon as we get setup in the new place.

I've got an expression that "Life Happens"
Well, yesterday life happened again. My wife broke a tooth, sheared half of it off biting on a peanut. Haven't been able to get a hold of a dentist yet. I hope they are not all on holiday hours...
See you guys in a week.
I hope the snow holds off for just a little while longer.

10-31-2011, 01:40 PM
down this way no worries about snow ( yet ) rain forecasted for wed IIRC i hope from there to there is a smooth trip !! wow you're gonna be closer ( cool ) my thoughts to your better half ( been there done that - owwww ) safes trips amigo and remember - once you hit the continental divide ...it's all down hill ( no matter which way you go :P )

edit for add ... it taste foul but it works , clove oil on a q-tip can often help with toothache pain ( dont know why i forgot to mention that before soz )

10-31-2011, 02:37 PM
Good luck on the dentist. In my experience, nothing will make a person as miserable as a toothache, not even constant back pain.

Be careful on the road, there are way to many idiots that don't pay attention.


Hip's Ax
10-31-2011, 03:06 PM
Have a safe trip and I hope the move goes smoothly. :drinks:

Hope you find a dentist right away!! :(

zomby woof
10-31-2011, 03:38 PM
Good luck, safe journey!!!

10-31-2011, 10:31 PM
Hope the move goes well and safe travels to you and yours. See you back soon!!!

10-31-2011, 10:40 PM
An Adventure Glenn!

Have fun. Sounds like the first time I took my wife off shore for Tuna in my boat, she was so nervous, she broke a tooth.

cajun shooter
11-01-2011, 10:58 AM
Lar, You have two choices. They have a product at most drug stores that will help the tooth feel better until you get into a Dentist. Tell your wife that you found a great vet that does dentist work on certain off days and you can get in right away.
This will allow you to have some use of the left over tooth media mixture.
Hope your move goes with out further incidents and that SWMBO gets to feeling better. Later David AKA Cajun shooter

41 mag fan
11-02-2011, 06:13 AM
from Gods land and nice temps to the land of humidity and mosquitos.......:?:

11-03-2011, 11:50 AM
WEll depending on the way he heads east and south the snow may not be cooperating. I-80 was shutdown in our area yesterday. If he gets through in the next day or so he will be golden, but another storm headed our way on Saturday.

I hope their travels see them in good weather, nice roads, and good spirits.

11-03-2011, 12:27 PM
No sweat. Glen will be there in no time with his "White Label" fuel additive and "Carnuba Red" engine oil treatment ...:mrgreen:

Idaho Sharpshooter
11-03-2011, 12:49 PM
Hot, yes! Humidity to match, yes?

I moved the other way, west to Idaho, from Illinois in 1978. I was back there for a Cards game and to visit with Delta Company. 107-degrees and 99% humidity.

The worst part, they had more days below freezing, more days below zero, and more snowfall accumulation there than we did in Idaho.

Travel safe my friend, and be happy in your new home.


41 mag fan
11-03-2011, 03:07 PM
Rich, you got smart! I think I got my bearings mixed up.
Lived in IL till '87. Moved east across the state line. Must have lead feet cause I seem to be in the same place ever since. Sad thing is it was only a 20 mi move.

11-03-2011, 03:43 PM
What's snow? :confused:

Oh yeah.
A long time ago, in a State far, far away....
Where when the temperatures went up to zero during the day, it was T-shirt weather!
And your oil was so thick that if you cut yourself you oozed, not bled...

Best wishes for a safe journey! [smilie=w:

11-04-2011, 12:26 PM
Sonnpie. I should send you pictures from last winter here. We had 5 bad storms with high winds causing drifting. A Feb. storm left drifts of 5 ft. and more in my long drive. It took me 30 min. to go 100 ft with my tractor, and that wasn`t plowing snow with a blade!Robert

11-05-2011, 11:57 AM
I looked up where Glenn and Leah will be living in Arkansas and found it's only about three hours by Cessna from our place.

Maybe he and I can get together in person and start ironing out this commercial 45/45/10 tumble lube blend.

How cool would THAT be?

I'm already scouting out little airports close to him.


11-05-2011, 12:49 PM
Glen's gonna offer air service? Cool. ..:mrgreen:

41 mag fan
11-08-2011, 09:54 AM
I looked up where Glenn and Leah will be living in Arkansas and found it's only about three hours by Cessna from our place.

Maybe he and I can get together in person and start ironing out this commercial 45/45/10 tumble lube blend.

How cool would THAT be?

I'm already scouting out little airports close to him.


Hey while your flying over Indiana, drop some bags out with the little parachutes. I'm needing an order sent.

11-08-2011, 11:43 AM
Anybody have/or seen their new business address yet?Robert

11-08-2011, 10:47 PM
From their web site: http://www.lsstuff.com/lube/

White Label Lube
364 Indian Point Road
Ward, AR 72176

11-23-2011, 12:52 PM
Hi guys, we are here and slowly starting to get back into production. The wife ordered me a 28x40 shop back in August and when we got here, all that was done was the footers were dug and the pad site leveled :( I don't know what all of the delays were, but we now have the pad poured and the walls framed up. The new guys on the job seem to be very quick and efficiant. They even helped us unload a couple of freezers and the gun safe on their own time.

We had clear skys and dry pavement the whole way :) We went south through Utah, across through Moab, picked up I40 and then made fairly good time all the way here.
The rest of the trip was about one disaster everyday. The first day on the road I got food poisoning from cheese frys at a truck stop. Somewhere in eastern Texas the dogs found a black sludge runoff of something to roll in( think cattle pen run off baked in the sun for a month). After an emergency dog bath, they got to ride with me. My pickup blew an alternator which took out one of the batteries. I changed that all out in the parts store parking lot by flashlight at about 5 min till close. The rear window of the truck topper came open and blew apart on the freeway. A roll of Gorilla tape put it mostly back together. Somewhere in Oklahoma we stopped to let the dogs out and I noticed one of the pickup tires was leaking air from the sidewall...

So anyway, we are here now. We have a small barn, so I cleaned out the center section of it and setup to pour lube in there until the shop gets finished. It's a little cramped and going slow, but we are working on getting the back orders shipped.

I'd like to thank you all for your patience during the move, and for your support :)

Our new address is:
White Label Lube
364 Indian Point Road
Ward, AR 72176

email is the same WhiteLabelSales@aol.com

If there is anything we forgot, please let us know.
Thanks again
Glenn & Leah Larsen

11-23-2011, 04:01 PM
Great news Glenn. Problems on the road sound about normal. For me anyway.

Post pics!


11-23-2011, 04:17 PM
I stocked up on lube when I saw you were moving. Can't run outta Carnuba Red! Glad you made it okay in spite of the problems. Your dogs remind me of the time I hunted in Pennsylvania and on the way home during a pee break, my pointer rolled in something dead and it was dark when I loaded them and found it out about 50 miles south. WHEW!!

John Guedry
11-24-2011, 11:50 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to ya'll in your new location.

11-24-2011, 09:30 PM
I wish I had known you were coming through on I 40. I would have treated you to some southern hospitality. I live 16 mi. North of Shamrock, Tx. Let me know if you come back this way anytime.

11-24-2011, 10:24 PM
glad you made it with only minor problems and arrived safely.

11-30-2011, 03:38 PM
The rear window of the truck topper came open and blew apart on the freeway.

Been there, done that.

Glad you made the trip. Barbara has friends around Ward & Beebe.

12-03-2011, 07:18 AM
Just for future reference, if anyone breaks a tooth, and needs to kill the pain quickly, an easy way to do that is with clove oil. It's available in very small bottles in most drug stores, either labeled as Clove Oil, or more probably Eugenol. It's even sold as a tooth ache emergency kit that I think has the clove oil, some Q-Tips, and I think some other things. Basically the clove oil will kill the nerve endings that are causing the pain. Dentists use clove oil mixed with zinc oxide to make temporary fillings as well.

Mention of dogs & moving reminded me of when a friend of mine moved from FL to TN he had a small caravan of rental trucks and rental vans (he had lots of stuff), and he had 8 or 9 German Shepards that were not particularly friendly to people, even when they knew the people, so to get them to TN he got tranquilizers for them all, and they went into a rental van as it's only cargo. We switched around who drove what, and as luck would have it, the last stretch of drive I was in the truck with the dogs, and they were starting to wake up! Luckily they stayed subdued till we got to his house in TN!

Lars Wife
12-04-2011, 02:29 PM
from Gods land and nice temps to the land of humidity and mosquitos.......:?:

Yes but it os december and np snow ...:)

Lars Wife
12-04-2011, 02:31 PM
Hot, yes! Humidity to match, yes?

I moved the other way, west to Idaho, from Illinois in 1978. I was back there for a Cards game and to visit with Delta Company. 107-degrees and 99% humidity.

The worst part, they had more days below freezing, more days below zero, and more snowfall accumulation there than we did in Idaho.

Travel safe my friend, and be happy in your new home.


I used to live i Florida so i understand it is humid but not as humid ad Florida ... December now and no snow is nice

12-04-2011, 02:37 PM
I imagine snow gets real old quick if you've got a lot.


12-04-2011, 02:59 PM
Sleet is the major problem there when it occurs. Snow is always preferred, of course, but often it is preceded by sleet making traveling in harmless "snow" dangerous. Time to stay home and let the delivery trucks break up the pathways. ... felix

12-04-2011, 03:41 PM
Glad you folks made it with only minor hiccups. Done the moving thing with friends and even just cross town or short out of town moves, we have had WAY more issues than you all had.

Hopefully I will be placing an order soon.

12-06-2011, 03:21 PM
Been out of town for a week. I got hooked up with a wounded warrior hunt for disabled vets. It was all expenses paid for a few days hunting in Tennessee, catfishing and cookout in Huntsville AL, then a couple of more days hunting in AL. It was a blast, it'd take too much space here to tell it all, but great people, awsome hunting camps, more food than you could eat and finally I got the biggest buck on the hunts!!

I had my 500JRH BFR with me, but they weren't too comfortable with anyone hunting with a handgun, so I kept it holstered and used my good ol-reliable 30-06 and Rem CoreLokts.

Anyway, here's a couple of pics, then it's back to work cranking out more bullet lube :)
It's a 3x5, but the guys were calling it a 10 point if you count the extra nubs that were big enough to hang a ring on.



41 mag fan
12-06-2011, 03:50 PM
Nice Buck.....you're east of the Mississippi now. Everythings counted as one not each side!
That'd been a good one to of used that 500 on.

12-07-2011, 09:19 AM

12-07-2011, 12:01 PM
Wow! Awesome Glen.

That's what happens when you move? Have fun? Any places over by you for sale? ..:mrgreen:

12-10-2011, 04:50 PM
Nice 10 pointer with some character ya got there, Welcome to the Sunrise Side. ;) BTW......You are gonna have to stop using that X in your point counts it will just confuse us. :groner: