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02-12-2007, 03:17 PM
Trooper Bret

Are you snowed under???

If not how far are you from the 100+inch stuff that we have been hearing about??

Any other members from NY snowbound??? Tell us about it..

Keep warm...


02-12-2007, 11:47 PM
im from syracuse, but i'm at college in NYC right now. My parents said it's managable, but fulton got hit bad and oswego was in a state of emergency. by me outside of syracuse, my parents said there was less than 2 feet on the ground.

that being said my house isn't up on the hill by the university or up by O-hill if you know the area.

02-13-2007, 06:12 AM
My wife is flying to NYC to stay at her sisters place then fly to california and get a 7 day boat trip to the mexican riveria.NYC is due to get what the weather folks say "considerable snow fall" starting on tuesday. Then after the trip she's staying with her mom for a week. Man will she be glad to be home here in loosiana. We've been having tornado alerts all night long. So far no damage here. Frank

02-13-2007, 11:19 AM
Probably not much of a problem with door-to door salespeople right now up in Redfield!LOL...

bruce drake
02-13-2007, 03:28 PM
I live in Watertown, about 80 miles north of Syracuse. We've recieved about four feet of snow with our snowbanks running about six feet right now. Ten mile south of us is Adams and they are running about 6 feet with 10 foot snowbanks. We are forecast for another 6-12 inches tonight.

Bruce Drake

Lee W
02-13-2007, 08:10 PM
I live between Syracuse and Utica. If we have a foot, I would be surprised. Tonight is another story. 2-3 feet on the way.

02-14-2007, 02:57 AM
its 2am and NYC still hasn't gotten that storm. a light dusting at best.

hey upstaters, are the roads still open? i was hoping to take a bus home thursday. i'll be headin into Syracuse from NYC

02-14-2007, 04:10 AM
Foxy, Well heard from the missus. Definitely getting snow. Made it to new york ok, Now they have another flight out today headed for Kalifonia. The fun part will be getting to the airport. Seems every time it snows in new york you get some fools who haven't taken "driving in snow 101". I used to work rotating shifts and during these snowfalls you'd always come across some fool who didn't know to back off the gas in snow. Saw some really spectacular crashes. Most of her relatives have graduated from regular passenger cars to suv's and trucks with 4 wheel drive. I'd always load up the back of the pickup with about twenty or so bags of sand for traction. Course if you got stuck you used some of that sand under the tires. Worked like a charm. Frank

02-14-2007, 10:16 AM
Sorry it took me so long to respond. Foster daughter suffered a ruptured appendix 01/31 and we've been straight out since then. Due to complications she had to shipped down to Syracuse to a pediatric surgeon down there. I'd been down there till last night (5 nights in a chair, $24.00 a day parking, no parent meals-$10.30 for a small protion of dry lasagna, 2 bread sticks and a water!). I asked a Doc about shipping her back to Watertown. He gets this confused look on his face. "Why would you want to do that?" he says. "Cuz it's 40 minutes from home as opposed to 2:20 minutes! "Oh, well, we really can't do that...." Fine. With the coming storm I had to make the decision to head out. Hated leaving her there, but the nurses and great, she's 11 yoa anyways and all I was doing was watching her watch TV. To be honest, I couldn't take one more Barbie movie. So here I am at work, in a blizzard, parked next to cell tower waithing for something NOT to happen.

We had about 10" prior to my leaving last Fri. We got somemore over the weekend and currently we're supposed to get 8-26". I figure that'll work out to about 5-8" where I am. We don't seem to get it when it's forcast. It's usually that 16" of "partly cloudy" that gets us.

Driving to Syracuse takes me by Pulaski, Adams, Central Square, etc. Banks running about 5' along I-81, much higher along the side roads. Almost like what we used to get in the 60's and 70's down in the central Adirondacks where I grew up. We have family records of 180+ inches for October through May.

After I get done today it's off to Lowes for heat tape, ball valves and pipe imsulation to fix a couple problems in the barn. Foster son didn't quite get the "leave the pipe trickling or it'll freeze" idea. The we need feed and gas for the tractors. I figure I'll get in the house about 9:30-10:00PM. If the roads are OK I'll be back in Syracuse Friday. Every sick day I take is 2 months longer I have to work to earn it back before retirement. Maybe that part time job at Walmart is gonna have to happen...

02-14-2007, 03:49 PM
best wishes tpr bret. safe travels to all who are trancing around up there.

hopefully i'll be stomping around back home this weekend myself.

02-14-2007, 05:10 PM
Sorry to hear about the daughter, hope she's doing well. It's always an ordeal to have to hang around, and deal with that hospital atmosphere. The stress of having someone close to you ill is enough without all the rest of it.

Take care on the roads going back and forth. We just had 4 to 6 inches here, in central NE, on top of freezing drizzle- black ice the other day, and had a multi-car mess on I-80 south of here involving three or four trucks, and a couple of cars. People just won't slow down!!!!

Two of the trucks were loaded with feeder pigs, about 300 total, don't know how many of them were lost, but had one human fatality out of it. Heard that 150 or so pigs were in median.

From the newspaper account, when the ambulances arrived, they found one driver injured in the median, but couldn't get out of him if anyone else was trapped in his truck, because he didn't speak English.

Sounds like it was quite a mess, glad I don't live any closer to a major highway.

Bottom line, be careful, stay warm........ prayers are with daughter and family....

Oh, look at the bright side, being a Wally World Greeter 3 days a week or so wouldn't cut THAT deeply into your retirement time would it??? You wouldn't be doing anything but shooting or piddling around the farm anyway would you?

02-14-2007, 06:28 PM
Tpr Bret;
Hope the step daughter continues to improve. It is sure "worrysome" when our loved ones get hit.


02-14-2007, 06:45 PM
Tpr Bret

Glad to hear she is doing better and brother I do know exactly what you are talking about regarding “sleeping in the chair” for nights on end. The wife and I did that on several occasions when our son had to have surgeries to clear up problems he had and ended up being hospitalized for several weeks.

Good to hear from you and our prayers go out to you and yours. Hopefully she will be home soon.


MT Gianni
02-14-2007, 10:56 PM
Bret, Glad to here that you're back and that the daughter is getting the care she needs. I hope she is home soon and can get the rest she really needs. Gianni.

02-15-2007, 08:55 AM
Thanks for all the well wishes guys. It seems the last CT scan showed her gut to by clearing up so I can bring her home tomorrow, assuming the roads are passable. The way the ninny/sissy/chicken little news types are talking, I should have died of hypothermia sometime last night. We got about 6". The bad part is I apparently missed a ram when I was separating the sheep last summer and now I have ewes lambing at sub zero temps. 4 dead already. Coyote bait I guess. Sucks.

02-15-2007, 09:51 AM
Thanks for all the well wishes guys. It seems the last CT scan showed her gut to by clearing up so I can bring her home tomorrow, assuming the roads are passable. The way the ninny/sissy/chicken little news types are talking, I should have died of hypothermia sometime last night. We got about 6". The bad part is I apparently missed a ram when I was separating the sheep last summer and now I have ewes lambing at sub zero temps. 4 dead already. Coyote bait I guess. Sucks.

Did the CarpetMan visit you last summer? Do the lambs say "Rrrrrayyyy" instead of "Baaaa"?

02-15-2007, 04:49 PM
Good news that she's out of the woods, and coming home. Maybe that will kick off a string of good luck for a change....Like a thaw...

How many do you have to lamb? I got a few awhile back decided I wasn't a "sheep man" (no wise cracks guys!!) and went back to just a few calves to grow and fatten. Try to get the fats to the packer before really cold weather if possible, just made it in time this year.

Good luck on the crappy roads!!!


02-15-2007, 05:20 PM
I think all this snow and cold in the US is the Good Lord sayin', "This global warming stuff is a bunch of BS." ;)

02-15-2007, 07:12 PM
Didn't need the good Lord to tell me, I always thought that anyway. Heck the prognostacators can't get it right day after tomorrow let alone 100 years from now. Mt Pinatobo but more CO2 and crap in the air in 3 days than man has done during the entire industrial revolution and the earth recovered from that.
