View Full Version : Bull Plate: without the Bull Please !

10-27-2011, 10:18 AM
Just a simple question: Is Dan selling now or not?

Please, don't hijack this thread.

Just need to ask what is current situation

10-27-2011, 10:25 AM
Send him an order and find out. Some have gotten there money back, some say they got an order.

We just don't know.

10-27-2011, 11:49 AM
Most here are as curious as you, I wish I knew.

Over several different threads folks have posted "snail mail returned unopened with deceased written on the envelope", "My check was returned", "recieved Bull Plate today".

Pretty confusing huh? Truth is everyone here is in the same boat as you, just don't know but if you learn any facts about this situation please post it.


10-27-2011, 12:35 PM
"Deceased" I hope not! I does not make sense not to post a status for his customers here.

For those whom are desparate for some Bullplate, I have some that I will call a generic replacement that I would be willing to sell till Dan is back to providing his. Drop me a PM.

10-27-2011, 12:48 PM
little girl talks to daniel jr almost daily.
don't count on getting anything from Dan for quite some time.
there were/are some family issues..............

10-27-2011, 01:14 PM
little girl talks to daniel jr almost daily.
don't count on getting anything from Dan for quite some time.
there were/are some family issues..............

To clarify for those that may not know, the little girl that runfiverun refers to is one of his daughters and little girl is her online name. Daniel Jr. is Bullshops son and the two are online friends.

I have heard in the past about family issues and while such info is none of anyone elses business and has no place on the forum, it is extremely difficult to understand how or why that would keep him from at the very least making a single post stating that Bullshop is gone, or will return in the future or whatever may be the case.

As it is now it is very much like thumbing his nose at what is/was an extremely loyal customer base.

So here sits people around the world wondering, needing his products and they are not worth even a single information post.

Very curious indeed.


10-27-2011, 01:25 PM
little girl talks to daniel jr almost daily.
don't count on getting anything from Dan for quite some time.
there were/are some family issues..............

That pretty well sums it up for me. May not be the way I want to find out but it is better than nothing and Dan owes us nothing. I hope his family situation works out for the best. I also thank him for bringing us a product that is now in more demand than ever.


10-27-2011, 01:40 PM
Family issues I do understand. Happens to most all families at one time or another. I don't know what the issues are and don't feel it is any of my business. But, I can promise you that in 37 yers as a Pastor, I have seen it before. This stuff is just part of life, a lousy part, but a part non-the-less.

Letting a family issue force you to go to ground and neglect your business which helps support your family, that I do not understand. I have seen it before, and acknowledge the fact, but I still don't understand it.

I bought a lifetime supply of Bullplate a year or so ago, and Matt has picked up the slack and my cast bullet supplier of choice. So, I am not hurt in any way.

I wish Dan, Tina and the kids all the best, but doubt much will be left of his business when the fog lifts. Folks would hang in with him, if he would just ask for patience. His total silence means to me, he has not intention of picking up again at any time. So, it is time to move on.

10-27-2011, 06:38 PM
I think Dans done right by so many of us and so many times. Most of us will not be holding a grudge or anything. At least I wont, as I know life can kick us in the teeth and make it very hard to go even one day at a time for a wile.

10-27-2011, 06:49 PM
Great Guy and a great Family. Just pray and wish them well.

10-27-2011, 06:54 PM
Dan is NOT kicking us in the teeth, he is not on the net at this time though. There is a significant difference.

10-28-2011, 01:33 PM
Just to clarify why I closed this thread, by request in the title it was meant to be whether or not BP was available or not, the thread veered off.
Nobody but Dan himself knows what is going on, so we wait for clarity from him alone.