View Full Version : Linotype Question

10-26-2011, 10:50 AM
I have the opportunity to buy some linotype from a printing company that is going out of business. When I talked to the guy he said he was asking $1.25 a pound for foundry type. Is that a good deal, it seems a bit high? I would like to talk him down, what would be a fair price? I don’t see this stuff come available to often, so I don’t want to miss out but I don’t want to over pay ether.

10-26-2011, 11:07 AM
In a sense it does seem a bit high,,,,but on the other hand, I don't know you will find it cheaper anywhere else. I'm thinking, that be a matter of luck. You can try talking him down some however,,,,never hurts to try. Personally I woulld take all I could get, or funds would allow at that price. Make for good blending stock with pure, to my way of thinking.

10-26-2011, 12:11 PM
In a sense it does seem a bit high,,,,but on the other hand, I don't know you will find it cheaper anywhere else. I'm thinking, that be a matter of luck. You can try talking him down some however,,,,never hurts to try. Personally I woulld take all I could get, or funds would allow at that price. Make for good blending stock with pure, to my way of thinking.

+1, that stuff is getting more scarce every day. I'm still searching for the warehouse full of old type machines.

10-26-2011, 12:12 PM
Yep, agree with onesonek, truth is that the printing industry hasn't used type metals in many years and it's getting harder and harder to find at any price. There's a chance you'll never find any more unless you have a foundry make it from scratch from virgin metals. Price this alloy at RotoMetals and compare that price with the $1.25 a pound the guy is asking.

I too would buy all I could squeeze out of the bank account.


10-26-2011, 12:28 PM
I paid $1.50 a pound for the 100+ pounds of Linotype metal that I have. All Linotype strips and new shop ingots.

Buy it all at his price, unless you want to risk the bargaining, but I bet he stays firm at $1.25. I would not sell mine for that!

One note: Be sure that it really is Linotytpe as there are many types of "foundry type", which you have called it above as well.

10-26-2011, 12:45 PM
1.25 is a fair price. I'd jump all over that!

10-26-2011, 01:32 PM
One note: Be sure that it really is Linotytpe as there are many types of "foundry type", which you have called it above as well.

I understand what you are saying, as the OP did title it as lino, then stated as foundry type. Either or, would be fine at that price however. With Foundry actually being the better deal price/component comparision wise. If it is foundry, it is higher in both Sn and Sb than Lino,,and so no issue there.
If foundry, I would likely consider it to be 64-24-12, unless otherwise noted and or tested. Foundry type can vary from what I have research, like you mentioned. Although the above composition, was more the industry standard from what I gather.
Personally, if Foundry, I would mix up a small batch of 1:4 or 1:6 with foundry/pure to start, and just see how it turns out for BHN after 3 weeks, then adjust from there.
I'd still snag all I could at that price regardless, Lino or Foundry, throw Monotype in there as well.

10-26-2011, 03:51 PM
Well I got 50Lbs for $50 as that was all they wanted to sale. It is really small and seems very hard (cant scratch it with my finger nail at all or bend it even though it is no more than an 1/8" wide and an inch long. They said the stuff I got hasn’t been messed with since the 30's. They did call it foundry type and said It is harder than the bigger stuff they had and were still trying to sell to printers.

10-26-2011, 04:20 PM
Great price, and still a good score at 50 lbs.. That will yield a lot of boolits, blended down.
Wish I could be so lucky!!!

10-26-2011, 05:25 PM
Is there a way I can for sure idetify what it is?

10-26-2011, 07:33 PM
Is there a way I can for sure idetify what it is?

Not short of running an analysis on it. May be a scrap yard near you has the capability.
I just noticed on LASC, Rick has Foundry at 62-23-15,,,close enough from what I stated. You can go with either or avg them. Considering you said you bought it from a printer/shop, I would go with they said as being Foundry.

10-26-2011, 08:57 PM
That is a reasonable price. The problem is, unless you waste it, you have to have about 4-5 times the amount in pure PB to get the most out of it. It is a waste to use it in pure form for anything but "varmit explosion" boolits, whatever they call them.

Not a bad situation to be in. I located, purchased, and rendured enough soft plumbing lead, etc., to augment myLinotype stash.
I feel honored just to be able to see that much Linotype, much less own it! I am SIck...HUH....

10-26-2011, 10:35 PM
That is a reasonable price. The problem is, unless you waste it, you have to have about 4-5 times the amount in pure PB to get the most out of it. It is a waste to use it in pure form for anything but "varmit explosion" boolits, whatever they call them.

Not a bad situation to be in. I located, purchased, and rendured enough soft plumbing lead, etc., to augment myLinotype stash.
I feel honored just to be able to see that much Linotype, much less own it! I am SIck...HUH....

You "Effin" tease. Most of us will never see that kind of a haul. Stop showing off. :kidding:

10-27-2011, 01:16 AM
Well I got 50Lbs for $50 as that was all they wanted to sale. It is really small and seems very hard (cant scratch it with my finger nail at all or bend it even though it is no more than an 1/8" wide and an inch long. They said the stuff I got hasn’t been messed with since the 30's. They did call it foundry type and said It is harder than the bigger stuff they had and were still trying to sell to printers.

Sounds like monotype or foundry type. Great deal!

Lloyd Smale
10-27-2011, 05:39 AM
If it truely is monotype or harder id buy all he had at that price. If its linotype id have to think hard.

10-27-2011, 03:26 PM
I blend mono- 1-7 w/WW's or range scrap, and add 1% Sn. With foundry, I would go to 1-10, and add the 1% Sn, to come up with a dang good alloy that can be cut 50/50 w/pure Pb for 38/45 boolits (again w/1% added Sn).