View Full Version : Some recent work with the Uberti Hi-Wall

10-20-2011, 02:07 AM
.............It's the one I spent over a year getting a decent barrel put on it under warrenty having been sent to 2 different places. Cimarron definately stood behind it but I DID have to pay over $60 in total shipping, plus all the lost time.


LEFT PHOTO: This photo is actually of some BP rounds I'd loaded but the ones I'd recently fired look the same. RIGHT PHOTO: This is the seating depth I'd settled on and if the slug looks a bit 'off' on the left side, it's because I managed to drop it on the concrete floor. It was only used to find the seating depth anyway. You can see it engraves pretty well. The boolit's I'd swaged up weighed 292grs with a shallow (.200") HP.


LEFT PHOTO: This group is 10 rounds with the paper patched swaged slugs at 100 yards. The hole @ bottom right was made by a Lee 250gr and doesn't belong :-) The 2 lines are 1.25" apart, and if not for that 'leaker' at bottom left the group would have been .875". The rear sight on the rifle is a standard Marbles. RIGHT PHOTO: This is also 10 rounds but at 50 yards. The slug was a Lee Group Buy for a 270gr Loverin style FNPB. Thrown charges, with dacron and a card wad under the boolit.


LEFT PHOTO: This is the Lee 250gr FNBB slug. At this OAL it engraves, but if seated into the crimp groove it doesn't. RIGHT PHOTO: Top and bottom groups tell a story or sorts. My copy of the Lee mould drops it's slugs just barely over .380" which IS the groove diameter of the rifle. Actually I guess you'd say the boolits are .0004" out of round, which isn't bad at all for a production mould. The slugs weren't scaled and the charges were thrown from a Lee Perfect Powder Measure. It has no problem with the chunky SR4759 powder.

The cases in their box are base down, and were just picked up, loaded and fired. For fun I loaded 10 with dacron and a card wad, which was punched out of tablet backer which was 0.030" thick (or so). I had to add that the Lee slug shoots MUCH better from my 1893 Marlin 38-55, with it's .379" grooves that are just over .004" deep. The Uberti's grooves barley shade .003" deep. Brass for all was the 2.125" Starline stuff.


Bad Ass Wallace
10-20-2011, 05:21 AM

Shows that perserverance and effort pay off. Is that a standard Uberti barrel with 1:18" twist?

I have the Pedersoli Hiwall "Target model" with a 1:12" twist and it shoots a PJ 372gn boolit (1:30) over 50gns Swiss No.2. I haven't pushed it past 200yds yet owing to a visit to horse-piddle, ribs pretty broken up from an accident with a quarter horse.

10-21-2011, 02:27 AM

Shows that perserverance and effort pay off. Is that a standard Uberti barrel with 1:18" twist?

I have the Pedersoli Hiwall "Target model" with a 1:12" twist and it shoots a PJ 372gn boolit (1:30) over 50gns Swiss No.2. I haven't pushed it past 200yds yet owing to a visit to horse-piddle, ribs pretty broken up from an accident with a quarter horse.

..............Yup it's the std 18" twist barrel. Previous barrel had totally different measurements with grooves even shallower. Re: Quarter horse. Remember, it's rider on top, horsie underneath between rider's legs. If reversed, trouble ensue's [smilie=l:


Bad Ass Wallace
10-21-2011, 06:04 AM
I love working the 38/55 but I'm confused with this long brass/ short brass use.

My Win 94 Lever gun (.379) will chamber the longer brass but with a 255gn RCBS boolit it will jam while feeding and so I use Winchester 2.080 brass or a 220gn boolit which has a much shorter nose.

A custom Ruger cast boolit schutzen rifle (.375) with match chamber shoots best with the shorter brass, with smokeless loads, but will accept the long Starline case.

The Pedersoli (.379) accepts either but excells with the long brass. This case will accept a full 50gns of Swiss No.2 or 3.5gns more black powder than a Winchester case with the same 372gn Paul Jones boolit and the same amount of compression.

So I have 3 rifles, and 3 very different loads that will perform best in each:o

10-21-2011, 09:55 PM

Put a few round through my Uberti Highwall this afternoon using boolits from the NEI mould you reworked. My last 10-shot 200M string went into just a touch over 5 1/2" CTC - iron sights, no sandbags...just elbows on the bench. Gun will shot MOA @ 100 off sandbags...I've done it several times in front of sober witnesses...but it took a lot of work to get it there. Didn't need to have my barrel replaced but did recrown the muzzle, firelap the bore, and go to a semi-custom mould before i got it to the point it is today.


Thanks again for the work on the mould and expander die.

10-21-2011, 10:18 PM
Hey Buckshot:
Good to see you are getting things working. I was glad to hear that your Uberti expierience finally got on track. I have heard some very negative responses about Uberti's from your expierience. It is to bad that your repair did not include the postage fees to and from. Maybe Uberti/Cimmaron will get the message.
My Uberti was blessed with a fine barrel outside and a beautiful bore. We know that Uberti can do it. The bore inspection/inspector on your rifle at the factory must have been asleep on the job.

10-22-2011, 12:07 AM
My Uberti was blessed with a fine barrel outside and a beautiful bore. We know that Uberti can do it. The bore inspection/inspector on your rifle at the factory must have been asleep on the job. Jack

..............While waiting for the rifle to be made right, I did extensive searches on the net. The concensus is that Uberti couldn't produce a match grade barrel if their lives depended on it. Nor could they produce 2 good useable barrels in a row, on a dare. I'm sorry to say I wouldn't buy a new Uberti on a bet. I'd by one used only if I could see it shot, but new? No way.


6.5 mike
10-22-2011, 10:52 AM
I remember reading your "tale of woe" bout the time I was getting my 30-40 Krag uberti highwall from a member here. Mine has a very good bbl, & after I found a mould it likes has been a wonderfull shooter. Found 5744 to be the best powder so far, I have noticed my load in the Krag case does not leave as much unburnt powder, maybe the bottle neck is helping. With pp'ed 200 gr'ers 1 patch is all that's needed to clean, 2nd patch does'nt show any power or lead. This is with 50/50 wq'ed, sized to 0.309, wrapped, then final sized to 0.311.
I had just started to work up a load with my NOE 311284 as cast it's dropping at 0.3105 on the bands & weights 215 for an avg of 10 aged boolits. This is also with 5744 & c red lube. Still in the "I'm working on it " stage.

10-23-2011, 02:11 AM
..............I ordered my Uberti on the strength of the accurate shooting I'd seen from GopherSlayer's who'd bought his from Jon K. Also another friend had bought on used from a friend of his. Both of them shot wonderfully. Naturally the barrel on mine was a dud. I don't know what it is with Uberti? The first place they had me send my rifle was a place that checks out and fixes up new Uberti's. Why that isn't done before they leave the factory is a mystery to me. Has to be cheaper then shipping them across the Atlantic and then paying someone here to do it.

That's the place that had my rifle about 2 weeks before calling me and telling me they were just now getting to my rifle as they'd spent a WEEK going through a new shipment of Uberti single actions, and then sending every single one BACK TO ITALY!!!!!! So as I said, I'd buy a used one if I knew the person selling it, or I'd seen it shot, but a new one? THAT ain't happening by this child [smilie=1:


10-23-2011, 02:24 AM
for Big *** Wallace. that's what you get for buying a cheap horse. a quater for a horse 50 or 75 cents a BUCK maybe? no! you have to watch out for them damn horns. maybe a mule and a wagon that sounds safer to me. me I got me a horse approved by osha. still can't find a way to get on him? buy he looks safe. I hope you get well soon and stay that way. GD

10-23-2011, 12:26 PM
The concensus is that Uberti couldn't produce a match grade barrel if their lives depended on it. Nor could they produce 2 good useable barrels in a row, on a dare.
That is the impression I have developed, too.
However, when you say your thing about Uberti, it would be nice if you could include a disclaimer about their Sharps rifles.

Those carry the Uberti stamp, but they are built by Pedersoli ... and are equipped with the match-quality barrels Pedersoli is known for.


Wayne Smith
10-24-2011, 05:28 PM
I had heard that they were using Pedersoli barrels on the HiWall's, too. Did you get an early one from before they made that decision?

11-02-2011, 06:05 PM
I have two Cimarron(Uberti's) one was in 40-65, the only way I could get reasonable groups(2in at 100 yds) was to shoot the 300gr RCBS boolit with real slow smokeless. Read that WC872. It is in the process of being re-barreled to 40-70 Sharps Bottle Neck. The other in in 30-40 Krag. I have not got it to shoot real well but I haven't given up on it as yet. That being said It seems like hit or miss as far as getting a accurate barrel.

11-09-2020, 10:53 AM
Yeah, know ancient thread.

Judging by your signature, perhaps John Adams was right...still, shrinking state, removing the debt/balance budget and do for those who cannot do for selves...by limiting population density, are commendable goals. Just dump professional pols;Congress is the enemy...nowadays.

I likem short 405...JES or otherwise...dodger (JES) is a living, true savior.

11-09-2020, 01:07 PM
I was thinking about getting one of these in 45-70 but sounds like ya'lls not a fan of the Uberti Hi Wall, There are a few on Gunbroker for what I thought was a decent price I've been watching and thinking but based on your comments here I'm not sure.