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View Full Version : Woo Hoo!!!

10-17-2011, 11:54 AM
Finally have a cast boolit load that shoots in my Colt Combat Elite! The Lee 230 grain truncated cone, tumble lube over 4.5 grains of Tightgroup.

Function is flawless...the brass winds up in a neat little pile beside me and it shoots like a LASER! I had no trouble hitting two inch tagets on the back berm at 25 yards offhand.

Oh and no leading either :-P

Boolits were cast hot (8 on a lee pot) and fast from a six-banger, air cooled and lubed with 45-45-10. The boolets just fall out of the mould, no tapping or banging required...

I haven't run them across the chrony yet but I estimate that they are zipping along somewhere in the 830 fps range.

I am SOOOO happy!

10-17-2011, 12:17 PM
What day when it all comes together! I'm still struggling w/my 1911 just a little in the accuracy dept. Might just try the titegroup.

10-17-2011, 01:34 PM
My 1911 loves the Lee 200 RNFP with 4.5 of Titegroup, or 4.4 of WST. It also does well with the same 230 Lee as yours, Doc...but I don't recall the Titegroup charge right off the top of my head (but I bet it's close to yours).

It's a great day when your load development efforts pay off. What primer are you using ? All mine are lit by Winchester large pistol.

10-17-2011, 04:10 PM