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Phineas Bluster
10-16-2011, 07:39 PM

10-16-2011, 08:51 PM
I thought it was a hoot!

Have you not seen the several new TV shows about Zombies, Vampire and stuff? It's a fad, good marketing if you ask me.

10-16-2011, 10:47 PM
I thought it was a hoot!

Have you not seen the several new TV shows about Zombies, Vampire and stuff? It's a fad, good marketing if you ask me.

Me too, to the OP, don't take it too seriously. "Zombie" is this day and age "RED HORDE" or my father's and grandfather's "Nazi's."

Disclaimer: Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition is NOT a toy (IT IS LIVE AMMUNITION), but is intended only to be used on…ZOMBIES, also known as the living dead, undead, etc. No human being, plant, animal, vegetable or mineral should ever be shot with Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition. Again, we repeat, Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition is for use on ZOMBIES ONLY, and that's not a nickname, phrase or cute way of referring to anybody, place or thing. When we say Zombies, we mean…ZOMBIES!

While the ammo may be usable on targets and such it's marketed towrds our younger generation who worry about such stuff. The disclaimer clearly covers alot of bases and still leaves a slik marketing campainge in place. Considering the time of year pretty savy. Anywho, bet it works real good on other nepharious pests as well, ground hogs, coy dogs and deer....;-)

10-16-2011, 11:36 PM
I thought it was a hoot!

Have you not seen the several new TV shows about Zombies, Vampire and stuff? It's a fad, good marketing if you ask me.

That makes me glad I only get three channels!

10-17-2011, 01:54 AM
I'll buy a box just for fun. Haven't decided on which caliber yet.

On a side note, The Walking Dead started back up again tonight on AMC. Intense as ever...even if the character's tactics suck!!!

10-17-2011, 04:43 AM
I'm with Phineas on this one. Hornady have lost the plot. What a load of tripe.

10-17-2011, 08:36 AM
Is anyone sure they're really selling this? It could be something they did for the website for halloween or the start of Walking Dead.

10-17-2011, 08:44 AM
Hornady and Midway both list it on their websites. I think this is for real.
I personally think it is a marketing gimmick. On the other hand, what a great example of capitalism. They may have found a new market, who can blame them for making money off it?

I won't be buying any but I know lots of younger shooters who probably will. May never shoot any but they will have it just because of the zombies thing.

10-17-2011, 09:01 AM
I thought it was a hoot!

Have you not seen the several new TV shows about Zombies, Vampire and stuff? It's a fad, good marketing if you ask me.

I thought it was a hoot too!

10-17-2011, 09:08 AM
I thought it was a hoot!

Have you not seen the several new TV shows about Zombies, Vampire and stuff? It's a fad, good marketing if you ask me.

This is the kind of stuff that reminds me why I murdered my television 20 years ago. I took it to the range and machine gunned it with my M16. great fun....and yes, I policed up the mess.
I really don't understand what passes for entertainment these days.

10-17-2011, 11:00 AM
I'll buy a box just for fun. Haven't decided on which caliber yet.

On a side note, The Walking Dead started back up again tonight on AMC. Intense as ever...even if the character's tactics suck!!!

I actually had time to DVR the first season yesterday. Not bad, not the best but not bad pop-corn munching fare.

10-17-2011, 12:21 PM
I can see the humor behind this line of ammunition, however I am concerned about the publicity that will be generated once this is picked up by the liberal media.

I can hear Rachel Madcow now, failing to see the tongue-in-cheek of Hornady's ad, painting all shooters as paraniod mall ninjas. It is the type of media coverage we do not need.

I hope I'm wrong, but I have yet to see these people pass up an opportunity to deride the shooting sports, no matter how ridiculous the premise. In this case, Hornady has given them just the ammo they need.


"Chuckle" Not to worry, although your fears of the liberal left going banannas over this is not unwarented but consider the link below and look at the source. If the left is using it why can't we?

10-17-2011, 12:26 PM

10-17-2011, 12:42 PM
There is a thread running on this topic in the "Humor and Off Topic" section.

It's amazing the range of reactions on this. From thinking it's funny...thinking it's a clever marketing gimic...to real offense. Maybe it's generational differences or something.

10-17-2011, 12:59 PM
I can see the humor behind this line of ammunition, however I am concerned about the publicity that will be generated once this is picked up by the liberal media.

I can hear Rachel Madcow now, failing to see the tongue-in-cheek of Hornady's ad, painting all shooters as paraniod mall ninjas. It is the type of media coverage we do not need.

I hope I'm wrong, but I have yet to see these people pass up an opportunity to deride the shooting sports, no matter how ridiculous the premise. In this case, Hornady has given them just the ammo they need.


There is more than just one zombie marketing campaign going on out there. Brownells has one going on right now. Spike's Tactical has been producing zombie roll marked lowers for quite some time. Lots of places have zombie targets, 2D and 3D. I don't see anyone crying foul...other than cranky old shooters who think it's stupid.

These marketing gimics are geared towards younger shooters. A subset of the "tactical" crowd also maligned by many on this site.

Many young people today get into shooting because they like the look of AR15s, Glocks, etc. and possibly want to prepare for the end of the world. My opinion is that this isn't much different than kids in the 50's playing cowboys and Indians and then getting into the shooting sports emulating their heroes from the movies and TV.

Love Life
10-17-2011, 01:19 PM
There is more than just one zombie marketing campaign going on out there. Brownells has one going on right now. Spike's Tactical has been producing zombie roll marked lowers for quite some time. Lots of places have zombie targets, 2D and 3D. I don't see anyone crying foul...other than cranky old shooters who think it's stupid.

These marketing gimics are geared towards younger shooters. A subset of the "tactical" crowd also maligned by many on this site.

Many young people today get into shooting because they like the look of AR15s, Glocks, etc. and possibly want to prepare for the end of the world. My opinion is that this isn't much different than kids in the 50's playing cowboys and Indians and then getting into the shooting sports emulating their heroes from the movies and TV.

Very well said. I truly believe all the different reactions is a generational thing. I find it funny. I have seen more people my age opting for AR15 and glock type firearms, than looking for a classic N frame or any other nice revolver. If the zombie craze gets people into shooting then what is the harm in it?

On the topic of zombie targets. Many people shoot at those because they are fun and kind of take the mind off the fact that they are practicing firearm skills to defend against a human threat. It is a mental thing. "I bought a zombie slayer!" and "I shot that zombie up" is a lot easier to stomach for some people than saying "I bought this gun to use in defense of my life by shooting another human" or "I really shot that man/woman target up!!" So some may buy the ammo for shooting zombies, but it can be used against the living and not just the living dead. Just something to think about.

Chicken Thief
10-17-2011, 01:27 PM
Ha ha ha ha, you suckers!
Ya'll gonna die, and a nobrain like me will be king of the wastelandhttp://i295.photobucket.com/albums/mm153/Chickenthief/Blandet/Smilere/knel-1.gif

Or not, and vampires, warevolfes, zombies, mermaids, trolls, elfs, gnomes, hobbits and what not, is just errr figments of a poopy mind.

The real enemy is made of flesh and blood, wheter he is inside or outside of ourselves, he's very real!

Stepten King: Monsters are real, ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes they win.

10-17-2011, 02:16 PM
I had to ask a friend of same age 50 what the hell is all the zombie stuff just last week because I didn't get it. He had no idea either. I Did watch the AMC Walking Dead marathon yesterday while loading bp 45-70's in my basement and now I am caught up. Wouldn't have thought I would like it better than most of the **** on t.v. but I did. Don't think I need any of the new Hornady ammo but I'm not put off by it.

10-17-2011, 05:28 PM
I am sixty-five and think the zombie ammo is as funny as can be. I know I will put a box or two of it in my safe just to salute the humor of Hornady. And the gun grabbers can howl all they want to. Addressing the issue would just make them look like the idiots they are.

10-17-2011, 05:38 PM
I think whoever thought this up at Hornady will get a huge bonus. I don't know anyone who won't buy a box or 3 just for S&G.

I don't think the release is related to The Walking Dead new season. Have y'all seen the OCCUPY WALL STREET bunch? They are TRUE ZOMBIES! No brain, they suck blood from the living tax payors, they are always hungry for more of your blood, etc.

10-17-2011, 05:56 PM
That stuff is selling like hotcakes. The "dumb**s at Hornady" knocked one out of the park!

10-17-2011, 06:47 PM
That stuff is selling like hotcakes. The "dumb**s at Hornady" knocked one out of the park!

That's right. You are only going to reach a certain number of people with a picture of an old guy on your ammo box (Joyce Hornady, I presume).

Hornady has been very aggressive in the last few years with their "Get Loaded" promo.

Love Life
10-17-2011, 06:56 PM
I want a box, but they are sold out. Can't use my hunting ammo for Zombies:Fire:

10-17-2011, 07:24 PM
seasonal gimmick, what will be next ,,,, santa slugs,,,,,,,, easter bunny boolits,,, ?
i bet "the young uns" eat it up,,,,not me though!:coffeecom

10-17-2011, 07:29 PM
That makes me glad I only get three channels!

Zero channels and I don't think I'm missing much.:drinks:

10-17-2011, 07:42 PM
It seems in threads where TV is mentioned that there's always a couple guys who claim to have no TV or not watch it at all. Maybe I'm misinterpreting this (and it won't be the first time) but it also seems like this is presented (although not explictly) as a superior lifestyle.

How do you get your news and weather? How do you know if an emergency situation is coming? Do you get the newspaper, listen to the radio? What do you do for entertainment? Do you go to the movies, do you read, or is the computer the only media you use?

Not meaning to be insulting...just wondering.

10-17-2011, 08:46 PM
Weather and news on computer. Radio on in shop. Rent a movie now and then.

Don't understand what emergency I need a TV for.

I read, remodeling a house, baths and kitchen, building a boat, ran the sawmill for two weeks, went fishing and a little hunting, built a pantry for the wife.

I can't imagine needing entertainment, At the end of the day I want to go to bed. I think life is to short to waste in front of the boob tube.

Not superior just different. Next summer I plan on spending the summer on the inside passage in Alaska. No TV there either. It is good that most people stay home and watch TV. Keeps them off the water.

No offense taken or meant.


Love Life
10-17-2011, 08:59 PM
Another thing I thought of that expands on my previous post. Think about the whole new group of shooters who may go buy or rent guns and buy zombie ammo to go blast at some zombies for fun. They may have never even thought of using a gun before on account of how dangerous they are, or or any other reason, but they don't mind blasting some zombies. So this could be a good thing in getting more people into shooting for the "Fun" aspect. Lets face it. Most of the stuff we do or consider fun with firearms doesn't appeal to the majority of my generation.

A reverse conspiracy perhaps?

10-17-2011, 09:15 PM
Another thing I thought of that expands on my previous post. Think about the whole new group of shooters who may go buy or rent guns and buy zombie ammo to go blast at some zombies for fun. They may have never even thought of using a gun before on account of how dangerous they are, or or any other reason, but they don't mind blasting some zombies. So this could be a good thing in getting more people into shooting for the "Fun" aspect. Lets face it. Most of the stuff we do or consider fun with firearms doesn't appeal to the majority of my generation.

A reverse conspiracy perhaps?

My observation is that it takes a mature shooter to appreciate making holes in paper. Hence...steel targets?

10-17-2011, 11:21 PM
How about the bottom line? More shooting+more buying =more with guns. Last thing a liberal left wants. THEY want an UNARMED republic. NEVER going to happen. This (Zombie) apocolypse etc.....etc....2012.....whatever is a good thing. When my kids leave nothing but clothes, my wife and I knowing that the blameless are gone. We will do what's right.....

O-k, now......Who knows a producer.....?

10-18-2011, 12:36 PM
I also think it's funny and some people need to lighten up a bit! Sales is all about marketing and I'm sure this one worked out just how they wanted it to. I'll buy a box if for nothing else to put on the shelf. I am wondering though is the Z-max bullet just a V-max or is it a dif bullet?

10-18-2011, 12:46 PM
i think its kewl ill buy a box

Love Life
10-18-2011, 01:57 PM
I also think it's funny and some people need to lighten up a bit! Sales is all about marketing and I'm sure this one worked out just how they wanted it to. I'll buy a box if for nothing else to put on the shelf. I am wondering though is the Z-max bullet just a V-max or is it a dif bullet?

I was wondering the same thing. I hope it is a cool zombieish color like Nickelodeon slime green!

10-18-2011, 02:18 PM
seasonal gimmick, what will be next ,,,, santa slugs,,,,,,,, easter bunny boolits,,, ?
i bet "the young uns" eat it up,,,,not me though!:coffeecom

Why would you shoot Santa or the Easter Bunnie? They are good...zombies are bad.

10-18-2011, 02:30 PM
And to think I was peeved off at everything being labeled "tactical"! Now this garbage that is the product of someone with a 6th grade education, and probably failed Kindergarten twice, lands in marketing and sells this stupid idea to upper level people!Robert

10-18-2011, 02:34 PM
I am wondering though is the Z-max bullet just a V-max or is it a dif bullet?

The handgun rounds are listed as "Flex Tip Expanding" on Midway, so I would assume the same as LeverRevolution bullets. I'm sure the rifle are V-Max or A-Max with a green tip. Shotgun loads are probably standard buckshot loads...they don't give much detail on website.

My wife loves the Zombie trend. Don't think of them as stupid monster shows. Think of them as a collapse of government. The Zombies represent unprepared sheep trying to get your family and resources and you have to find a way to survive without the assistance of law enforcement.

I also think the release of Zombie ammo has to do with Halloween in a few weeks, but the timing with "The Walking Dead" premier was impeccable.

10-18-2011, 02:40 PM
My wife loves the Zombie trend. Don't think of them as stupid monster shows. Think of them as a collapse of government. The Zombies represent unprepared sheep trying to get your family and resources and you have to find a way to survive without the assistance of law enforcement.

I also think the release of Zombie ammo has to do with Halloween in a few weeks, but the timing with "The Walking Dead" premier was impeccable.

Absolutely! This was the 'perfect storm' for ammunition manufacturers. As far as I'm concerned, they're attracting younger shooters. At the range, it's a chance for the crusty old geezers to lighten up and steer them in the right direction. Have fun, be safe.

Baron von Trollwhack
10-18-2011, 03:10 PM
I think the current use of "zombie" is an easily understood metaphor in a great many instances. "Patriots" are the opposite in most respects.

Various and good forums are loaded with such images of the evil zombie as metaphor just as the demon rat forums are inventing names for Tea Party folks who are the AMERICA LOVING crowd, and are citizens not wanting the Constitution to be destroyed by "ZOMBIES", the living brain dead). The rat spokes people apply the scurillous epithets long used in their own far out communities to good citizens in today's times in an attempt to degrade patriotism and love of country.

There, easy enough ! Now you know where Hornady stands in making zombie ammo for the unsophisticated amongst us. And making a bit of profit is our national business .

I make my ammo for personal zombie use out of the most accurate of plumbumium alloys.


Love Life
10-18-2011, 03:50 PM
For those who doubt the validity of zombie specific ammo I present the following picture as evidence that zombies do indeed exist.

10-18-2011, 05:49 PM
I'll just say one more thing then let the thread run it's course.

ANYTHING THAT PROMOTES THE SHOOTING SPORTS IS A GOOD THING!! Weather it be killing Zombies or shooting ground squirrels if it promotes the sport and brings new shooters in I'll back it!

Bullet Caster
11-19-2011, 02:38 PM
Chicken Thief,
I just wanted to remind you, "for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spititual wickedness in high places."
After I learned this verse, I had to accept that no man was my enemy and that I should forgive anyone that has sinned against me in order to obtain mercy. However, if someone points a gun at me (as in a crime) I will not hesitate to blow him away. Personal preservation will almost always prevail.
However, eventhough I know you were kidding, and I just had to respond. I am NOT a Bible thumper though. BC

11-19-2011, 03:24 PM
I'm now considered to be one of those crusty old farts, heck, I'm 65, retired, I've earned it. That said, I think Hornady can call their ammo anything they want to. This zombie max is nothing other than their FTX ammo in a different box.(Flex Tip eXpanding).

The FTX in handgun ammo is designed to penetrate clothing WITHOUT clogging the hollow point, like can and does happen with normal HP ammo. They've proved it by shooting both through several layers of denim, then into gelatin blocks.

11-19-2011, 09:16 PM
I think anyone who pays money for the Zombie Max ammo is foolish and gullible. On the other hand, it is no doubt a fantastic marketing ploy by Hornady. If it gets more folks into the shooting sports, I'm all for it.

Personally, I don't watch much TV. Haven't had cable since 2006. There isn't much I miss and I can always download whatever I feel the need to watch for entertainment. My wife is a TV geek. When she watches TV I go to the garage. It's better for her that way. If I watch TV with her she gets a huge dose of my sarcasm and me continuously pointing how full of it the show is or how something is wrong and not realistic, but mostly just a ton of sarcastic remarks at her shows;)

While we are on the subject of zombies - no discussion of zombies is complete without mention of the movie Zombieland. Surprisingly, I found the movie funny and entertaining. The rules for surviving Zombieland are hysterical, "Rule#1 Cardio, Rule#2 The Double Tap, etc"

11-20-2011, 01:22 AM
I think anyone who pays money for the Zombie Max ammo is foolish and gullible.

Yes, especially since it's 4 dollars more for 25 rounds than the regular critical defense ammo with the same loading,



But some will pay the extra $ just for the "cool factor".

IF on the other hand it has some special powers, ya know like the silver boolit for vampires, then it's a must have for the SHTF crowd! :veryconfu:dung_hits_fan:

11-20-2011, 03:15 AM
I am just waiting for some "internet experts" or Mall Ninjas to start telling us you can only kill (nonexistant) Zombies with Zombie ammo. They will probably say that cast won't work and besides it will lead your barrel.


11-23-2011, 06:27 PM
Actually saw some in 45. Looks like a hollow point with a green plastic 'plug' - not a pointy tip.

11-23-2011, 09:42 PM
I saw some of this at Cabela's last night, I won't be buying any but that is what makes America great.....the right to choose.

11-23-2011, 11:49 PM
Yes, especially since it's 4 dollars more for 25 rounds than the regular critical defense ammo with the same loading,



But some will pay the extra $ just for the "cool factor".

IF on the other hand it has some special powers, ya know like the silver boolit for vampires, then it's a must have for the SHTF crowd! :veryconfu:dung_hits_fan:

That's just it! It's KEWL! :holysheep

BTW, I doubt it would still be on the shelf if it wasn't selling. I'll go ahead and reiterate a statment I made before: Sombody there made a savy marketing call and it paid off in spades. Period. ;-)

11-24-2011, 03:36 AM
Well men, it's not just Hornady cashing in on the zombie threat. Here's Ka-bar's contribution:


This zombie thing has several different faces:

1. "Zombie" is an alias for mind numbed attackers of whatever sort that might try to overrun your part of the world. Preparing for one type would put you in good shape for any of the other types, even if one type is fictional and the others aren't.

2. Some people like to imagine a scenario in which every other human being is automatically on their side. In order to do that, one has to have a foe that is inherently against all human beings, something like zombies or aliens or even an influenza virus, for a reality based foe.

3. "Zombie hunting" is also morphing into a new shooting sport, much like Cowboy Action shooting, Sporting Clays, or Combat shooting, in which a person is thrust into varied situations to use different firearms.

If this zombie thing gets people up and about, thinking of "what if...", and moves them towards gun ownership and the shooting sports, I'll not denigrate it.

11-24-2011, 03:57 AM
Well, funny or not, old or young, offended or not, I'm noticing that this stuff is sold out or backordered in more than one location, and they're all saying "We'll have some as soon as we can get more!" Hats off to the guy who brought it up in the board meeting. That idea has made Hornady a lot of money. Clever marketing.

I do chuckle a little, and so did my wife when I explained it. Zombies do seem to be getting "a life of their own". I don't need it, as what I have will work fine, but it has crossed my mind to get a box or two as gag gifts that my friends can actually use on the range.

Me not you
11-24-2011, 07:00 AM
snuffy, your comment is perfect:
"Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars."
- Unknown

On the Zombie ammo.
We all have the freedom to buy it or pass it up.
To me it's a perfect example of the market in action.
I salute Hornady for their enterprise.
I may CHOOSE to buy some for both what it's truly useful for and the novelty (mostly the former). It's probably good hunting ammo.

11-24-2011, 09:15 AM
but it has crossed my mind to get a box or two as gag gifts that my friends can actually use on the range.

I was thinking Christmas presents for the shooters I work with, same idea. We use zombie targets all of the time. I get target sized cardboard free from work and have a contest for the kids to see who makes the best zombie target. My son (12 yrs old ) would love a box of these. Whatever keeps them interested in going to the range is fine with me.

Doble Troble
11-24-2011, 07:14 PM
Bowfin got it. This ammo targets those involved in the USPSA-type of action shooting matches called "Zombie Matches". Unlike usual competitions, only head shots count.

It sounds like a fun match. I wish there were one around here.

11-24-2011, 07:37 PM
Oh, I agree with all aspects here and have nothing new to add, but it is kinda funny and I see the marketing involved. Those left wingers already have the excuses needed to hate us and I dont see how this adds fuel to their fire. If it sells ammo, sell it. If it sold guns half as well, I would call it a success. I just think that we (myself included) could lighten up a bit and enjoy the sunset for what it is.

reloading noob
11-24-2011, 08:46 PM
I think it was a great marketing gimmick. But what concerns me is the money and effort that the CDC put forth to do a study and a publication about a Zombie Threat !!! seems like a waste of money. But on the flip side of it. The local Boy Scouts use the CDC manual as a way to get used to the idea of prepping for a disaster. Like Hurricanes and such.

11-25-2011, 12:36 AM
I suppose I should comment on this.

11-25-2011, 03:26 AM
I really dislike this whole zombie thing. I groaned out loud when brownells sent a really tacky letter to me with a zombie theme a few months ago. They are not endearing me with it, rather the opposite.

11-25-2011, 03:36 AM
I suppose I should comment on this.

Too funny!

I find the whole zombie thing to be quite amusing. Zombie ammo is just another novelty that will run it's course. Clever marketing really. If you don't like it, then don't buy it. I haven't bought any and don't intend to, but I do think it’s funny. Carry on Hornady, Brownells, etc. Nothing wrong with having a sense of humor.

Me not you
11-25-2011, 07:18 AM
What I'm wondering about is the Z-Max bullet. Does it violently expand and disintegrate as a varmint bullet; or does it expand but hold together as a hunting bullet should? If it's decent hunting ammo I'll be sure to buy some. I have less need for varmint ammo in the cartridge.

Ickisrulz on television,
It's actually addictive. I had to disconnect the cable to get my daughter to engage in something other than existing in front of it. I've also found it to be a terrible way to be informed about what's going on in the world (media bias). I'd rather be doing useful things instead of watching most of what's on it.

I read, use the internet to be informed, and do useful things instead of watching TV.

11-25-2011, 07:47 AM
I Don't watch much TV, I hate zombie flicks, I never buy factory ammo, and I dont go in for fads........
But this stuff is freakin awesome
I seriously want some! Just think! This might be the start of a run of special ammo. Next they will come out with vampire slugs, then werewolf bullets, then who knows? Personally, I want the whole set.
Someday, Ill be showing a nephew or grandson through my gun cabinet explaining the more noble ways of punching holes in things, and safety rules, and hunting ethics, etc. etc. and at one point, when his eyes seem to be glazing over, Ill slide out a box of this stuff, and watch him go all :shock: on me.

11-25-2011, 12:49 PM
It seems in threads where TV is mentioned that there's always a couple guys who claim to have no TV or not watch it at all. Maybe I'm misinterpreting this (and it won't be the first time) but it also seems like this is presented (although not explictly) as a superior lifestyle.

How do you get your news and weather? How do you know if an emergency situation is coming? Do you get the newspaper, listen to the radio? What do you do for entertainment? Do you go to the movies, do you read, or is the computer the only media you use?

Not meaning to be insulting...just wondering.

I read, average of four books (novels) per week from our library. I listen to the radio, BBC, ABC etc. I do not subscribe to a newspaper and only turn on the TV to watch a DVD from Netflix. I get the rest of my news (propaganda) on line from the 'net.

11-25-2011, 07:00 PM
What I'm wondering about is the Z-Max bullet. Does it violently expand and disintegrate as a varmint bullet; or does it expand but hold together as a hunting bullet should? If it's decent hunting ammo I'll be sure to buy some. I have less need for varmint ammo in the cartridge.

From what I can figure out, the handgun zombie ammo is loaded with their FTX bullets, the difference being the green tip, instead of the red soft plastic tip. The rifle stuff is either the V-MAX bullet, again with green instead of red tip, or a A-max in the .308 stuff. Who can guess what's in the buckshot loads, maybe they painted the 00 balls green?:mrgreen:


11-25-2011, 11:12 PM
Hornady gives the warning:

Disclaimer: Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition is NOT a toy (IT IS LIVE AMMUNITION), but is intended only to be used on…ZOMBIES, also known as the living dead, undead, etc. No human being, plant, animal, vegetable or mineral should ever be shot with Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition. Again, we repeat, Hornady® Zombie Max™ ammunition is for use on ZOMBIES ONLY, and that's not a nickname, phrase or cute way of referring to anybody, place or thing. When we say Zombies, we mean…ZOMBIES!

So that makes me wonder what kind of bullets they're loaded with? Is it some kind of frangeable ammo that wouldn't penetrate into a person? (so as to be safe for shooting at targets, with much less possibility of hurting a human target?) or is the disclaimer also just marketing BS?

I don't really understand this whole zombie fad, but then I also don't understand the cowboy action fad either. But, just because I don't understand it doesn't mean that I think either is bad, or wrong, I think they're both great ways of getting folks into the shooting sports, and anything that does that, is a good thing.

11-26-2011, 12:15 AM
I thought it was a joke at first, but I checked into it and it appears to be a stroke of genius in marketing. It's very refreshing and unexpected to see a company in such a "liable" industry as ammunition, component, and tool manufacturer demonstrate a sense of humor and go out on a limb to cash in on a fad.

I'm with Goodsteel on this too, I hope they make wooden-tipped and silver-tipped ammunition, and maybe even license some "Billy The Kid" or "John Wayne" ammo in popular SASS calibers.

Bottom line, I sincerely hope the good folks at Hornady make a pile of money on this and continue to bring the true sport of action shooting to new (even if bizarre) levels.


11-26-2011, 02:35 AM
Billy the Kid, maybe, but John Wayne? I wouldn't bother, none of the 20 some year olds that are attracted to shooting today would remember who he is. As a test I asked my daughter (24 year old), and she knew of Billy, but not John Wayne. While it might be sad, the reality is that older movie actors are being forgotten very quickly these days. When I asked my daughter if she knew who Charlton Heston was, she said yes, some gun person that used to send Grandpa letters! She had no clue who he was, or that he was an actor at all.

But then we all sometimes see things from our own view point. The other day I was listening to talk radio, discussing Herman Cain's problems with the accusations he's facing, and the guy was saying that the NRA was allowing the women involved to forgo their non disclosure agreement, and all I could think of was "How is the NRA involved in this?" Took me a few minutes to realize that the NRA they were talking about was the National Restaurant Association!

11-26-2011, 02:47 AM
I have seen some of this ammo in the gun store here in town. I think its neat. I will buy a few box's and put it away. remember Billy Beer? that was a joke also have you seen what its selling for on the web? GD

my x wife was one. still is.

11-26-2011, 08:34 AM
Billy the Kid, maybe, but John Wayne? I wouldn't bother, none of the 20 some year olds that are attracted to shooting today would remember who he is. As a test I asked my daughter (24 year old), and she knew of Billy, but not John Wayne. While it might be sad, the reality is that older movie actors are being forgotten very quickly these days. When I asked my daughter if she knew who Charlton Heston was, she said yes, some gun person that used to send Grandpa letters! She had no clue who he was, or that he was an actor at all.

But then we all sometimes see things from our own view point. The other day I was listening to talk radio, discussing Herman Cain's problems with the accusations he's facing, and the guy was saying that the NRA was allowing the women involved to forgo their non disclosure agreement, and all I could think of was "How is the NRA involved in this?" Took me a few minutes to realize that the NRA they were talking about was the National Restaurant Association!
Well sadly that may be the norm in some places but not in my house. My 4 y/o saw "Hondo" for the first time yesterday. He listens paitiantly while his mother and I "decide" which is better, "Rio Bravo" or "El Dorado," (IMHO it's RB. ). I think I can wait a whole year w/o seeing another JW movie but they will be watched and learned from. It may not be considered good form in this day and age for kids to have strong role models but when my son looks in the gun cabnet and points and says "The Duke's gun" I don't care who you are, your proud. I'd like to think I learned some important lessons from the man and I hope my son does too.

11-26-2011, 08:47 PM
DPMS hosts a zombie shoot thats looks like its a blast, to go shoot,

if its still running, when I finally get out from under the current financial fiasco Im caught up in right now,

I`ll take the time and money and go play


I think this is where everyone else is hopping on the zombie marketing idea
(look at all the sponsers for that shoot)

as for me, living in the county that is supposed to have the highest number of methheads in it in the nation,

I consider the methheads---- zombies, , the stories I have heard about these types when totally out of it, is mind numbing,

and yes I have some of the zombie ammo too, but it might really be needed if things ever fall apart and our local methheads go nutz:dung_hits_fan:

11-27-2011, 12:01 PM
PK, don't you know it isn't "pc" to show your young children "violent" movies nowdays? Don't you know they'll grow up to be psycho killers and robbers, or maybe even conservative Republicans? You're supposed to bring them up on champions of mediocrity like Spongebob Squarepants, Barney, and Teletubbies so they'll learn to be as close to non-entities as possible. Sesame Street might be a bit strong nowdays, too much moral message and not enough brain-numbing conformity lessons.[smilie=b:

What happened to all the children's heros? Gene, Roy, the Lone Ranger, all the Marvel comic-based tv shows, even Thundercats, GI Joe, He-Man, Bugs Bunny, and Luke Skywalker from later times were every boy's heros to name just a few are gone from pop culture to be replaced by who? Stewie? Homer? Who do kids want to dress up like on Halloween nowdays?

MikeS, all I can say is somehow, someone failed your daughter very badly. It's up to her to bring up the next generation of Americans, are you counting on them learning it all from public school and TV? What to you think this country is going to look like in another 24 years?


11-27-2011, 02:06 PM
PK, don't you know it isn't "pc" to show your young children "violent" movies nowdays? Don't you know they'll grow up to be psycho killers and robbers, or maybe even conservative Republicans? You're supposed to bring them up on champions of mediocrity like Spongebob Squarepants, Barney, and Teletubbies so they'll learn to be as close to non-entities as possible. Sesame Street might be a bit strong nowdays, too much moral message and not enough brain-numbing conformity lessons.[smilie=b:

What happened to all the children's heros? Gene, Roy, the Lone Ranger, all the Marvel comic-based tv shows, even Thundercats, GI Joe, He-Man, Bugs Bunny, and Luke Skywalker from later times were every boy's heros to name just a few are gone from pop culture to be replaced by who? Stewie? Homer? Who do kids want to dress up like on Halloween nowdays?

MikeS, all I can say is somehow, someone failed your daughter very badly. It's up to her to bring up the next generation of Americans, are you counting on them learning it all from public school and TV? What to you think this country is going to look like in another 24 years?

GearDon't I know it, just wait till he start's "real" school, I already have a bad enough reputation for taking an intrest in his pre-k learning, imagine what it will be like when I get my hands on his first text books? :bigsmyl2:

12-16-2011, 09:53 PM
Well, I had to go buy some. Not HAD to, I though what the hay, why not? Some of it resides in my CCW carry LC-9. So, I'm ready if the zombies come out of the woodwork when I'm out and about.




Got some of the 40 S&W for the house gun replacing handloaded gold dots. I may get some 45 acp, but it's a 185 grain, I'd rather it was at least a 200.

12-16-2011, 11:53 PM
I have to wonder, not that it matters, but what does Massad Ayoob think about using Zombie Max ammo in a self-defense situation?


12-16-2011, 11:55 PM
I have to wonder, not that it matters, but what does Massad Ayoob think about using Zombie Max ammo in a self-defense situation?


You just had to kick that hornets nest didn't you? :bigsmyl2:

12-17-2011, 12:00 AM
Has he ever been involved in a case related to a Zombie attack? Is he even aware of the impending zombie apocalypse?
This is factory ammo and not reloads so it should be OK for personal defense.

I also wonder, do zombies have any legal rights? I bet they do, we let politicians have rights and they are equally brainless.

I think this is one of the best bits of marketing I have seen in years. Many, many years.

12-17-2011, 12:33 AM
I think this is one of the best bits of marketing I have seen in years. Many, many years.

Well it worked on me!:bigsmyl2: I seldom buy fac-to-ry ammo, which is the main reason I reload, so I don't have to. Too cool to pass up. The LGS had all they had right on the front counter. Boss said they were getting so many requests for it, they just stacked it all right there so they could find it easier.

I have to wonder, not that it matters, but what does Massad Ayoob think about using Zombie Max ammo in a self-defense situation?


I wondered the same thing. He seldom makes any sense, so he prolly has something against it. After all the debate about his theories, I just don't want to take a chance with my reloads. Now that we Wisconsonites can carry concealed, AND I got my permit last Monday, I figure I'll go with this ammo.

The FTX theory is that run-of-the-mill hollow points can get plugged with fabric and fail to expand. The FTX with it's soft polymer tip is supposed to prevent that. Winter is here, so folks are bundled up pretty well already. Heavy coats to be shot through!

Do zombies get cold? ColdER? Suppose to go for head shots, but heavy hats to shoot through too.:idea:

12-17-2011, 01:08 AM
You just had to kick that hornets nest didn't you? :bigsmyl2:

You know it! [smilie=l: The thought crossed my mind, and I just couldn't resist!

Brad brings up some excellent points, perhaps someone should warn Ayoob :-P

Just think of the whole new profession for attorneys when the Apocalypse comes, prosecuting "wrongful death" suits for zombies against people who killed them with special ammo.:-P


Idaho Sharpshooter
12-17-2011, 06:43 PM
Two months after the humorless OP, the libturds have:

a. still not seen it
b. decided it is too close to the election campaigns to look anti-gun by talking about it
c. have some latent sense of humor
d. come to the obvious conclusion that mentioning it would cause Hornady's sales to skyrocket

I bought a box of each

12-17-2011, 07:07 PM
I bought a box as a gag xmas gift for a buddy of mine. While looking at it, I was considering that the glow in the dark bullet tips might actually be useful for orienting a magazine as you pick it up off a nightstand in a self defense scenario. That the same reason I like night sights, not to shoot in the dark, but to be able to determine where and how my handgun is located next to me.

12-17-2011, 07:20 PM
If an American Citizen becomes a zombie in another country do they retain their citizenship?[smilie=f:

12-17-2011, 07:43 PM
I was thinking that in the impending zombie apocalypse that it may be safest near government facilities. If zombies are after brains what better way to avoid that than by being in proximity to places where brains are not usually found!

As for citizinship I doubt that the undead recognize any state or national boundaries. There is only live, dead, or undead. Nothing else matters.

And I find it mildly disturbing that I am discussing anything zombie related.

12-18-2011, 12:08 AM
You know it! [smilie=l: The thought crossed my mind, and I just couldn't resist!

Brad brings up some excellent points, perhaps someone should warn Ayoob :-P

Just think of the whole new profession for attorneys when the Apocalypse comes, prosecuting "wrongful death" suits for zombies against people who killed them with special ammo.:-P


If that ever happened I would think who passed the Bar would be the least of our issues. ;-)

He$$ if the whole economic shebang goes down the tubes, Lawyers will be the first to go. Barter and lawyers don't mix well. ;-)

If we barter everything is Kosher w/o a lawyer. ;-)

12-18-2011, 12:51 AM
Today I talked to a guy who was buying up treadmills to place around the outside walls of his house and hook up to generators.

His logic is that the zombies will come after him and walk up onto the tread mills and continously walk forever and generate enough power to end his dependence on Foreign Oil!

Sounds like a plan!


12-18-2011, 10:43 AM
Today I talked to a guy who was buying up treadmills to place around the outside walls of his house and hook up to generators.

His logic is that the zombies will come after him and walk up onto the tread mills and continously walk forever and generate enough power to end his dependence on Foreign Oil!

Sounds like a plan!


LOL!!! :lol:

That might work for a while but, eventually the zombies might get wise to it and organize, then they'll demand "Collective Bargaining". The upshot is even walking a picket line they could still generate electricity. :lol: