View Full Version : Keep that spout clean!

charger 1
02-08-2007, 06:09 AM
I learned the hard way. Before I started using my foundry type/WW mix I cleaned my pot like crazy,even the spout.... Set about doing some casting with bidismal results. Spots all over the outside. Dark spots. OK I thought,dirty mold. Cleaned it. No good. OK its the foundry type. Got all kinds of directions from everybody under the sun on how to flux and clean. No go ,had to turf it,a whole pot full. Tried going back to ww+2% tin,no go..OK that tears it. Poured that pot into ingots,ripped the pot apart. Noticed my pour hole was wide open except a little blob on the side, which put a swirling motion to the stream allowing it to pick up air,thus bubble. So endeth the story of the outside spots, and I'll bet (cross your fingers) also the poor accuracy story will end to...

02-08-2007, 10:29 AM
Swirling lead from the spout isn't COOL.........Creeker