View Full Version : hash marks

10-14-2011, 07:38 PM
I sized once fired starline brass in my 45-70 and found 8 3/16" hash marks in the brass about 1" from the top parallel [up and down] to the sides around the casings. This was before I neck sized. What might have caused this. I did lube the casings and they sized pretty easy.Thanks.

Don McDowell
10-14-2011, 09:22 PM
Sounds like crud in the sizing die.

10-15-2011, 10:59 AM
yep i agree....CRUD!!

10-15-2011, 11:29 AM
You did say the marks were there BEFORE" sizing right? In which case it could only be depriming or the actual gun chamber. Do you remember if they were all ok coming out of the gun?
Because depriming is a fairly low tech operation, I find fairly poor quality control in some die sets. If the decapping rod is not centered well and it has a close fitting "fat part" just above the pin, this could shove the case sideways into the die wall. I'm talking about a seperate decap/resize operation here.

Anyway, I'm just guessing.

10-15-2011, 06:14 PM
after sizing. It looks like stretch marks. I'll check for crud.Thanks

10-16-2011, 01:26 PM
i had a size die that had a bit of rust up in the die...it rained havoc on me for a spot of time till i discovered it and buffed it out...then i just replaced the die and devoted it to a bp compression die...[home-made].

also the "fat part" does not exist on any 45-70 dies i have ever seen nor heard about...this is a straight walled case and has no "fat part"...rather it has as a third die... an expander die with a case belling portion at the top of the expander portion.

10-17-2011, 01:21 PM
also the "fat part" does not exist on any 45-70 dies i have ever seen nor heard about...this is a straight walled case and has no "fat part"...rather it has as a third die... an expander die with a case belling portion at the top of the expander portion.

I wasn't speaking of a expander/bellmouth, but rather a blob that acts as a guide to get the decapper aligned at the base of the cartridge. Now that I think about it, I've only seen them on straight walled pistol dies for 310/tru-line style stuff. Maybe I need to enter the new millenium.

Chicken Thief
10-17-2011, 01:45 PM
i had a size die that had a bit of rust up in the die...it rained havoc on me for a spot of time till i discovered it and buffed it out...then i just replaced the die and devoted it to a bp compression die...[home-made].

also the "fat part" does not exist on any 45-70 dies i have ever seen nor heard about...this is a straight walled case and has no "fat part"...rather it has as a third die... an expander die with a case belling portion at the top of the expander portion.

Is not!
Diameter above rim = .505"
Diameter at edge = .480"


10-17-2011, 08:07 PM
Is not!
Diameter above rim = .505"
Diameter at edge = .480"


i most certainly stand corrected...cant imagine how embarrassing this is to finally be TOLD. allow me to mention how relieved i am for the CORRECT term...oh wait...i dont read the CORRECT term!!!!!!!if this isnt a straight walled cartridge then please do tell where the case is not straight...never refered to it as non-tapered...just straight walled.......

10-18-2011, 08:46 AM
Too much lube

10-18-2011, 01:09 PM
i most certainly stand corrected...cant imagine how embarrassing this is to finally be TOLD. allow me to mention how relieved i am for the CORRECT term...oh wait...i dont read the CORRECT term!!!!!!!
You should probably feel thoroughly ashamed of yourself ... but then, so must I.
I have been guilty of calling that whole family of cartridges 'straight-walled' for even longer than you.
I'm not sure how to begin my self-flaggelation, nor how to make it up to the many that I have misled.