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02-06-2007, 06:39 PM
Lady and Blackey: Cry Wolf

By Scott Richards

Hi, my name is Scott Richards and I have lived in Grangeville, Idaho for the last 17 years. I have enjoyed training my hunting dogs for the past 34 years. To do this it takes a great deal of love for your dogs and for
the great outdoors. I have always prided myself in the manner of which I train my dogs and take care of them. When I choose a new pup he or she spends the first 6 months of their life in my house. They are loved and a bond is there forever. I do not believe there are bad dog's, just inexperienced owners.

I have spent the last 4 years trying to introduce this sport to as many young people as I could. My photo albums are full of pictures with children setting under a tree with the dogs telling them good job. That has all
changed now! The reason I am writing this story is not to debate whether the Canadian gray wolf should be or should not be here. I am not going to debate anyone about how many wolfs are really in the state of Idaho. I will say our Elk, Moose and Deer populations are in serious trouble now! The real reason I am telling this story is that I have a conscience, and what happened to my dogs and me last Wednesday 5/25/2006 at 9:45 in the morning. It's been a few days now and the shock has turned from fear to disbelief to anger and now the
major concern for the safety of anyone who lives in or visits our state.

My life that I have loved raising and training these special w orking dogs is now over...

Crying wolf!!

This Wednesday morning started like most days when I am training dogs. I was a few miles from my house and turned up the hill on the Service Flats Road. I let my dogs out of the box; jumped into my truck and followed them up the road for a mile letting them clean out. I had 8 dogs with me and 7 of them were very experienced 2, 3, and 4 year olds. I had one 5 month old pup. I loaded 4 dogs on the top of the box and 4 inside the box.

I did not have to drive far and the dogs sounded off letting me know a bear had crossed the road. My friend Bryon had driven up from Lewiston to train some of his young dogs. I turned out a 4 year old named Jasper,
he left the road and let me know the track was fresh. I told Bryon turn his dogs loose as I did. They quickly dropped into a canyon where bears hang in the brushy bottoms in daylight hours. When all the dogs reached
the bottom 5 dogs went up the oth er side of the canyon headed toward Fish Creek campground. The other group of dogs came right back up the hill to us. They put the bears in a tree 20 minutes later. The other group of dogs treed about the same time about 1- 1/2 miles away. Bryon and I went to the nearest dogs first. When we were under the tree we found they had a mature sow and a 2-year-old cub. We took a few pictures
and we were back in the trucks ready to go to the other dogs. We drove back up to where we heard the group of 5 dogs top over and shortly there after tree the bear. When we checked where the dogs still had the bear treed. We drove as close as we could & stopped and listened, they were about 4 hundred yards away treeing solid. I made the decision to move the truck 200 yards to the low side of the saddle; this would be an easy way back with the dogs.

When Bryon and I crested the hill instead of hearing a roar of barking dogs tree ing we heard nothing. We were looking at each other like where did they go; we just heard them there 5 minutes ago. Then one dog barked in one place another barked 50 yards away. I said to Bryon that neither dog that we heard sounded like any of our dogs. He agreed. Then I heard a dog bark that I new was mine, but at the end of his bark there was a sharp yelp.

Bryon and I headed down the hill in a hurry about 75 yards apart. About 300 yards down the hill I was stopped dead in my tracks by a big dark colored wolf. My Blackey dog was getting attacked, I was 20 yards
away now and closing fast, screaming and yelling as I ran. I stopped at about 12 feet from the wolf and even though I was screaming and waving my arms the wolf did not break from the attack. Every time Blackey tried
to run the wolf would sink his teeth into Blackey's hindquarters. All the while I was screaming louder than I ever screamed in my life.

Without any thought I picked up a 4-foot stick, stepped toward the wolf swung and hit a tree. When the branch went crack and the tree went thud the wolf instantly lunged at me. I remember thinking I was going to
die. I ran from tree to tree straight up hill towards my truck. When that wolf lunged at me I believed I would have been seriously hurt or dead if not for Blackey. I did not see what took place, but what I heard was my dog giving his life to save me.

As I reached the truck Bryon was digging in his truck for a gun. As I ran up he started yelling we got wolfs! I was trying to listen to him as I was searching for a gun as I took my pistol in my hand and turned toward Bryon, when I looked into his eyes I realized I was not the only one threatened by wolfs. We were heading back down to see if we could save Blackey or Lady or Halley, but there was no sound. I wanted to here
a bell dingle or a bark but nothing . As Bryon and I hurried back to the truck to get my tracking box, I finally understood Bryon was able to fight off 3 wolfs and save 2 dogs. Snyper and Bullet, they were safe in
the dog box with no life threatening injuries.

With the tracking box in hand I tuned in on Ladies tracking collar and said to Bryon not Lady not Lady, but I new she was dead. Then I tuned to Blackey, and said to Bryon, he was dead, and then I tuned in Halley's
collar. 1 beep every 4 seconds that means all 3 dogs had not moved for at least 5 minutes. All dead! I was just standing there in shock.

We decided to look for Halley first we were getting real close the receiver was pegging the needle on close and turned way down. I knew a few more steps and I would be looking at one of my babies. My heart
skipped a beat when Halley's tree switch went off, I didn't know if she was alive or if a wolf was dragging her off. We ran the direction the needle was pointing and in a few yards there she was. She was trying to
get up, her stomach was ripped open and her guts were hanging out a foot. She had over 60 bite marks deep gashes all over her body. Her stomach was torn in multiple spots. Bryon went into action, off came his shirt and we wrapped it tightly around her stomach. I carried her back to Bryon's truck put her in the front seat and Brian headed for the Vets.

I remember thinking I wouldn't see Halley alive again. I started tracking Blacky next; it did not take long to find him. He wasn't far from where the wolf came after me. He was dead and lying in a pool of his own blood. He was bit and torn so full of holes I just fell to the ground bawling and crying. I could not quit thinking he gave his life to save me. I was sitting there when it hit me Lady, better get to Lady. When I tuned her in I knew she was within a 100 yards. I lined up with her collar and next thing I knew there she laid in a heap, her eyes wide open looking straight into my eyes. For one second I thought she might be alive. When I knelt down beside her I knew she was dead. Its very hard to describe the type of death these dogs were handed. It was easy to see that the wolfs want to cripple there prey, torture it and then kill it. I have never seen a worse way for any animal or person to die.

I made it back to town and took care of my dogs that made it through this nightmare that happened in the light of day. Then I headed to see if Halley needed t o be buried. When I walked into the veterinarian's office I was greeted with, Did you find the rest of your dogs? I tried to say they were all dead but could not get the words out; all I could do is cry. After a few minutes standing alone I heard a voice behind me say Halley is still alive do you want to see her? I instantly headed for the back room and when I turned the corner I saw this little black ball covered in stitches swollen twice her normal size. I stopped and said out loud oh my God Halley what have they done to you? When she heard me say her name she lifted her head, whined and waged her tail. I kneeled down and held her and comforted her. The whole time wondering if she was the lucky one or was Blackey and Lady the lucky ones. When I looked into her eyes it was easy to see the only reason she was still alive, the wolf had choked her out. Her eyes were full of blood, they had left her for dead.

The Doc said it was a miracle she was alive at all. Her lungs were badly damaged but what most concerned us all was infection from all the tears and bites. I knew this little dog had more heart and desire then a 1200lb grizzly bear and yet was as gentle with my granddaughters as my chocolate lab. If it were just a fight with infection she would win. So on the way home I called the Idaho Fish and Game to report what had happened. They were very understanding and I could tell they were sincere when they said they were sorry for my loss. They also made it clear there was nothing they could do for me and that there hands were tied. They said they would write the report, and call the federal agent.

Justin the government trapper contacted me by phone and arranged to meet me first light in the morning.

We were at the site of the attack early the next morning. We went to the site where I had laid Lady in the shade. She was gone without a trace. So I took Justin to where Blackey was laying and he had also disappeared. We searched around and found nothing. About that time a crow down below me called three times so we walked toward the sound. It did not take long and we were standing over the remains of the dog that saved me from harm. All that was left of him was his head and backbone.



Had we been an hour later there would have been nothing left of him. We had spooked the wolfs off while they were finishing there prey. In 5 hours all we found of Lady was a pile of fresh wolf scat full of white, brown and black dog hair. Lady was a tri-colored walker, that color. Justin and I buried what was left of Blackey. We piled heavy stones on his grave and I walked away thinking that it could have been me. I could have been just a pile of wolf scat lying on the ground and leaving people wonder where I had disappeared to.

I couldn't help but think of the 22-year-old m an who was killed and eaten by wolfs in Canada this winter. There's been a slaughter on hound dogs and pets in Idaho and it is getting worse daily. I have been assured that if these wolfs kill any cows or sheep, goats, pigs, horses they will become a problem and will be dealt with, and the owners will be compensated. That's a relief!! Dogs have no value to anyone in the government it seems. So what I love to do is over, I will not send another dog to slaughter or feed another starving wolf pack.

My concerns now are that the wolfs are running out of easy prey and are now eating dogs. In wet muddy areas where elk and moose have always been plentiful, I no longer can find even a track. Per haps aliens took them off to a safer planet. I hope you did not find that funny. This is the first documented case in Idaho where the wolfs have eaten a dog after killing it. The real reason I had to write this story is Public safety .
The people who live in this wonderful state are being left clueless to the dangers that await them, in our national forests. The general public is unaware of the danger that awaits them in our national forest and else where. Since I retired I have spent no less then 4 days a week in the mountains, what has amazed me are how many of these wolfs are right around peoples homes. When they are out of easy prey be ready. For as
long as I can remember when you were in the mountains for any reason a dog by your side was a great defense to warn you of predators. I to believed in this. But now a dog is nothing more than bait to lure wolfs
to you.

Recently while cougar hunting with an associate of mine who is a licensed guide like myself had a wolf encounter. He was cougar hunting with a dog on a leash when three wolfs charged up on him. With waving
arms and a screaming voice he was able to persuade them to leave, but what if t hey had been a little hungrier? Your natural instinct will be to defend your companion. I am not saying to leave your friend at home but be prepared. Put a bell or a beeper on him or her so you know where they are at all times. The most important thing is to pack a firearm! I personally believe pepper spray will not work in a pack attack. Keep
your dogs quiet when you are walking, no barking.

If they are tied up in camp, no barking. And for Gods sake don't let your children play with your pets and have them barking while there playing. My personal belief is the war has been lost, its to late to save our big
game herds in my lifetime. The perfect plan to end our hunting in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and soon Washington, Oregon and the entire Rocky Mountain Range. It's fool proof and would take an order from the President to change it.

So what I have loved to do for most of my life is over. So enjoy while you still can, be prepared, pack a gun! I prey you never encounter a pack of Canadian gray wolfs

02-06-2007, 07:20 PM
Scott, I am very sorry for your terrible loss, The loss of a friend. To see one killed like this while saving your life would have to be very hard. I live in Western KY. We do not have wolves, Our problem is the coyote. Not much differant in their ways. Just smaller and not quite so bold. but very effective just the same.
I never leave the house without a handgun, this is just one of the reasons. Anybody ever see the movie Cujo, you just never know what is out there.

02-06-2007, 08:38 PM
This is a horrific event and one that will be more and more prevalent. Thanks for telling the story, and I feel for this guys loss of property and “friends”, as well as having to live through that crap in relative helplessness. In Wyoming where I used to hunt, the packs are quite active, and on the Antler Ranch the year we went elk hunting there, the owners said of the herd of 3000 elk that inhabit their sprawling ranch, they had not seen a single calf past September in a few years. Wolves run them down and eat them so this herd will not reproduce. They lost 8 moose to wolf attacks, and they didn't have that many to start with. These are not regular wolves: these are wolves that were TRAINED by the state how to run animals down and pack hunt, and have passed their man taught skills to their offspring. No fear of man nor beast, they are masters of the woods. Helicopters are sent to check up on collared ones if they don't move for a day... WHAT A CROK! Kill one for attacking your property, you’ll get fined and lose more of your property!

BTW, on the ranch that year, hunting in a veritable game refuge for 6.5 days, I saw one deer, a bunch of birds, one cow wolves had run down and eaten, and 3 wolves. How does that sit with "predator/prey" numbers?

Makes me want to vomit. Not even shoot, shovel and shutup is adequate.

02-06-2007, 08:50 PM
That's a hard thing for sure, but I would be damned if I would let the thought of my dogs getting killed by wolves stop me from doing what I enjoy, old bear dogs are kinda rare. It is also hard for me to imagine anyone going into bayed dogs not having a gun, after all **** happens.

From that day forward I would become a wolf hunter disguised as bear hunter complete with dogs for bait.

Imagine sitting at home and hearing a few yelps coming from your kennel, you get up and look out the window and see a swarm of killer bee's attacking your dogs, you go out but get driven back by the bee's by the time you get the door shut your eye's are swollen shut and you have to sit there and listen to your dogs getting killed, every last one of them.

Good luck

02-06-2007, 09:27 PM
the wolves are a serious problem. I had a report of a game warden i9n Idaho, who found 26 head of elk that had been savaged by the wolves. Some had faces torn off, others hamstrung, udders tore off, and some killed outright.
Locally, they are killing cattle and sheep, along with dogs. The elk, deer, and moose in some areashere have suffered terrible loss of numbers. The same thing has been seen of the elk calves not surviving.
Shoot every wolf you see, and shut up about it.

02-06-2007, 09:58 PM
I seriously doubt if any EIR dealing with the reintroduction of wolves discussed their little habit of killing other canines. There was a reason our ancestors killed wolves. Tree hugger,etc are getting them reintroduced with out a true and honest discussion of the real environmental impacts. Waksupi has the best answer, similar to what serious hunters are rumored do to mountain lions in Cal. Duckiller

02-06-2007, 10:19 PM
I seriously doubt if any EIR dealing with the reintroduction of wolves discussed their little habit of killing other canines. There was a reason our ancestors killed wolves. Tree hugger,etc are getting them reintroduced with out a true and honest discussion of the real environmental impacts. Waksupi has the best answer, similar to what serious hunters are rumored do to mountain lions in Cal. Duckiller

And you know what, the tree huggers are HAPPY about it. Because if there are not so many game animals, they know we're not happy. Nothing in the world could make them feel better. They could care less about balance of nature or anything else. If the evil gun owning hunters are deprived, then the planets line up for them. Think I'm kidding or exaggerating? Think again. My buddy is married to one, and she gets giddy when she hears these stories. You see, the "anointed" got them reintroduced, so whatever they do has to be good. And if you are not with them, you are an idiot. That’s the playbook, and they are winning. This tragic story is just another testament to it.

02-06-2007, 11:09 PM
No one should ever have to face that kind of pain. That is a sobering account. Not only that, it was damned well written, clear and focused despite the anger, shock, and grief. Those photos will give me nightmares, but that is nothing compared to the memories. There are no words to ease that kind of pain. My hands are shaking as I write this and I type two wrong letters for every right one. It takes a lot of guts to put your soul on paper after having it ripped out of you. I couldn't have done it.
I hunted coyotes for many years, but they never killed my friends. The only things I can do for you is first to wish Halley the best of luck in her recovery, and to make you an offer - if you ever run short of loading supplies, just say the word. In the city where I grew up we had a saying for those that went too far: PBMF (Pay Back will be a Mother F......). Do what you have to do, discretely if you can. I wish you well.

Lloyd Smale
02-09-2007, 09:43 AM
if one killed my dog id be on a lifetime quest to kill everyone in the USA!!!!

02-09-2007, 11:37 PM
Wolves are starting to be a big problem where we hunt in the West end of the U.P.

We had 13 wolf sightings in one week of deer hunting. One of our hunting partners saw 6 at one time, and 4 more in the next 2 days. After my brother and I left camp my dad stayed a few more days to hunt so Zac and I took his buck with us. Dad shot his buck the day before my brother and I left so there was a fresh gut pile infront of the stand dad was hunting, a large wolf dad said at least 110 pounds walked in front of him less then 20 yards, looked at him and went for the gut pile.

I heard MI is going to have a wolf season in the near future, it will be a lottery like our turkey and bear permits. I dont know for sure if it will happen but it would help the deer population for sure.

I am with Lloyd, there wouldnt be a single one breathing in America if one of those ******** took after one of my dogs.

Lloyd Smale
02-10-2007, 08:51 AM
Hey Doug i sent you a PM

02-10-2007, 11:57 PM
It seems like a terrible loss. Nothing anyone can say will fix it. If it bothered me bad enough I would take matters into my own hands. Wolves are hunted here, and trapped. I have lots ideas for the self empowered man to take action. I have rare black wolf hide. I live in a place where wolves are part of the landscape. I never seen a wolf kill. We having growing herds of game animals.

Sorry for your loss

Red River Rick
02-11-2007, 01:49 AM

Sorry about your companions. If it's any consolation, I shoot every wolf that I see.

Unfortunately for use, they are protected in an area surrounding my provinces only National Park (Riding Mountain National Park). But anything that ventures beyond that limit is fair game.

They (park naturalists and biologists) say that wolves prey on the sick and old wildlife, keeping the balance of nature in check. Somewhat true, but if they do get the opportunity to make a kill on something else other than wildlife (domestic pets, livestock and people) they will not hesitate.

This male was taken in January, he was about 200 yards away, running. However; he wasn't faster than a 139 boattail traveling at 2900 fps.

He'll make a nice rug.


02-11-2007, 04:41 PM
In talking to Yellowstone Park Rangers, I was discouraged from being a tent camper in the park, or near the park. This was emphasized because of my dog. Dogs tend to attract pedators in a "wild habitat". Dogs are no match for a animal that survives by killing. A small wolf will weigh 100 lbs, a large one over 200lbs. They stand as high as a man's hip.

A person needs to be careful and prepared. I live with wolves, but I never seen one. They come in town from time to time. They eat dogs. I never seen one, but I have follwed their tracks. I know they are here and I always carry a fire arm, and sometimes two depending on what I am doing.The same things can be said of eagles, and mountain lions, and bears; they will not turn down a easy meal. Cougars attack and kill people, just as bears do.

Gunload Master
02-11-2007, 05:36 PM
I've honestly never seen a wolf in the wild, but I know for a fact that any wolf that I see in the wild would never see another meal again.

02-11-2007, 07:38 PM
the best answer, similar to what serious hunters are rumored do to mountain lions in Cal. Duckiller
We have a problem with mountain lions in our county the same thing as the wolf thing. Funny, California is the "Bear Flag" state yet there are no grizzly bears left. I,for one am glad not to have to worry about meeting up with a "Griz." One cure for the people who try to reintroduce a predatory animal and after finding out that it doesn't work, still adamantly defend their decision would be to have them go out & hug a cougar.

Some rules make sense. I believe in the sensible harvest of trees but as I see it, once you cut down a first growth redwood, it is gone. I have never been attacked by a redwood either. If you are going to cut down the first growth redwoods then lets strip mine Yellowstone. Hah hah.. Anyhow, We have mountain lions and Coyotes which present a problem to most of us. I say, what about us. Lets preserve humans and our rights too. Best not tell too many people if you decide to shoot some of these predators and probably no one will ever know.

When my kids were little, there was a scare of a mountain lion wandering around in our neighborhood. I called Calif Fish & Game and asked them what to do and the lady on the line surprised me with her response. She said, "You DO have the right to kill a mountain lion if you feel either you or your pets are in danger." She said that the Jane Fonda law as we call it has tied their hands. Word out around here is that if you shoot one, keep it low key. That was a quote out of our local paper after there was a neighborhood attack on someone's dog. The dog lost one leg but survived

02-11-2007, 08:02 PM
Wow, just having to put a dog down a month ago I am sitting here with tears in my eyes, I am sorry for your loss.

North Florida has a growing problem due to the huggers, not wolves, but Bears, season was closed about 7 or 8 years ago and its just a matter of time before there is a bad incident with them, will people never learn?


02-12-2007, 04:03 PM
I'm sorry for your loss.

A word to the wise, everyone has access to the internet. As the Governor of our state found out things flung into cyberspace can be traced.:twisted:

02-12-2007, 06:15 PM
I guess I should have pointed out that I'm not Scott Richards, but his story was given to me by a friend. I thought I'd like to share the story here with the forum. I'm from Idaho, and it really hit home with me -- I've been following the whole "reintroducing wolves in Idaho" thing since they first started on it. I, for one, do believe he was crazy to be unarmed. But I have done the same thing before, left the car and thought about grabbing the pistol, only to say to myself, "Nah, I shouldn't need it..." I'm not going to make that mistake anymore.

Made me really upset to see how much he loved his dogs and to have good friends lost like that. I have no love for the wolf. $25.50 is what it will cost for a resident license in Idaho for a wolf hunter. Sounds like a fair price to me.

02-12-2007, 06:41 PM
Made me really upset to see how much he loved his dogs and to have good friends lost like that. I have no love for the wolf. $25.50 is what it will cost for a resident license in Idaho for a wolf hunter. Sounds like a fair price to me.

You mean that's legal.. Hell.. I may know a couple guys interested in doing that... What's cost for outa state hunters ??

02-12-2007, 10:08 PM
I would like it here in Montana, to be like coyotes, no license, no season. I believe that will be the unofficial stance and practice, anyway.

As far as going unarmed, I'm guilty of it many times too. Most areas I am in, have mt. lion, wolves, grizzly bear, moose, and black bear. I guess I am too accustomed to them to pay them much mind.
I did get a reminder some years back. I was calling elk, just south of the Canadian border, on the North Fork of the Flathead River. I saw movement in the bushes about thirty yards away. I got my longbow ready for a shot, and a griz stood up on his hind legs, and looked directly at me. I got the hell out of there in short order, and was damn glad he wasn't particularly hungry at the time.
Another time, my X and I were walking a trail on the South Fork, hunting elk. We came across a big circle of mountain lion hair, and some bear scat. We figured the lion was waiting on the bank, and jumped the first critter that came by. He made a poor choice, and caught him self a grizzly bear. We started talking loudly, and left the area.
Although it is legal to carry a firearm while bow hunting in Montana, sometimes I just don't think about it.

02-13-2007, 01:54 AM
3 or 4 years ago now, I hunting moose in a large meadow, near dusk. I was calling, and could hear branches breaking the trees. After a half hour, some guys came up behind me and said "hey look at that bear! ". It was walking toward us, about 60 yards off. At that point it realized were not a moose. It turned around right away. But ever since I started calling I have been aware that bears can come to those calls.:roll:

MT Gianni
02-13-2007, 11:05 AM
I would like it here in Montana, to be like coyotes, no license, no season. I believe that will be the unofficial stance and practice, anyway.

I too think that we will end up being able to purchhase a tag for Wolves and no citations will ever be written for waste or untagged. That is probably what has been dragging the Fed's at turning control over to the states. Gianni.

02-14-2007, 02:45 AM
You mean that's legal.. Hell.. I may know a couple guys interested in doing that... What's cost for outa state hunters ??

I was off a buck. It's $26.50 for in-staters, in addition to the $12.75 fee for a hunting license. Out-of-staters costs 10 times that -- $256 for a wolf tag, plus $141.50 for the nonresident hunting license.


02-21-2007, 09:54 AM

Seems a local Branson Missouri theme park, Predator World had a pair of Timber wolves escape: one day after they arrived. They twisted the fence apart and escaped. Did I mention she's only a few weeks from delivering cubs.

If you travel to Branson, don't bring your pet!

03-04-2007, 01:00 AM
The person next door to me caught a nice male wolf. It was a loner. Look like 100 lbs.

One less moose muncher.

03-04-2007, 01:31 AM
There was a fresh set of two wolve's tracks in my driveway today. I will try to remedy that.

Little Joe
03-04-2007, 05:21 PM
You guys better start blasting those wolfs.The US is headed for problems if the wolfs get out of hand.Even Shemp would agree with that.

Out of here,
Little Joe

Red River Rick
03-07-2007, 12:38 AM
Here are a few pictures of Mr. Wolf and associates in action. These pic's were passed on to me by a friend, I'm assuming they were taken from a helicopter.

That moose didn't appear to be sick or injured in the first picture.


03-07-2007, 02:11 AM
A man was lost near here for three days. At night he could hear the wolves howling all around him. When the searchers found him he was ready to die. He told them later he waiting for his fire to go out then he was going to wait for death, either freezing or wolf attack.

Those pictures are pretty incredible. I cant even imagine a hungry pack coming down on me, like that moose. They would consume a large moose like quickly, eating 80 or more pounds of meat, but they might eat again for a month.

Great jpegs--thanks for sharing:-D

03-21-2007, 10:08 AM
We have a two tag limmit in Ontario. If wolves are not hunted they lose the feer of man. I personaly like beein at the top of the food chain any thing other dosen't appeal to me to much, Here in ontario they have reintroduced eastern cougar, I wonder how long we well be in the same predikament as the man who lost his dogs. If I see one i'll be shooting Regards Dave T.

03-21-2007, 04:27 PM
I bear hunted Ontario a couple of years many years ago. I got my bear but some of the fellows had more luck. They got wolves. Our guide loved bears but he surely hated wolves. He was a trapper in the winter and had been treed by the wolves. They were going to eat him until they realized the error of their ways. He had to shoot a couple of them and when I was hunting with him, he wanted each and everyone of them killed. They were varmints at the time I hunted bear there (bear were also listed as varmints and the license for out of staters (actually out of country) was only $15.00.


03-21-2007, 09:58 PM
Here are a few pictures of Mr. Wolf and associates in action. These pic's were passed on to me by a friend, I'm assuming they were taken from a helicopter.

The pictures originated here. This site has the story to go along with them.

The location was Isle Royale, a National Park and large island out in Lake Superior. It's been used for Wolf/Moose research for decades.


03-23-2007, 04:24 PM
My son and I (and my Lab) have fished and camped about 20 miles from Graingeville, on the Clearwater River. I usually have a gun of some type in the tent at night but have never carried durring the day when we were fishing. I guess that will change now. Last trip (last summer) was the first where we didn't see any moose.

04-04-2007, 11:30 PM
One of the things I find hilarious is how some of the biologists will give you the "you have nothing to fear from wolves" mantra when, while knowing many of them, I can tell you they are afraid of the dark, let alone wolves. In fact some biologists camping and working in Idaho became scared because wolves were howling around them. So the forest service spent god knows how much money to send in a helicopter and evacuate them. It all rather reeks of hypocracy.

From High country news:

Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf? Forest Service employees from Utah, that’s who. Two staffers from the Rocky Mountain Research Station in Ogden were working in Idaho’s Sawtooth Wilderness Sept. 23, when they spotted wolves chasing a bull elk across a meadow. They weren’t frightened by the sight of the running pack, reports the Idaho Mountain Express, but the sound of the animals howling afterward scared the researchers so much that they radioed for help — pronto. Their supervisor obliged, sending a helicopter into the wilderness to remove the pair, even though designated wilderness is protected by law from all motorized equipment. The evacuation has not gone over well in Idaho. "Holy moly — sounds to me like someone’s read too many of Grimm’s fairy tales," commented Steve Nadeau, who runs Idaho’s wolf program. Lynne Stone, who lives in Stanley and often sees wolves, said it was sad that the agency staffers "didn’t take time to enjoy one of the greatest experiences you could ever have in terms of observing wildlife." The pack, she added, was hot after an elk and probably oblivious to the men: "I’d be more afraid of running into a moose cow with calves, or a black bear with cubs, than encountering howling wolves."

Paladin 56
04-06-2007, 05:58 PM
Sorry for the loss of your dogs. No offense, but I can't imagine anyone living in the Rocky Mountains stepping foot outside the house without a firearm in hand, or at least on the hip. I know it doesn't help much at this point, but maybe more folks will start going armed, as well we should have been doing all along.

When a friend and I take our sons to the hills to grouse hunt, I take an 1895 in 45-70, as well as a 1911 (which I really wouldn't want to have to use on a large animal, but I carry it everywhere anyway), and he takes his 12 gauge - with slugs and/or buckshot. We have both griz and wolf, and have no shortage of either. Not too many folks in our parts care much for 'em. The bad part is, at present, wolves killing your dogs right before your eyes isn't considered just cause to kill them, and if you claim an attack, you have to prove yourself innocent.

This was taken in Nov, '03 about 7-8 miles north of Cody. There were 3, one with a gimp, well out of their intended area. Makes one whose never seen one realize the size they can get.

04-06-2007, 11:03 PM
Two weeks ago, a young mountain lion got a lamb from the pen at the local High School's Ag program site next to the baseball diamond; the local Gov't hunter trapped it and F&G "disposed" of it, but mama and at least a couple of kits are supposedly still around the area, from sightings and tracks others have spotted. Some of the HS kids are a bit "feral" themselves, but no match for mama! In the good old days, a couple of the kids would have had a shotgun or rifle stashed in their lockers for after-school hunting; but today?!?!?
