View Full Version : Movin' on up to the .480 Ruger!

10-09-2011, 11:47 AM
Just acquired a six shot SRH (7.5) in .480 Ruger!

I like BIG LEAD!!

Three 44s

10-09-2011, 11:56 AM
Congratulations! I think you will be very happy with your acquisition!

10-09-2011, 11:56 AM
I have often thought about it....................just not to many Lever Actions out there to accompany the revolver. Rossi/PUMA was at one time manufacturing but no longer. I like the idea of "BIG LEAD" too!!!

10-09-2011, 12:22 PM
Thanks folks ......... I have been thinking on the .480's for sometime!

This involved a trade for one of my .44's and the only way I was going to let one of them go was if I went "UP"!

A .44 SRH (9.5) for a .480 SRH .............. LOL! The .480 came with the box and papers, dies, brass and bullets! And, I have mass lead and my own personal Lead Banks! An order for a mold or three, a shell holder and .......... We be happy!

I have been smitten on the Puma since I shot a .44 in one!! But I was sad over them dropping that .480 offering!!!!

Three 44s

10-09-2011, 01:56 PM
I've got some 400 gr 480 cast but haven't loaded any yet, anybody shooting these.

10-09-2011, 07:21 PM
Wow! Haven't seen a 480 post for a long time. I picked up 480 SRH when they were cheap and plentiful. CDNN had them for awhile and I almost got another one!

The stock grips are horrible! Hogue Decellorator grips tame it nicely. I had to get a taller front sight from Ruger. I think it was around 6 bucks. I forget what height it was and just threw away the envelope it came in last week. Don't it always work out that way?

I bought the Le 400gr and the RCBS 1 cav 400gr. Both cast too small and the RCBS took forever to get a decent quantity. I got a LBT 400gr LFN and am happy with that.

I did some fire lapping with the LBT kit. 150 rounds later most of the constriction is gone and one of these days I'll finish. Too many other projects and calibers keep popping up!

10-09-2011, 09:32 PM
I joined the 480 club this spring. Unfortunately, too much has been going on since then and I haven't had a chance to shoot it. I cannot wait to make some noise with this gun. I planned to deer hunt with it, but I guess that will have to wait until next year.

10-09-2011, 09:38 PM

LOL! That's why I thought a new thread was in order .....

I did not know that the .454 or .480 SRH's were ever "cheap". Mine came to me used but not abused. It dates to a 2003 manufacture according to the Ruger site.

In the hey day when I was really working with my two Ruger DA's in .44, I had my gunsmith make a custom partridge front sight. He actually made two of them and as he cut the first, he got distracted and cut the first one backwards. We both had a good laugh and I got the second one to try. Once I was satisfied with that it was tall enough. He blued it. Total cost was $30!

I quized him about the miscut one and said if he recut it (there was enough left to make a short backed one with the vertical face still facing towards the shooter .......... that I would also buy it!

He turned down the money and gave it me after he blued it. Two front sights for $30 ..... I miss him .......... he retired!!!

Three 44s

10-09-2011, 09:45 PM
Heh, I did just the opposite. I traded off my SRH 480 for a 5" M60 in 357. I didn't like limiting myself to handgun ranges, and carrying a rifle and that hunk of steel on my belt was a bit much. I shot decent with it, coming in around 4" at 50 yards. I can do half that with this 357, and it carries so much nicer.

10-09-2011, 10:05 PM

I don't know if cheap was the right word. When I got mine on GB there always seemed to be about page of them and they didn't seem to be moving. I was really looking to get a 44 at the time, but, the 480 was about $200 cheaper. I definately don't regret the decision. I'm still gonna get a 44....HeeHee

10-09-2011, 10:55 PM

When you get to it, you'll really enjoy it. My next endeavor is to wup up some lighter loads to get used to it. It does wup ya a wee bit more than the .44s ........ !

Three 44s

10-09-2011, 10:58 PM

If I had one of those Smith 60's ......... I'd be afraid of forgetting where it was while wearing it!!!

Just kidding

I drool off to the side of even the 3"er's with adjustable sights of those "60's" when I see them ....... If I ever came in proximity of a FIVE incher .......... I might just lose all self control!! (Smith Fanatic DOWN ON ISLE THREE!!!)

Three 44s

10-09-2011, 11:05 PM

I know what you mean. I'd just can't be zero on .44's! I still have two, my Smith Mountain Gun and my Redhawk. True to my moniker, I've been watching for a Marlin '94 or a '92 clone in .44. A good long gun in .480 could sure trump that!

Three 44s

10-11-2011, 11:34 AM
An Update:

I ran some Laser Cast 355 gr. GC FN that came with the SRH 480 yesterday.

I googled and found some reduced loads by Taffin.

The two I ran involved a couple of my favorites: HS-6 and Unique

Running them with magnum primers as was suggested on a seasoned thread here on "boolits".

The HS-6 even in reduced form gave me a POI very close to the normal loads that came with the revolver. Unique however came in about 2-3" low. It would make some sense to zero at close range with those Unique loads and run everything else over the top since this was close range thus giving me the rest for longer ranges and real work. Everything I fired was minute of golf ball.

The gun and caliber are keepers. I will have to get to casting .......... I hate high priced bullets!!!

Three 44s

10-21-2011, 03:55 AM
Just made a payment to Miha for one of these!


I'm thinking it will show in 2-3 weeks. Can't wait!

10-21-2011, 04:06 AM
If you are thinking of getting a matching levergun, DO IT! I have a puma 92 in 454 and I absolutely love it! The 480's are few and far between, but they are still out there. You wont regret it.......

10-21-2011, 04:17 AM
If I only had the spare cash....

10-21-2011, 10:28 AM
If I only had the spare cash....

Seems we're all suffering from this!

10-21-2011, 01:18 PM
You said it!

10-22-2011, 09:37 AM
All my life I have been hearing of "spare cash" and "extra money," yet I never see it in my wallet. What does it look like? What color is it? More importantly, where can I get some?

Tom W.
10-22-2011, 10:03 AM
I had one with the 9.5 inch barrel, and foolhardily traded it off for a new Savage model 12 BVSS-S single shot .308. I wish I had the handgun back. I was shooting the RCBS single cavity 400 gr bullet and @ 100 yards ( with a 2x Leupold) could pop clay pigeons off hand easily. Recoil, to me anyway, was on par with my .44 SRH, but that loooong barrel was just too awkward for me.

You'll enjoy yours, I ga-ron-tee!