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View Full Version : A final thank you to all the great folks

gray wolf
10-08-2011, 07:23 PM
OK men----
I know I over do the thank you sometimes,
but it's very important to me that you all know how grateful we are.
Some folks sent some help in the mail and some with Pay-pal,
and some of you guy's used your real names.
Now that made it a little difficult to track you down.
SO, to everyone that didn't get a personal thank you
Here is a public thank you.
-------------------------Thank you------------------------

Sam & Julie

10-08-2011, 07:58 PM
Grey Wolf would you send me a PM with whatever you sold to pay bills. In hopes that I can get you back on the road to casting & loading.

10-08-2011, 07:59 PM
Sometimes I wonder who it helps more, the giver or the givie. I know I get a warm feeling extending a helping hand when I can.

I am glad to hear it worked out, Is your truck on the road yet?

gray wolf
10-08-2011, 09:12 PM
Yes the truck fix is done, all is well, and we are OK.


gray wolf
10-08-2011, 09:36 PM
Grey Wolf would you send me a PM with whatever you sold to pay bills. In hopes that I can get you back on the road to casting & loading.

I would be happy to PM you--but just to say hello.
Your offer is over the top and beyond my capabilities to say thank you or to ask for anything more.
I truly think you guy's have done enough.


10-08-2011, 10:23 PM
Gray wolf,

I stand with Kevin, if you sold a mould or dies and I have an extra I will send it on to you. When you can replace it you can do the same for the next individual. If you sold something that you need to be able to shoot let me know.

gray wolf
10-09-2011, 11:58 AM
OK men ---you guy's are insisting---
I'm making a list and checking it twice.
Just kidding men,
But if I need a little something like a die or a little tool err sumthin I will ask.
It's a nice thing being part of such a great community.


10-09-2011, 01:50 PM
No thanks necessary Sam, I needed to sow some seed in good ground.