View Full Version : Ball Stuck in TC Scout pistol

10-05-2011, 11:17 AM
I went deer hunting didn't fire my TC Scout now I have a charge and ball stuck down the barrel. I could drive to the lake 40miles away but I tried to pull it with my ball puller and only succeeded in pulling out the lead on the threads of the ball puller. Anyone have any ideas on how to get the ball out short of firing it out.

10-05-2011, 11:30 AM
looks like a nice day for a drive if you do shoot it out make shure you
run the ball back home on top of the charge you dont wont that air space
in the barrel when you shoot it they are hard to pull out oil in the barrel will
help but then you have to pull it out and cant shoot it oil and powder dont mix
me i would go up to the lake on the week end
good luck to you

10-05-2011, 11:35 AM
If you have an air compressor and a nozzle you can take the nipple out and direct air through the hole. Be sure to be pointing in a safe direction because the ball will come out at a speed that will surprise you. Pointing at large pile of rags might be a good idea. If this doesn't work you will probably need to shoot it out.


10-05-2011, 12:13 PM
If you have an air compressor and a nozzle you can take the nipple out and direct air through the hole. Be sure to be pointing in a safe direction because the ball will come out at a speed that will surprise you. Pointing at large pile of rags might be a good idea. If this doesn't work you will probably need to shoot it out.


On this note one of those CO2 kits work too if you have one handy.

WOWWW, I just checked the price on them, I seem to remember them being a lot less expensive.

http://www.cabelas.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=706432&destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fproduct.jsp%3FproductId%3 D705439%26type%3Dproduct&WTz_l=YMAL%3BIK-214462

10-05-2011, 12:28 PM
I don't think the C02 kit will work the way the TC Scout is made.
When I took out the nipple it still has a very small hole about the size of a pin through the breech and a load of 60gr 777 then the patched ball.
I may have to make a larger ball puller that uses a larger & longer screw to get hold of the ball.

Thanks for your help.

10-05-2011, 06:06 PM
:roll:Just unscrew the nipple, dump a bit of powder into the threaded area and tap side to side to settle it into the powder drum. Then replace the nipple and put a cap on it and while pointing it down range, cock the hammer and fire the cap. I've gotten several bad loads from cleaning fluids or loads where I forgot :roll: to put powder in at all, this way. Seems to be easiest I've tried so far. ;)

10-05-2011, 09:43 PM
I don't think the C02 kit will work the way the TC Scout is made.
When I took out the nipple it still has a very small hole about the size of a pin through the breech and a load of 60gr 777 then the patched ball.
I may have to make a larger ball puller that uses a larger & longer screw to get hold of the ball.

Thanks for your help.
it will if you plug the vent holes. i have put a piece of leather over then put it in a vice and used air compresser

10-06-2011, 08:52 AM
I found a longer ball puller in my Flint Lock reloading kit.
I put some oil down the barrel screwed in the longer ball puller and gave a steady pull it sounded like a cork gun when it came out.

Thanks for all your replys.

05-22-2012, 12:51 PM
a little old i know but the air compressor idea does not work at least the cases where i tried it. its 125 lbs of pressure at best, these generally use more units of pressure to get a bullet out.

05-22-2012, 02:04 PM
Compressed air works better if you saturate the powder with oil and give it some oil ahead of the ball. Let it sit a while like that before you have a go with the air.

05-22-2012, 02:20 PM
The T/C isn't like a conventional drum and nipple ignition system. I'd try bigger and bigger ball pullers. Oil the barrel with some slick stuff like that blue oil from Alaska. At some point, enough tension will be removed from the ball/patch and it will come out. I left a cleaning patch in mine once and then loaded it. Of course, it wouldn't fire. Ball puller worked. No fun, but just keep at it. Good luck.

05-23-2012, 01:44 PM
Compressed air works better if you saturate the powder with oil and give it some oil ahead of the ball. Let it sit a while like that before you have a go with the air.

i do have to appologize. i was wrong in saying the compressed air idea doesnt work. turns out when i tried it with a power belt i wasn't giving it justice but sorry to my post i made.

05-28-2012, 11:00 AM
I use a Traditions C02 ball blower-outer, and it works really well. I once aimed a 50 caliber rifle muzzle down at my trash can and pulled the trigger on the blower-outer. The ball came out with such force it blew a hole in the side of the trash can and knocked a dent in the floor. I now use it outside like a man with good sense should.

05-28-2012, 12:12 PM
I now use it outside like a man with good sense should.

No offense buut you better be careful there Junior.....you start getting to much sense and you will have to start voting in a different primary. :kidding: If you happen to get too much cents the guvment will steal it to give it to others. :kidding: It is a messed up world we live in ya know. :lol:

First rule of fireworks: Light fuse then run away.:D ....so I gotta run now.:D

06-04-2012, 10:48 PM
was about stuck ball in a TC Scout.



06-05-2012, 06:15 AM
This should teach you to fire off your load when done hunting for the day before you go home. I always do and have never had this problem.

06-05-2012, 08:16 AM
I use a slightly different method if air doesn't work. I inject water thru the nipple hole till I'm sure any powder is soaked. On an inline I remove the breech plug and soak it that way, then replace the nipple or breech plug with a solid plug. Then warm the barrel with my torch till the water turns to steam, the ball or sabot pops right out, no danger of ignition. I say pops out, you do need it pointed in a safe direction outside as it comes out with pretty good velocity. No damage to the finish either as you're only going to 212 degrees. Last one I had was a stainless inline with a sabot left in from the year before, couldn't move it with a punch and 3# hammer, rusted tights, took the thing right out. Here endeth the lesson. Goat