View Full Version : cataracts and red dot sights

10-04-2011, 11:07 AM
I have a Aimpont red dot sight on my Glock. Soon I will be having cataracts surgery. I have not decided on what type of lense to have installed. The red dot looks like a childs drawing of a sun, circle with spokes outsicde when i wear reading classes 2.0 from costco. The aimpoint works great without reading glasses

Anyway, if some one has had cataract surgery would like to hear your experience with aimpoint red dot sights and wha type of lense doctor used.

10-04-2011, 12:40 PM
I have no experience with cataracts (yet) but do have 68 year old eyes that do not focus close for reading and iron sights. However I do see dot sights very clearly with my normal distance vision.

10-04-2011, 03:23 PM
My surgery if you want to call it that put my eyes back to 20/20 at arms length to infinity, I only need reading glasses, and I can read without them but they are more comfortable to use.
Good luck on yours you will be surprised at the difference.

Greg B.
10-15-2011, 02:17 PM
I just had my second eye done with the mid price (long range) inserts. They are supposed to be better than the cheapest ones and since I have a stigmatism the most expensive models won't work. So far I have about 20/25 vision and don't wear glasses anymore although that might change for driving at night but not so far. i am typing this with a 125% enlargement although I could do it at the 100% standard.

Usually they do them one eye at a time and it can take awhile for the doc. to get the same eye test reading twice in a row. It took almost a year for my first eye to stabilize. Right now I am aiming my Ruger Blachhawk with factory iron sights and can see them just fine.

Before I had the second eye done my vision with both eyes was getting worse. After the operation it was like somebody turned the lights on. The one person that I talked to who had some problems stated thet she could see better than before as she could now read liscence plates. So far I am very satisfied with the results.

Greg B.

10-15-2011, 02:46 PM
Before my cataract surgury, street lights looked like bright dandelion seed puffs. Now they are what I saw when I was younger. Colors will be more vivid again, and things in the distance, like the leaves on a tree will be more discernable. And those 'cute' girls you've been flirting with? Well... they will look different too.

Le Loup Solitaire
10-15-2011, 11:48 PM
Cataracts have to be removed or else. You don't feel anything; they also give you a shot to calm you down. You have to wear a patch over the eye(s) for a day or so. Then you need to put in drops for a while. I was corrected down from 20/200 in one eye and 20/100 to 20/40 in both eyes. I couldn't go lower because of astigmatism. Since I chose the "distance lenses" I then needed reading glasses for near vision. I had them make seamless bifocals and they made the uppers correct my 20/40 eyes down to 20/13. I can now see a pimple on a fly's butt at 50 yards and when sighting my 1903 Springfields I can use the peep sight hole under the triangle. The health insurance covered the surgeries, and they were a grand apiece for each eye. If you choose the lenses that have near and distance vision then the insurance companies consider that as cosmetic surgery and won't pay so you'll have to kick out an additional grand for each eye....above the first thousand. For me it was akin to a miracle as I can now drive and see well without specs after a lifetime of depending on them. LLS

10-16-2011, 06:17 AM
I was diagnosed with cataracs about 4 years ago... at 44.
my surgeon explained a bit about how technology is improving exponentially.
I won't get surgery until I have significant day time vision loss.
He told me to expect to be night blind for awhile.

as a shift worker who loves the graveyard shift, I'm not looking forward to that.

I read and listen to everyone's experiences to learn more about what is ahead for me.

it will also help me decide (if I have much of a choice) what direction I want to go.

Please keep us informed as to your progress.

10-16-2011, 09:57 AM
Everythings better after cataract surgery.

6.5 mike
10-17-2011, 04:35 AM
I had both eyes done 2 & 1/2 years ago, wish I had done it sooner. As was posted, if you do the distant fix, everything beyond 20 yds is like it was when your eyes where new. I do use "reading glasses" for close things under electrics but can read most thing fine with natrual light. I can see a target fine at 500 yds with any of my tang sighted rifles, was the whole reason I had it done.