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View Full Version : What a week.........

10-03-2011, 02:20 PM
Last week starts off w/a local deputy flipping around to tell me I've a head light out, really that front quarter is mangled the light doesn't ground right so it comes and goes at will. Its been that way for, oh about 11 months,and at 233,000 mi I'm not really too motivated to look for a loose ground on a totaled drivable 12yo Explorer.

I need to put up a box or 2 of heavy 12ga game loads so I go to the shelves grab the old stand bys, its been years since I loaded for the shot guns ammo was so cheap for so long,RXP12s, 209W,Unique, cases ......................PMC,Kent,Estate,Winchester game,Fed game .......................real load data,any ...........any at all...ok 26gr Unique it is. After an hr I gave up finding the MEC bottles and pulled out the ancient Pacific ,which was dropping my load perfect in about 20 min. Somewhere between round # 30 and 35 I hear that little voice"are you insane!?! Do you have any idea how many 45s,9s,38/357s you could have loaded?" It actually sounded like the "Mom/Dad"just before the leather clearing loops or stuned silence just before they'd walk away shaking there head. A hundred or so per 25.....................

The boss says on Wed "you're in Haz Mat Thurs." There goes my ice ticket,and getting away at 2 instead of 5. Thursday things just snowballed until I scrubbed and decided to leave at 5am Friday instead.

I get 15 miles out and find Honeys wallet in the seat so I take it back home and try again cruising along 65ish in a 60 not another car ........................here comes 2 cars at 80+ the 1st goes around me on a hump and dip double yellow that claims 2 a yr. The second car I swear coughed from exhaust ingestion before we got to the broken line 35secs later w/his (explitive deleted) hibeams on. I had too brake check him . That spilled about 1/3 of the pot of beans all in the drinking $3 a bag ice. Add another 35min to get some service for the revenue upland game stamp.

Ok the tanks full, oils topped off, gas cans are full, chocolate fix,sweet tea, cruise control on, and the desolation of US 50 east. At last things are flowing. Jct 50/Nv722 WTH,REALLY the shoulder edges are flaking on the asphalt,like they have been for 30yr,and it has the new center line rumble strip and fresh striping........deer in the road! That was close,more beans in the ice. As I laugh to myself thinking 'that'd a been bad I mighta tor' up that rt front 1/4',the 1 w/the jacked light and grounds.

Jct 722 and Elkhorn pass to Reese River. Last 20 mi to camp/ranch and look its only 10:00 . Should've been here at least 2hr ago. As I pull into ranch flat tire (E! Deleted) it I'll change it Sunday.

My Dad is 72 and had a new knee put in for his 70th. Lunch was the best part of the whole day I think. We went for the evening hunt, I learned about a mi from the buggy that the steel engineered fixed choke of my BPS wasn't going to get it done w/lead 5s even at 1350+. Back at camp the steaks were perfect,the brandy was ice cold, and I really no longer cared about most all of the above.

Saturdays morning hunt was better and the O/U is full choked on top and I shoot it better anyway. Having cleared up the swing stops,raised head,forgot the safety was on, bugs Friday I relearned flushing 5 to 10lb birds are way faster than I remembered. Bang, click, break reload, maybe the next 1. Here they come down the draw ,bang,click. "It gets stuff under the pin I'll wash it at lunch" bang,click. Yeah sure I will broken upper firing pin.

Well we finished out the weekend my Dad and Mom(67) made all the walks, about 15 mi worth, all weekend . We filled 4 of 6 possession limits and the spare stayed up almost home to go flat in the driveway. What was left of the beans best pot yet.

Was it a PIA? Yes it was! Was it worth 2 tires, road hogs,and 300 misc dollars to hunt w/ my folks again. Ever minute of it!

Maybe this should be someplace else move it as needed.

Charlie Two Tracks
10-03-2011, 06:39 PM
Very good Harter66. When stuff happens, it sure happens a lot! You got through the bad stuff and got to enjoy time with your parents. I am sure that they enjoyed it more than you know........... good story.

10-03-2011, 07:07 PM
My folks love the time, I love getting out from under the life burden. I does bring me down a little that my kids don't get to come along and the steps are so "busy"that there's no time for that stuff. I don't think their aware that roses exist,the steps that is. Another year or so and my granddaughters will all be old enough to go. Every kid should go on a 3 generation + hunting,fishing,camping trip of some sort at least once that they'll remember.

All most hi - jacked my thread w/another story about a fishing trip ....................

10-03-2011, 11:40 PM
I just lost my dad a few months ago. Doubt I will ever be the same man I was ever again.

Sure do miss my dad.

10-04-2011, 12:06 AM
Sincere condolances Spartacus.

10-04-2011, 12:23 AM
Doubt I will ever be the same man I was ever again.

Hang tough Spartacus. You're still the same man and more so now that your Dad has gone. You're an extension of his body and he "lives" through you. Cherish the good times, be strong, keep moving forward. :Fire: