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09-30-2011, 06:15 AM
Hey everyone! Got a .223 case stuck in a hornady die the other day. I was using the one shot spray lube. Looks like I didn't use enough. What I'm wondering is how much lube to use and what your favorite case lube is and why it's your favorite? Thanks!

09-30-2011, 07:10 AM
Most post I have read guys like the imperial wax. I use wire glide from Lowes. But that’s another discussion. The simple answer is enough so the case doesn’t get stuck, but not so much as to dent the case. It seems 223 and 3030 seem more prone to shoulder dents, but any bottlenecks will if you use too much lube. Its mostly trial and error .

09-30-2011, 07:48 AM
STP for past 40 years.


Dan Cash
09-30-2011, 08:01 AM
I use my semi-soft bullet lube which contains lanolin. Straight lanolin works too. I get some lube on my fingers, pick up 4 or 5 cases and rub them as I place them on the press, Cases don't stick and there is not enough lube residue to require removal.

09-30-2011, 08:39 AM
Imperial wax for modern (smokeless) cases any day!
And the Lee RESIZING LUBRICANT for large Black Powder cases.

Jack Stanley
09-30-2011, 08:53 AM
When I use the one-shot lube , as I'm running them through the press I monitor how much force it takes to size . If the case doesn't slip in rather easy I back it out , hold it over the bin I draw cases from and give it another shot . This has the side benefit of giving a touch more to the cases in the area . When loading thousands at a time I find the one-shot is a great time saver for me .

When using the greasy pad my prefered lube is the old Bonanza stuff that looks like honey . Imperial wax is good stuff too and gets used from time to time , I suppose it all breaks down to how much time do you have to get the ammo loaded . Stuck cases really slow things up .


09-30-2011, 08:58 AM
All sizing lubes work well when used correctly.

Ref. One Shot, you more likely either didn't shake/mix the can contents very well before use or you didn't allow the carrier to evaporate after applyiing it.


09-30-2011, 09:39 AM
RCBS CaseLube2 with a case lube pad.

Works for me so I stick with it.

(Plus I can use the caselube in my lube die on my progressives if I want "high production".
I tried the Hornady waxy stuff in the tub, but hated the application. I also tried making the alcohol/lanolin mixture with failed results.)

09-30-2011, 11:11 AM
When I use the old Lyman hammer in hammer out full length sizer or Lee Loaders I use Bag Balm. It's mostly if not all lanolin. You can get it at CVS or Walgreens. It's onsale often for $5.99 or $6.99 and a tin lasts a long time.

Just a small dab swiped on the top of the case is all thats needed.


10-01-2011, 03:55 PM
STP for past 40 years.


When you say STP, do you mean the engine oil or the oil treatment? I've heard that engine oil works pretty well as a case lube. Do you apply it with fingers or do you tumble lube the cases?

10-02-2011, 09:33 AM
I use LEE lube cut with rubbing alcohol cut 10-1.
1 part LEE lube in a small spray bottle with 10 part's alcohol.
Use LEAD or Stainless steel pellet's/washer's/piece's in the bottom to help when you shake it up a la paint spray can.
It'll seperate over time.
I get the bottle and the alcohol at the dollar store.

10-02-2011, 10:58 AM
Hey everyone! Got a .223 case stuck in a hornady die the other day. I was using the one shot spray lube. Looks like I didn't use enough. What I'm wondering is how much lube to use and what your favorite case lube is and why it's your favorite? Thanks!

I think that Redding (Imperial) Sizing Wax is the absolute best, bar none. I use Hornady One Shot for 95% of my loading, and it works very well if the entire case is coated generously. When the occasional "hard case" comes along and I start to feel some serious resistance (usually when forming DTC from 50 BMG brass) then I bust out the Imperial Wax. It is pretty much failsafe.

10-02-2011, 11:58 AM
As you can see, folks can and do use about anything that will work. Its probably what ones pain level is that determines the product they use ... or its the cheapest thing and they just bite the bullet using it.

I never had any luck using anything of the major lubes: they all were a PITA to use. I came across Imperial Sizing Wax and its clean, fast and idiot proof to use. Next guy will come along and say I am wrong and he uses PAM or Lard and its the best stuff out there.

I recommend Imperial but your mileage may vary. I don't believe in the other products out there as being superior and they are indeed FAR MESSIER !

10-02-2011, 01:29 PM
I have settled on Hornady Unique lube. Applied similar to Imperial, works well.
I have used anhydrous lanolin in alcohol sprayed on the cases but got tired of that much stickiness all over my fingers. The Unique just works.
This is like trying to argue that one lube is the best. Find something that works and fits your style.

bruce drake
11-25-2011, 08:03 PM
Resurrecting older thread, but I normally use either Reddings Imperial Wax or Hornady's Unique Lube but today I tried Kiwi's Mink Oil (its a lanolin and wax mix) and easily resized 50 cases this afternoon. Looks exactly like Reddings and almost the same qualities (its a little softer but just as tacky).


11-25-2011, 08:11 PM
I started off with RCBS its good but easy to get too much and oil dent. then went to Hornady one shot. It worked pretty good but had the occasional case stick. Big bummer... never tried the imperial sizing wax there are those who swear by it. I heard of a guy that uses Pam cooking spray and swears by it Caveat Emptor. Ive never tried it. What I use now is My own Swage Lube ... 50% anhydrous lanolin 50% Castor Oil. its fantastic I have never stuck a case with it. It doesn't oil dent. and a little goes a long long long way.

Kevin Rohrer
11-25-2011, 08:26 PM
Imperial Sizing Wax and their Dry Case Neck lube. You don't even have to remove it after resizing if you are feeling lazy.


11-25-2011, 11:24 PM
Resurrecting older thread, but I normally use either Reddings Imperial Wax or Hornady's Unique Lube but today I tried Kiwi's Mink Oil (its a lanolin and wax mix) and easily resized 50 cases this afternoon. Looks exactly like Reddings and almost the same qualities (its a little softer but just as tacky).


Good tip. You can buy mink oil at Wal Mart. Save on shipping and it's cheaper.

Le Loup Solitaire
11-26-2011, 12:07 AM
Imperial sizing die lube, Lee case lube, and RCBS case lube have all served me well. I also used Anhydrous Lanolin for many years and never had a single stuck case. I still use it on every 5 th case with my carbide dies as it makes the sizing easier and cuts down wear on the carbide rings. Any of these are all reasonably priced; a little goes a long way and last a long time. They're all a bit messy, but a quick swipe with a solvent soaked rag gets the cases clean and dry. LLS

Rokkit Syinss
11-26-2011, 12:33 AM
Over the decades I've used a few case lubes:

RCBS- messy, prone to oil dents in shoulder if you're not careful, water based and can rust dies.

Lee- messy, water based and can rust dies if used wet, can be thinned, sprayed and allowed to dry and still work.

Johnson's #1 wax plate- See Lee as it's just about the same stuff.

Hornady One Shot- expensive and messy but works.

Imperial wax- hard to find retail, works quite well, can leave on cases.

Unique- slightly messy, works well, washes off with hot water and soap.

PAM- recently tried it, messy, very messy, slicker than owl snot (least force needed to resize), make sure to wrap a papertowel around the die below the vent hole because PAM will drip out (let's add yet another messy), wash off with hot water and soap, does NOT oil dent because it just flows out of the way (see vent hole and messy).

I'll use up the Unique I have and either get it or Imperial because they're the least messy. PAM works well but the mess for me isn't worth it. A final note on PAM: Just to see I ran 3 lubed cases then unlubed cases until it started to get difficult and that was at unlubed case #5, ran another lubed case then unlubed and again at #5 it started to get difficult. PAM really is that slick. The PAM test was done with once fired military .30-06.

11-26-2011, 01:08 AM
Mink oil boot waterproffer from the shoe dept, works super.

11-26-2011, 02:08 AM
Imperial has been my standard lube for many years but its paucity of availabilty has been an issue and increasingly so as I'm almost through my second last tin.

In the search for readily available alternatives I have been using Hornady Unique to great effect and I am very impressed with it. just reformed a few hundred 303 brass to 6mm Musgrave, slick as you like.

I've also started trying Hornady One Shot wax lube and it also has great promise, I can't say that it is Imperial with a red tint to it but it is damn close in feel and use. Comes in a bigger tin too.

11-27-2011, 01:54 PM
Imperial is extremely good, but Lee in the tube is pretty good to. For large batches of
.223 or .308 in the Dillon 550, I use Dillon's spray alcohol/lanolin lube. I have some very
old Hodgdon lube that is a red translucent paste and it is superb stuff, the only one I ever
