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View Full Version : One day in church-

02-03-2007, 10:38 AM
One Sunday morning the Minister got up in front of the congregation and shocked them all by announcing, "I understand someone here has been spreading the rumor I'm a member of the Ku Klux Klan! Now I don't know who started this vicious rumor, but it's not true and I intend to have it out with the person who started the rumor! So stand now and lets get this taken care of!" No one stood. "Come on", said the Minister, "lets settle this now." This went on for 15 minutes with no one standing and he whole crowd looking bewildered. Finally, a buxom young blonde in the rear stood and said, "Pastor, there's been a mistake. What I said was, you were a wizard under the sheets!"

One day in church, just as the service was starting, a column of smoke and fire appeared near the pulpit and Satan himself took form. All the congregation ran screaming form the church except one old man seated near the front. Satan approached him and said, "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!!???!!" The old guy says, "Yep." "AREN'T YOU SCARED!!???!?!?", shouts Satan. The old guy says, "Nope. Been married to your sister for 45 years."

02-03-2007, 12:27 PM
Good ones,

Take Care


02-03-2007, 09:39 PM
Ecclesiastical Humor!