View Full Version : 1040A...Question

02-03-2007, 08:45 AM
Well, it is tax time again. Now then, I don't think I am an idiot, but I ain't overly bright when it comes to filling out these taxes. Mine are simple--fill in the lines and write out the check!!!

My question: What line do enter the amount of taxes I owe from the tax tables provided in the Package 1040A-1?


02-03-2007, 09:54 AM
I think that would be Line 47. Here's a link to TaxAct, a computer software tax filing program. I have used it the last three years and am totally satisfied with it. It costs less than $10 a year and they offer a free trial; what's not to like????

02-03-2007, 10:28 AM
BCB- I'm pretty sure if you just send in all the money you can lay your hands on, they'll be happy.

02-03-2007, 10:59 AM
Scrounger--You are correct about that amount that I might owe. But, I was asking about the amount I find on the pages from 62 to 73 of the tax book. What line does that amount go on?

Tpr. Bret--Now let me get this straight!!! I am assuming you mean all of the LEGAL money I can get my hands on??? Either way, your responce may have more truth to it than can be imagined!!!

This country does not seem to encourage a person to try and save a few bucks and draw a little interest money so as to plan for the future retirement. You would think they would reward a person for not wanted to be a burden on society when they reach the years of no work. But NOOOOOOOOO, they take what little a person can stash away. Sorry didn't mean to rant--this country has actually been pretty good to most of us I think--better than the second choice???

02-03-2007, 11:30 AM
Bret, maybe, but it's probably not enough....

BCB, your perception is spot on. Only it''s not just a perception, it is reality. We are slowly evolving into a working class, ruling class, and to protect it all a warrior class. Modified feudalism powered by taxes. I would suggest that the income tax structure has to be replaced by a pay as you buy rather than pay as you earn, and all this garbage about minimum wage and battles over things like inheritance tax and such would disappear. State collects at retail/consumer level, gives the fed their share and it over. Spend what you get and no more. Then you and I don't have to struggle with these sttopid tax forms ever again. Yea, in case you haven't figgered it out, I'm a "Fair Tax" proponent. The other side of this is that as long as the gummint continues down the road toward 'nanny state' there will be NO incentive for working class to save. Why should they, they are wards of the state. Power will lie in the hands of the ruling class by virtue of controlling handouts. That's the liberal agenda. Rant off....

02-03-2007, 11:42 AM
Yep, a sales tax on everything, no escape! Even gun shows, and garage sales, and let's don't forget stock sales. The brokers will love that one. No income tax whatsoever, even for corporations. Just think, if american airlines wanted to buy a plane from boeing, the'd have to pay sales tax! If everything was taxed up front like this, the tax rate would be no more than say 1 percent. Maybe someone can figure what the gummerit share would amount to, taking into account the GNP for starters. One percent of the GNP would be what compared to the present tax system. Prolly 5 times more. All the tax folks now working as independents and within the gummerint would be employed as field reps, traveling around looking at garage sales, etc. Very few would be employed in "offices". ... felix

02-03-2007, 12:23 PM
I don't have the tax booklet, I just pulled up a tax form on the internet. Without working through the whole litany of instructions, nearest I can figure Line 28 is where you would enter the tax from the tax tables for your adjusted gross income amount. Sounds like you really need to use TaxAct.
I echo your last sentiment. I never made a lot of money so what they took for taxes was never that great and I never cried about it. Speaking for all the lower income people who quietly pay their taxes: Don't expect sympathy here; We would gladly trade places with you and your 6 digit income. Even if your tax rate is as high as 20% or even 30%, we'll trade because what's left over is better than what we have now. Look up GREED in the dictionary. Or the Bible...

02-03-2007, 02:05 PM
Interesting comment, Scrounger! Trading places? Now, that's greed/envy/10thCommandment. ... felix

02-03-2007, 02:26 PM
Bret, maybe, but it's probably not enough....

BCB, your perception is spot on. Only it''s not just a perception, it is reality. We are slowly evolving into a working class, ruling class, and to protect it all a warrior class. Modified feudalism powered by taxes. I would suggest that the income tax structure has to be replaced by a pay as you buy rather than pay as you earn, and all this garbage about minimum wage and battles over things like inheritance tax and such would disappear. State collects at retail/consumer level, gives the fed their share and it over. Spend what you get and no more. Then you and I don't have to struggle with these sttopid tax forms ever again. Yea, in case you haven't figgered it out, I'm a "Fair Tax" proponent. The other side of this is that as long as the gummint continues down the road toward 'nanny state' there will be NO incentive for working class to save. Why should they, they are wards of the state. Power will lie in the hands of the ruling class by virtue of controlling handouts. That's the liberal agenda. Rant off....

I concur completely Corky.

MT Gianni
02-03-2007, 06:21 PM
Living in a state where the kiss if death for a politician is to mention a sales tax, I really wonder about the 2nd tax. I can see a sales tax on new equipment in the states that have gone for it but on a used vehicle, gun or antique item the tax was paid once. Taxing it again only benefits the new car dealers who lobby to keep cost of used taxed so the public will not see that as an advantage. My rant over, as Montana would probably succede from the union rather than pay a Federal sales tax. Gianni.