View Full Version : .218 Bee BFR What the heck????

shooting on a shoestring
09-27-2011, 09:40 PM
First spotted it in a shop several months ago. Huge revolver, tiny holes. Price has recently fallen enough to get my interest up. I've been adding up the cost of dies and brass (really expensive brass) and its still very costly as a package. Still can't quite see the sense in it. It seems like a special use weapon, but for what? I'm also thinking there would not be a way to bail out of it if I bought it. Evidently that caliber in the BFR is a very slow seller.

Anyone shot a .218 Bee BFR?

09-28-2011, 07:51 AM
Nope, but I bet it's LOUD!!!!!

09-28-2011, 08:05 AM
I bet it is loud. I have been told my 10 in contender in K-hornet is loud too.