View Full Version : Suggestions for .22 shorts?

09-25-2011, 09:14 AM
The only shorts I had on hand to try in my new Cricket were Remington 'Golden' bullets. No good.

Any suggestions on good, quality .22 shorts? I'll be using them for 'coon hunting so, if I have to pay a bit more for something good, it's not like I'm going to be going through a box in a day.

09-25-2011, 10:33 AM
CCI would be my choice for CBs, Shorts and Stingers.
I have had great luck with Rem Subsonics.
Win is great for bulk long rifle boxes (though I did get a 555 bulk box that patterns more than groups)

09-25-2011, 12:03 PM
I have found that the Aquila Colibri, and Super Colibri are outstanding coon rounds, definently quiet enough if that is a concern, and at thie noise levels they generate, based on their respective velocity, you can choose a round depending how far you are from the target, i.e. point blank, or 20 feet.
As far as price goes, the shorts seem to be a novelty and their price is in line with the Aquila's

09-25-2011, 12:16 PM
I have found that the Aquila Colibri, and Super Colibri are outstanding coon rounds, definently quiet enough if that is a concern, and at thie noise levels they generate, based on their respective velocity, you can choose a round depending how far you are from the target, i.e. point blank, or 20 feet.
As far as price goes, the shorts seem to be a novelty and their price is in line with the Aquila's

sorry but this is a good choice if you want to wond a coon , i shot a squirell 3 times at point blank range 10 feet or less .then went to get a cci short to finish it ..the super colibri are exellent on rats or birds thats it ... a cci cb is much better for a little larger critter ...i wouldnt shoot a coon with anything less than a 22 short cci is my choice , sorry if this offends it is my opinion and experience nothing more ..

09-25-2011, 12:38 PM
The `coon deserves a quick and clean demise as any other game animal, even if they are vermin in my book. I won`t use anything less than a decent LR hollow point.Robert

09-25-2011, 03:20 PM
I found a 100 rd. box of CCI CB Shorts at Wally World this morning. 29 gr./710 FPS. That was all they had in shorts. I stopped by Dick's on the way home. They had nothing in shorts.

There are places we hunt that do not necessarily mandate the use of shorts, but it would be a wise decision.
One time last season, the dogs treed on property we had legal access to, but it was less than a hundred yards behind a residense. We were completely legal in everything we were doing.
We made the kill and started back to the trucks. We were met at the trucks by a G/W. We all had licenses and documented permission to the property. He kept us there over an hour running background checks on our IDs. He finally released us when he could find nothing to write us up on.
Come to find out, the resident of that house in question called when he heard the gunshots in the bottom behind his house. I can't say for sure one way or the other, but we all agrred that had we been using shorts, he might not have heard it and started all that trouble.
I agree on making the best possible effort to make a clean kill. My rifle is scoped and dialed in and I will not fire unless I know I can make a head shot. I've dropped many 'coons with a head shot with a short, so I know it can be done.

09-25-2011, 04:59 PM
No offense taken, Part of a hunters oath is quick clean kills correct?

Been there done that Jim, most times its a quick visit with DGIF, sometimes it isnt.

My personal experience with coons, unlike what was assumed here, is post-trap dispatch. Very close shots.

Never have shot one out of a tree, just imagine if the projectile was to leave the target, keep going and pop a window nearby, never had it happen, and dont plan on trying to explain it.
Sort of like how bowhunters here dont have to label their arrows/bolts with their ID.

09-25-2011, 05:41 PM
It just occurred to me that I might clear up something. I only use shorts when the situation is such that a loud report might cause a problem like the one I described. Other than that, as always, I strive to make a quick, clean kill using Long Rifle hollow points.

There are several factors that MUST be in place before I'll pull the trigger. The 'coon has to be lit up with a bright spot light. If I can't see him well, I can't guarantee a good shot. I must be in a position where I can see him in my scope. I don't shoot at eyes. When I've found a good spot to shoot from and I can see his facial features in the cross hairs, THEN I'll pull the trigger.

The guys I hunt with know that and they know how I am. They know that if I tell them I need more light or I need to move, the best thing to do is make it happen.

I didn't choose to be the designated shooter of the hunt, they did. They told me if I would bring my rifle and make the shots, they would help me set it up to my specs.

When the 'coon hits the ground, the dogs are released. If the 'coon's still alive when he hits the ground, he don't stand a snowball's chance in a brick oven against 4 dogs. I see no sense in letting 4 dogs rip a wounded 'coon to pieces. I want him dead BEFORE he hits the ground. Besides, if he's dead, the dogs won't tear him up. They just grab him and hold him, that's all.

I take no pleasure in watching a wounded animal literally ripped to death in a gang ambush.

09-26-2011, 02:34 AM

Back in the early 1980's when I did a lot of coon hunting and trapping, my two favorite loads were CCI 22 short HP and Stingers. The HP would usually expand and stay in the head, the stinger went to pieces and didn't exit either.

We had too many cases of cheap .22LR bullets stopping under the skin before entering the skull.

A bit of advice for novice coon hunters-- do not wear shorter rubber boots than anyone else in your party. Wet legs and feet are not fun in 20 degree weather.


Baron von Trollwhack
09-26-2011, 05:22 PM
See what a big retailer like Midway has, or maybe a local store. Order a few boxes of each by express. Test very quickly. Order a big supply of the winner by lot number.


09-26-2011, 09:59 PM
That's not a bad idea, Baron. Although, a few hundred rounds would last me the rest of my life. Most of the time, I use LRs. Like I said, the shorts are for 'special occasions'.

Baron von Trollwhack
09-26-2011, 10:05 PM
LR or Shorts it is the only way to 22 rimfire accuracy, especially 22 mag. Comparing any 2 kinds of ammo will prove that. Clean between tests, shoot 10 rounds to re-lube the barrel then shoot for results at distance desired. 25 yards proves little in 22. Actual results beats the "SWAG" answer.


09-26-2011, 10:26 PM
my choice in lr 22 ammo is quik-shok, it splits in 3 pieces to cut up and open a large wound channel , kinda like a frangible it will kill a skunk with one shot , but phew not soon enough to stop the spray , super calibre . for pesky birds ,(use your imagination ) and cci cb's or shorts for squirrel or possum . the super colibri is awesomely quiet in my mossberg & sons bolt gun and peep sight ... accurate as always use enough to dispatch i felt bad wounding a squirrel and had to reload to finish him

09-27-2011, 09:58 AM
..... then shoot for results at distance desired. 25 yards proves little in 22. Actual results beats the "SWAG" answer.

Yessir, Baron, I agree with you on all points.

If I may, though, I would like to respond to your statement that "25 yards proves little in 22".

The use of the shorts will be confined to a .22LR Cricket rifle used primarily for shooting 'coons. And then only when circumstances would dictate that a short would be user friendly to all parties concerned for the sake of the volume of the gun shot.

All of that blather aside, it is rare, indeed, that a 'coon goes higher than 50 feet. If I can consistently hit a silver dollar at 50 feet with a good brand of shorts, I'll be very confidant that I can dispatch a 'coon if I feel it best to use a short.

The target below was shot at 75 feet with Winchester Super-X 40 grain hollow points. Granted, that was from a rest. But, if I can find a position to shoot from where I can hold on target, I shouldn't have any problem at all at 50 feet.


09-27-2011, 06:47 PM
Jim, I've been using CCI hi velocity short HP for years on the trap line. From a rifle they are practically silent, just a "paatt" when fired and "thwack" as they strike the target. If all you can get is the solids then FN them. Works great.

BTW- I've never needed more than one CC HV Short HP on beaver, coyote, coon or hog. Ya got to put them in the right place, but they work.

Baron von Trollwhack
09-27-2011, 08:00 PM
I'm used to higher-up coons.


09-27-2011, 08:10 PM
Seems the quality of Remngton made ammo has gone downhill, especially the rimfire stuff. I have been testing many different brands and so far CCI is the best. Almost equals expensive match grade stuff in my target rifle.

I've shot lots of squirrels and rabbits at close range with the CB caps from CCI. The shorts are accurate and consistent also.

09-28-2011, 03:45 AM
The object of the game in my search for a good quality short is a quiet and accurate load. I think I've been looking in the wrong place.

I didn't know it, but CCI makes a sub sonic LR round. All the reviews I saw on it said it is very quiet and very accurate.

The only complaint I saw was a bit of difficulty getting it to completely chamber. Several people said the bullet engages the riflings just before the bolt closes and you have to give it a push to get it to close.

I'm gonna try some of that.


09-28-2011, 08:02 AM
Looks like it would work.

Ya know, for 40+ years I've been reading about how you have to use the "Hi-Speed" HP's in a 22 to even hope for a clean kill on anything larger than a shrew. I'm a big fan of Charles S. Landis books and even back in the 30's and 40's he was saying the same thing. So here's the rub for me: i was stuck with 500 standard velocity solids. They shot great in all my 22's, I think they Federals, but might have been another brand. Squirrel season was upon me and I never gave it a thought, I took a mess of the slow RN ammo with me. I had troubles right from the start getting clean kills and even bringing them down at all. It finally dawned on me what was happening. So, being really tight with a buck I decided to try my ho'made FNing tool. I clipped the noses and took to the woods. The squirrels fell like rocks. Amazing. Works the same way in larger calibers. A FN will always work to it's maximum, a HP might or might not depending on if it opens.

Just the thoughts of a cheap skate.

10-07-2011, 04:57 PM
for quite , the rem CBee shorts , i can shoot them in the basement with no hearing protection and no ear discomfort from the bolt gun about as loud as many pellet guns

the Cbee longs make more noise but feed easier in many guns

deep hollow point truncated cone and at close range the seem to expand decent on soft tissue

at 20 feet a good group off hand wasn't difficult at all, certainly good enough for coon

10-14-2011, 01:54 AM
At an other forum a friend post pics of smaller feral pigs he shoots with a Contender carbine and he uses 22 shorts. In fact I think the barrel is chambered for 22 shorts. He uses that rig because it does not spook the pigs.

10-18-2011, 09:31 PM
You might also look at the aguilla 40 gr subsonic. Very quiet and shoots to the same poa as CFO mini mags in my gun. A little more potent than shorts.