View Full Version : Price below $.90 tonight

09-23-2011, 06:21 PM
Stock market down 700 points this week and lead spot market below .90. I am sure there is some relationship but it escapes me what it is. China is slowing down (largest demand market) so it may go lower.


09-23-2011, 07:15 PM
I think that means if the stock market goes to zero, then lead will be free!!!


09-23-2011, 07:30 PM
Price should keep dropping so I can buy more for the future.

09-23-2011, 07:34 PM
Get ready for a fast and large increase in all commodities.
That has always been the case. I see no exception now.

09-23-2011, 07:56 PM
Well when oil dropped $10 a barrel in one day the price of gas was the same the next day. When oil rises a $1 or $2 a barrel the next day they are out there raising the gas prices on the signs. Don't look for any deals on lead. There aren't any!

09-23-2011, 08:09 PM
I think some of this is a slightly stronger US dollar. Commodities go down when dollar goes up. Barrel of oil under $80 today - Gold down $80. Investors are getting jittery.


09-23-2011, 08:14 PM
silver also took a hit ( among other things ) it's always best to buy when it's down , but many people speculate markets , sometimes you're the windshield some times you're the bug ( and sometimes those speculators really hose the markets ...lolz )

09-23-2011, 08:15 PM
A few days ago, George Soros dumped on the silver market. I believe he also dumped a pile of gold. He is purposely trying to disrupt the world currency. What this will mean to metals prices, I don't know.
Someone kill that SOB.


09-25-2011, 10:37 AM
A few days ago, George Soros dumped on the silver market. I believe he also dumped a pile of gold. He is purposely trying to disrupt the world currency. What this will mean to metals prices, I don't know.
Someone kill that SOB.


I'll volunteer!
Of course, that is only part of the equation you know.
Could we get Soros and Oblammo in a meeting together? :holysheep :-P

09-28-2011, 09:09 AM
This is just an example of "regression to the mean".

When prices get way too high or way too low, they run out of room to run and will inevitably return to what the market can bear.

It happens with fuel prices all the time. They spike and then settle at a price which is higher than before but less than the spike and we get used to the new standard.

Personally, I won't buy gold. That train was fueled by the passengers. When gold went on the paper standard it lost its luster.

Gold is no longer currency; it's yellow metal and it's value is based on the demand for it which is almost nothing compared to steel or even lead.

If you bought it when it was "cheap" and sold it a month ago then good for you. To try to get on that train now is not worth the price of the ticket. Soon, the passengers will want to get off and the ride will stop. Regression to the mean.

What is gold worth when everything around you costs more because the dollar has lost value? "I'll have the big man breakfast special. Sure, that'll be 6oz. of your priceless gold."

Invest in that which is useful and value cannot be diminished. Invest in that which is desireable and serve at the pleasure of the indulgent minority. - Me

Exit soap box.

mold maker
09-28-2011, 09:46 AM
Is the gold I bought in 1980 at $280/oz, worth less? How bout what I bought at $400/oz, in 1994?
I didn't sell it at $1900.30/oz, and I still won't tomorrow. Everything I own has depreciated, except the gold.
What I found with a pan was free, and I'm not selling it either.
Now explain to me how I made foolish investments??????????

09-28-2011, 10:52 AM
My local recycler has lead for .80