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View Full Version : Work in progress

09-22-2011, 08:43 PM
This is 440C stainless steel, bone handles, which I found out must come in different grades, this isn't one of the better grades.
Still lots of polishing to go. I think I talked my brother into making a sheath for it, his leather work is great.


Chicken Thief
09-23-2011, 02:25 PM
You have my:

09-23-2011, 02:32 PM
Me likes it!
Very appealing looks and style. Carries a lot of the older "fighting Bowie" traits. Knives, swords and older arms have become a passion of mine. Whether or not they ever were very practical seems secondary to their looks, history and design. Those heavier "Bowie" styles like yours carry a character separate from actual practicality in the same way.

Those jigged bone slabs have been around for at least a 100 years so nothing out of context with them. But, I'm with you, somehow they just don't seem right as they try to imitate real stag :) You might, at some time, run into to some stag or barked antler to replace the bone. Even real horn (Asian water buffalo is most common) could replace the bone.