View Full Version : Mould Maintenance???

09-22-2011, 03:42 PM
I have been casting now for a little over six months now and have a question about cleaning your molds. I have a couple that have some real light smears on the top of the mold between it and the spru plate. What procedure do you recomend to get it looking like new again. I don't have rust as I live in a climate that seldom sees any kind of humidity, so that isn't an issue. My molds get a little rough looking after a couple of sessions, and I was looking to go through and clean them up. I just read a thread were a guy was using a soda blaster on his molds, would I use something like that?? Thanks for any help at all, it is appreciated.

09-22-2011, 05:36 PM
1. If you get smears, while casting and the mould is hot, wipe the mould with a clean cotton cloth.
2. If you notice smears after the mould has cooled, try a pencil eraser.

Smears are generally cause by cutting the sprue too soon. Bullplate (if the Bull Shop is still open) allows the sprue to be cutter sooner, without the inherent smearing.