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View Full Version : The importance of 9-11 to me

09-11-2011, 11:33 AM
I woke up this morning and watched one of many television channels that were airing footage and commentary about 9-11, ten years after the attack.

As was 10 years ago, I remain angry, not saddened, by that attack. We were, and still are vulnerable to this kind assault because we are a free and open society.

A barbarous ememy, who came from nations of suppressed peoples half-way around the world used our freedom against us. Not just because they were taught to hate it, but because they fear it and envy it.

9-11 has hardened my resolve to be a better, and stronger American. I have always been patriotic. I have always loved this country. But there is more I can do.

My children will know what American exceptionalism is all about. We are the only super power, and the most generous nation in the world. They will know what it means to be self-reliant; to provide for themselves, yet help others in time of need. My children will know our great Constitution and the God-given freedoms that are written upon it. And, they will learn to exercise those freedoms without fear or intimidation; confident that what they do is their right and not a priviledge granted by some politician.

As with everyone on this forum, I hold my Second Amendment right as sacred. The right bear arms provides me with the opportunity to protect myself, my family, and the innocent. But to a greater extent, my choice to keep and bear arms represents a determined reslove to excercise my God-given rights. Political correctness, socialist dogma, and idealism be damned. I carry and utilize firearms in defiance of the status quo, and progressive thinking.

I cling to my guns and my bible because it symbolizes the very freedoms I would die to protect; not just for me but for the future of my children. The right to religeous freedom and the weapons to protect it from any ememy is why there is an "America" in the first place.

There are political forces both within and abroad that mean to destroy our way of life; to strip us of our rights and/or our lives. If you take nothing else away from this 10th anniversary of the 9-11 attack, know this: We as American citizens have a responsibility to ensure that our great nation remains a land of individual freedom. Through your actions, and daily demostration, teach your children and your friends what it means to be a patriot. Teach them not to follow the status quo, or to be a "sheep", but to be a critical and independant thinker who acts with a calm confidence. Teach them that freedom comes a cost, and that it must be protected but also exercised.

To all of you, both friends and coutrymen, I appreciate our bond here as Americans and as fellow firearms owners. Today of all days, I am honored to say that I am one of you. As we remember those who were lost 10 years ago, let us also remember that we can never lower our guard.

God bless the United States of America.

09-11-2011, 12:38 PM
Well Said John !!!!!

09-11-2011, 11:30 PM

Dean D.
09-12-2011, 01:59 AM
I'll add another "Well said!" and a 5 star rating.

09-12-2011, 02:03 AM
well said sir

09-12-2011, 05:59 AM
I agree wholeheartedly.