View Full Version : Social Groups- You may have friends you didn't know about

09-10-2011, 08:44 PM
If your not a member of a social group, this is a great way to connect with Cast Boolits Members in your area, or that are like minded in a common theme, such as the WWI Lead Blasters or the 5.56 Club.
I am the Moderator, Founder of the Left Coast Casters, with at last count, 112 members.
While anyone can join, our main body is comprised of CB members West of the Continental Divide.
I have been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to meet several members of Cast Boolits face to face, that I would not known of otherwise.
So I say to you, seek your brethren out. He is out there some where. You can put on your tinfoil hats and bark at the moon and not be all alone.:bigsmyl2:
If you do not see a group that fits your need, start one. While I travel through the Cast Boolits forum, if I see a fellow or gal the live on the Left Coast, I invite them. You build it, they will come.

10-01-2011, 11:51 PM
Great post. I have had similar experiences with social media. As it turns out, I now have several Facebook friends who are also CB forum members. Nice to actually get to know someone on a personal level outside of the comfort zone of the forum. Seems like many of us have similar interests.

My ¢2

10-01-2011, 11:58 PM
Same with the Facebook friends that are members here, along with other shooters, relatives, and old classmates.
Just got a notification and picture from Dan Walker on Facebook, he got himself a nice bull elk today. Can't tell for sure, but it looks like a six point!

10-02-2011, 12:02 AM
I don't have any FB friends who are Cast Boolits members. Probably best that way as I am a bit more unfiltered on FB and I tend to be a bit more sarcastic there too.

I will say that any way we can keep in touch with one another is good.

10-02-2011, 12:13 AM
Wow, I feel stupid. Thanks for bringing that up, Justin. I never knew that we even had social groups set up on this forum, that's really neat. I've contacted and met with a couple of CB members, but most of the ones around my neck of the woods seem to keep a low profile!


Love Life
10-02-2011, 01:50 AM
I am a left coast caster and can't wait for the day I get to meet with one of them over breakfast and a cup of coffee (my treat!!).

10-02-2011, 09:39 AM
It is interesting how close some of us are not only geographically but in our thoughts,age, and lives as well. I am on Facebook and if you have a account you may like as some of us are there. http://www.facebook.com/groups/260733773956575/

10-02-2011, 11:05 AM
thanks for bringing the social networking to my attention...just started the Buckeye Casters group for those of us in Ohio.


Wayne Smith
10-02-2011, 04:29 PM
I stay away from social media. I do not think it wise, in my profession, to be too available. I have clients whom I would rather they not know more about me than I am willing to share in session.

10-02-2011, 04:32 PM
Is it just me, or does about half our membership hail from Michigan? You all could make one heck of a club if you'd just get together!


10-02-2011, 05:58 PM
Never used any social network...ofcourse the reason for that could be I have no friends....smiles.

10-02-2011, 08:51 PM
Never used any social network...ofcourse the reason for that could be I have no friends....smiles.

Friends, heard of them, keep close to your enemies and watch them. Keep closer to your friends and watch them as well. If you can't double cross a friend, who can you double cross???

10-03-2011, 10:56 AM
Is it just me, or does about half our membership hail from Michigan? You all could make one heck of a club if you'd just get together!


Yes indeed, there are a bunch of us from here in Michigan. I've been fortunate enough to meet several face to face.

Since I live fairly close to the Indiana line, I have met a few fellows from northern Indiana. I hail from NW Ohio and have met one fellow from very close to where I grew up and graduated from. I also have cousins in northern Michigan so when I talked to a fellow member recently, I realized he live fairly close to the college some of them went to.

Odd thing to me, I never thought about looking up guys from the forum on Facebook. I guess that's cause most of us have kinda anonymous handles here so it is problem unless one sets out to find a person on Facebook. There are things I am not too comfortable with about facebook too that prevents a lot of social communications too.


10-03-2011, 11:06 AM
I stay away from social media. I do not think it wise, in my profession, to be too available. I have clients whom I would rather they not know more about me than I am willing to share in session.

BTDT, Wayne.

Silver Eagle
10-03-2011, 09:41 PM
I for one am on Facebook. If you would like to friend me there, send me a PM and I will let you know my name on there. Always looking for people to chat with and socialize about this hobby.

Silver Eagle

10-04-2011, 06:14 AM
GEAR So far the nearest member I have been in contact with here in Michigan is 50 miles away There is a member near my other house (for sale) and I think I have met him in the past when I was active in a muzzle loading club "downstate" (Columbiaville Sportsmans Club).

10-12-2011, 10:21 AM
Never used any social network...ofcourse the reason for that could be I have no friends....smiles.

There, I sent you a friends request. So now, if you don't have friends, its because you didn't want one. LOL

Idaho Sharpshooter
10-13-2011, 02:04 AM
friends: I have way too many now to keep up with on a regular basis. My wife is from a large family, and I have kids from ten up to forty that want to come over and learn to reload or just go burn up some of my ammunition. I got one of my great-nieces a Ruger MK II in Roberts after she maxed Hunter's Ed this spring. She was over this evening with her mother and sisters to deliver some fresh (like Saturday) deer meat and a big hug!

Her older sister the HS Senior borrowed my XK-8 convertible for the week. Homecoming Queens need a stylish ride for the parade tomorrow afternoon and halftime at the big game on Friday night.
