View Full Version : Packing alittle extra this weekend?

09-10-2011, 03:38 AM
Is anyone taking some more ammo or perhaps an AR with them to work, god forbid something this weekend? At some point in my travels I am two hours away from my family. I was thinking my pistol and plenty of spare mags and ammo in a pack would be fine. Then I started to think about a rifle. But if I have to walk for some reason an AR would not look so good in a situation. Just wondering what your thoughts are, as we all have familys to look after in one way or another. Not trying to stir anything. Hope we can all spend the weekend quietly in our own way. John

09-10-2011, 07:57 AM
What do you mean by extra? :-) About what I always tote along. If I can't get it done with 17 of what's in my sig line it will either be the 12 ga. truck gun or my 6.8.

Thinking on what you said about walking, another reason I like the AR platform so much, break it down and it fits into the back pack no problem.

09-10-2011, 08:51 AM
Our sportsmans club is having a BP shoot this morning, and trap/skeet shoot this afternoon with one or two Annie Oakley competitions at 3PM.

I doubt there will be any terrorists out here:smile:

Wayne Smith
09-10-2011, 02:59 PM
Living as I do in Hampton Roads I'm not especially concerned. Everything around here is a hard target, and there are military and SEALS all over. I don't think they would like the reception they would get anywhere in the area.

09-10-2011, 05:41 PM
Nope, not carrying anything more than my normal Leatherman and a Case pocket knife. Why does anyone think something will happen?

09-10-2011, 05:58 PM
I always have a Glock 19, and 2 extra mags.

In the car I have a 12 gauge pump, and at least 75 rounds of buckshot and slugs. Usually 1-300 #7 1/2 shot trap shells also.

If I am going to/from the range, one or more guns, and more ammo.

So, no, I will not be doing anything extra this weekend.

I always try to remain vigilant, and prepared for whatever may come.

colt 357
09-10-2011, 10:15 PM
Nope not carrying any thing at all let law enforcement take care of it. Our boys in blue are pretty good here. Not much of a threat here in Iowa. Besides the rednecks here would get ahold of them before I got a gun out and send them straight to allah with no virgins.
They better hope the police get them before the redneck patrol

09-11-2011, 11:07 AM
Nope, not carrying anything more than my normal Leatherman and a Case pocket knife. Why does anyone think something will happen?

Maybe because of stuff like this?

Reporting from Kabul, Afghanistan— A massive Taliban truck bomb outside an American military base in a restive eastern district injured nearly 80 U.S. troops and killed five Afghans, Western and Afghan officials said Sunday.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, which took place Saturday evening in the Sayedabad district of Wardak province. That is the same district where insurgents last month shot down a U.S. Chinook helicopter, killing 30 American troops, 22 of them elite Navy SEALs from the unit that killed Osama bin Laden in May.

The Chinook crash, which remains under investigation, was the worst single loss of American military lives in the nearly decade-long war.

Although no Americans died in Saturday's bombing, it appeared to be one of the biggest casualty counts in an insurgent strike on a Western military installation. The bombing also carried symbolic weight, coming on the eve of the 10-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Shahidullah Shahid, a spokesman for the Wardak provincial governor, said the blast devastated the Sayedabad district center, damaging a number of government buildings including a medical facility. Of the five Afghans killed, one was an 8-year-old girl and one an Afghan policeman. Another 17 Afghans were injured, he said.

NATO's International Security Assistance Force, which did not disclose the attack until early Sunday, said in a statement that the outpost's perimeter wall was damaged in the attack, but that "protective barriers…absorbed most of the explosion."

Western military officials said the injuries of most of the 77 troops who were hurt were not life-threatening.

The Taliban said in a statement that a "martyrdom-seeking" attacker blew up a truck packed with explosives just outside the base. The group, which often exaggerates the effectiveness of its attacks, claimed as many as 50 U.S. troops were killed.

Hours after the attack, a solemn ceremony was held at the U.S. Embassy in Kabul on Sunday morning to remember the victims of Sept. 11. Before an audience of several hundred embassy employees, military officials and Afghan dignitaries, the American flag was lowered to half-mast and a lone bugle sounded "Taps."

U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker, who flew into New York as the attacks were taking place, said he kept his boarding pass from his flight that day.

"For me, the last ten years have always been about 9/11," he said before the crowd observed a moment of silence. "I'm never going to forget what happened that day, and I will never give up on my commitment to doing everything I can to ensure that 9/11 never happens again."

Florida -

UPDATE: Police say AK-47s used in Palmetto night club shooting
By LEE WILLIAMS - lwilliams@bradenton.com

PALMETTO, FL -- Police believe one or possibly two AK-47s were used in the shooting that killed two and wounded 22 others outside a Palmetto night club early Saturday.
At least two shooters opened fire at about 12:30 a.m. on a crowd standing in front of Club Elite, 704 10th St. West.
As of Sunday morning, police have no suspects in the case.

“We’re working on some leads, but I have no names to give you,” said Palmetto Police Chief Rick Wells. “We don’t have any confirmed suspects.”
He declined to discuss the suspects’ motive.
“I will hold comment on that at this time, until we talk to a few more of our witnesses,” he said.
He did, however, rule out gang involvement.
“I do not believe it is gang-related,” he said. “The information we have gathered up to this point does not include any documented gang members.”
Wells said suspects fired 70 to 80 rounds at the hundreds of people gathered inside and outside the club.
Trayon Goff, 25, of Palmetto, was shot and killed outside the club’s front door.
Gwenette Matthews, 38, of Bradenton, was found dead inside the club.
At least 22 other people were hit by gunfire during the attack. The six most seriously wounded were taken to Bayfront Medical Center in St. Petersburg. Another 16 persons were treated at Manatee Memorial Hospital.
Wells said Sunday morning none of the wounded is in jeopardy.
Investigators recovered approximately 70to 80 spent 7.62 x 39mm cartridge cases, Wells said. He confirmed Sunday the weapons were likely semi-automatic.
He’s not sure whether any one victim was targeted by the suspects, or whether they just sprayed the crowd.
“I have to reserve comment on that,” he said. “We’re still gathering intelligence on that part. “
Despite the fact that two dozen people were hit by gunfire, Wells said the death toll could have been worse.
“We were very fortunate that more of the victims were not critically wounded,” he said. “It’s a tragic event. These criminals have a total disregard for anyone at all -- regardless if they had a specific target. If you have a weapon like that, you know the rounds can penetrate doors and walls. They had no concern about that.”
The case is also being investigated by the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office, who is working with the four detectives and five officers Wells assigned to the investigation.
“The county is working on any information that we develop going on outside the city,” he said. “We’re working together as we follow up leads.”
Manatee County’s Gold Star Club has offered a $10,000 reward for information in this case, Wells said.
Anyone with information about the crime can call the Palmetto Police Department at (941) 723-4587 or Manatee County Crime Stoppers at (866) 634-8477.
Callers may remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward.
Lee Williams, Herald investigative reporter, can be reached at (941) 745-7041

Read more: http://www.bradenton.com/2011/09/11/3484870/update-police-say-ak-47s-used.html#ixzz1XemuTizw

Washington DC

Federal Authorities Probe Possible Terror Threat Around 9/11 Anniversary
By Mike Levine & Jennifer Griffin
Published September 08, 2011

WASHINGTON – Federal authorities are warning local law enforcement agencies of a potential terrorist threat involving car bombs that could coincide with the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, several sources told Fox News on Thursday.
The Department of Homeland Security confirmed that it had information about a "specific, credible but unconfirmed threat," and the White House said President Obama was briefed Thursday morning and has been updated throughout the day.

Possible 'Credible Threat' Near 9/11 Anniversary Jennifer Griffin reports from the Pentagon

“The president directed the counterterrorism community to redouble its efforts in response to this credible but unconfirmed information," a White House official told Fox News.
Law enforcement officials already have been on alert for any potential threats timed for the 9/11 anniversary, but intelligence on the threat identified Thursday was described by one official as noteworthy for seeming "more than aspirational."
Another senior U.S. official with knowledge of the threat said it was "specific enough to elicit worry."
Details trickled in throughout the evening. The potential threat is said to focus on New York City or Washington, D.C., and involves possible suspects tied to Al Qaeda, sources said. Authorities have received a "general description" of two or three possible suspects but don't necessarily have names, one source said. Authorities are trying to determine if such suspects might already be in the U.S.
The FBI and Department of Homeland Security were drafting a bulletin Thursday night to send to local law enforcement across the country.
"We have a duty to warn,” the senior U.S. official said.
The NYPD will be taking additional precautions in response to the terror threat, including increasing its patrol by a third, setting up vehicle checkpoints, and working closely with the FBI to gain any additional intelligence, Police Commissioner Kelly said in a press conference with New York Mayor Bloomberg and an FBI official.
"All New Yorkers should be cautious and aware as we prepare to commemorate the 9/11 anniversary," New York Gov. Cuomo said in a statement. "However, there is no reason to panic or allow our spirit of freedom to be dampened as we get ready to celebrate the opening of the Ground Zero site this weekend."
U.S. officials had been saying for days that there is no known credible threat related to the 9/11 anniversary. But when asked Thursday by reporters whether that’s still the case, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano seemed to at first hesitate.
"It is still the case that we don't have something that would reach that standard, but we still have lots of chatter out there. And we take every bit of that seriously and track it down," Napolitano said. "The date is important because it's 9/11. But as I said, in the intel world there's lots of chatter and we're taking it all seriously.
"Should there be something that rises to the level where I have to issue a threat advisory, we will issue a threat advisory."
One U.S. official said that the intelligence on the potential 9/11 anniversary threat came from tribal areas of Pakistan. The person who provided the intelligence is known to the U.S. intelligence community and "has a track record," as one source put it.
There were documents found inside Usama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, that mentioned aspirations to strike on the 10th anniversary of the 2001 attacks.
One Fox News source emphasized that authorities found themselves in a similar scenario on the eve of Obama's inauguration in January 2009, when intelligence suggested a specific threat against the inaugural events. Federal authorities reacted swiftly, but in the end the intelligence turned out to be bogus.
Fox News' Ed Henry, Catherine Herridge and Justin Fishel contributed to this report.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/09/08/authorities-find-possible-credible-threat-to-us-homeland-around-11-anniversary/#ixzz1XenwssmB

mold maker
09-11-2011, 11:18 AM
I doubt anything happens today. It would make more sense to allow the anniversary to pass, without incident, and afterwards when the so called hightened awareness is over, KABOOM!!!!

09-11-2011, 11:39 AM
My bride and I are celebrating our 37th anniversary today. We're staying around the house and not planning to go anywhere special, maybe see some friends later after the Colt's game.

I know we all think in terms of guns and ammo but if we were going out I'd take food bars, water and extra medical supplies, probably be more useful than toting a bunch of extra firepower.

09-11-2011, 02:18 PM
I have been carrying my .45 Colt Bisley/ Vaquero loaded with heavy loads but it is for the bears and not because of 9/11. With the high bear population and the drought, the bears have become a nuisance as of late. Mostly smaller bears, 200 pounds or less.

09-11-2011, 04:30 PM
We're staying around the house and not planning to go anywhere special...

Same here. Just laying low.

09-11-2011, 11:48 PM
I doubt anything happens today. It would make more sense to allow the anniversary to pass, without incident, and afterwards when the so called hightened awareness is over, KABOOM!!!!

You know I like that thinking so I'd say if your of a packing mind maybe the next week or so just in case :popcorn:

09-12-2011, 07:57 AM
Maybe because of stuff like this?

There's just as much chance of them hitting us on April 14th as 9/11. And the gov't ALWAYS issues warnings, it's all they can do. Same thing with Y2K, the 1st and 5th 9/11 anniversaries. It's CYA.

As for the shooting in Fl., gang violence isn't terrorism in the terms we're thinking of.

IMO it's far more likely we see a chemical attack or bomb at a mall than any thing else. All the Rambo posturing and extra guns aren't gonna do much for that.

I hate these High Road type posts.

09-12-2011, 09:52 AM
I'm not letting terrorists dictate today, tomorrow, or next year.

Jihaadists are no different than a opossum in the garbage can. I'll deal with either when it happens.

09-12-2011, 10:09 AM
I'm not worried about a terrorist attack. I'm worried about what the government is going to do in the name of protecting us all from terrorists.

09-12-2011, 07:09 PM
Is anyone taking some more ammo or perhaps an AR with them to work, god forbid something this weekend? At some point in my travels I am two hours away from my family. I was thinking my pistol and plenty of spare mags and ammo in a pack would be fine. Then I started to think about a rifle. But if I have to walk for some reason an AR would not look so good in a situation. Just wondering what your thoughts are, as we all have familys to look after in one way or another. Not trying to stir anything. Hope we can all spend the weekend quietly in our own way. John

If you mean weight, the answer would be yes.

09-13-2011, 05:18 PM
Night club shootings are pretty much a weekly event down here in Florida. Since I don't go to night clubs, my probability of getting shot at one is zero.

What exactly is anyone going to do with a shotgun or rifle if a car bomb goes off?

09-14-2011, 12:10 AM
Depending upon MO the car bomb may not be a one hit wonder - they have been known to set off a car bomb and then when first responders get there either another car bomb or a martyr with a suicide vest steps into the crowd and wants to let go to get the helpful people trying to help the victims of the first IED.

09-14-2011, 08:32 AM
Depending upon MO the car bomb may not be a one hit wonder - they have been known to set off a car bomb and then when first responders get there either another car bomb or a martyr with a suicide vest steps into the crowd and wants to let go to get the helpful people trying to help the victims of the first IED.

SOP right there, except for the handler with the burner in case said second hitter gets cold feet. Didn't take long for our folks on overwatch to start looking for critters just hanging out behind something substantial.

09-15-2011, 06:03 AM
Depending upon MO the car bomb may not be a one hit wonder - they have been known to set off a car bomb and then when first responders get there either another car bomb or a martyr with a suicide vest steps into the crowd and wants to let go to get the helpful people trying to help the victims of the first IED.

When things like that happen then I'll change. But if things like that happen we probably won;t be going anywhere anyway.

09-15-2011, 07:11 AM
Best I can tell, their tactics are either hit and run or kamakazi style. I think they know if they step out in the street yelling something incomprehensible and crank up an AK, some good ol' boy is gonna use 'em for an expansion test. They're not likely to give any notice of their intentions where packing heat would do anybody any good.