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09-08-2011, 07:32 AM
Another prayer request,,,,
Some of you already know, as it has been discussed in chat.
But I also want to let other's know as well, and this is easier for me than PM's.
About 2 mos. I had a medical issue, that was thought to be a bacterial infection.
Nothing as far as meds goes, seemed to have any effect on it.
After seeing a specialist, it turns out to be cancer in/on the bladder.

I'm going into surgery tommorrow morning. As it sounds, this is proceedure stands a good chance of eliminating it, unless it has spread beyond, and the CT scan can't pick it up. If that is the case, then likey chemo will follow. However, I get the drift from the Doc, that he's fairly confident in a positive way.
As of now, the 5-6 hours on the table has me more concerned, but the whole ordeal is alarming to say the least.
God Willing, and all turns out well. I should be back in 4-6 days.

But a few extra Prayers, certainly can't hurt.
And if all don't turn out so well, and I don't make it back,,,,I just wanted to say thankyou to all, and specially those that have helped me in a more direct manner, with my venture into casting!!!

Wayne Smith
09-08-2011, 07:52 AM
Prayers on the way, for you and for the docs.

DIRT Farmer
09-08-2011, 08:25 AM
Ask and you will receive. Praise him above.

mold maker
09-08-2011, 08:31 AM
My Wife made it (2007) through 13 surgeries to get rid of cancer and an infection that followed. Prayers do indeed help. Expect a miracle, and we will all ask for it to come your way.

white eagle
09-08-2011, 08:41 AM
prayers sent
I had the same issue and had surgery
just as you its gone
god bless

09-08-2011, 08:48 AM
My prayers go out to you and your family.
Let God carry you through

09-08-2011, 08:52 AM

Good luck, stay strong, and keep the faith. Prayer is a powerful thing. You will prevail.

Prayers from the lone star state.


09-08-2011, 09:01 AM
I am cancer free after 6 yrs. I owe it all to my Savior and the prayers of my friends and people that I did not know, but He knew them and heard their prayers. Prayer is the strongest medicine and God is good.

09-08-2011, 09:02 AM
Prayers sent.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

09-08-2011, 09:13 AM
Prayer lifted for your complete recovery

09-08-2011, 09:13 AM
My Prayers are that you heal completely.

09-08-2011, 09:24 AM
You'll make it back in no time. Prayers sent to you and your family.

09-08-2011, 09:36 AM
Good luck, Dave.

09-08-2011, 09:52 AM
But a few extra Prayers, certainly can't hurt.

you got 'em.

09-08-2011, 09:53 AM

09-08-2011, 11:23 AM
Extra Prayers Dave.

09-08-2011, 11:31 AM
Prayers for you Dave. I'm a cancer survivor so I'll pray you are too. God Bless

09-08-2011, 11:31 AM
From our house to yours - prayers and best wishes.

09-08-2011, 12:36 PM
All my hopes and prayers,

09-08-2011, 12:45 PM
I pray that you recover from the surgery and heal quickly. May the Lord watch over you in your time of need.

09-08-2011, 01:03 PM
Prayers and best wishes for you Dave.

09-08-2011, 01:20 PM
Prayers from my family to you and yours.


09-10-2011, 02:45 PM
May God bless you Dave.

09-12-2011, 05:26 PM
Prayers for elimination of that cancer and guidance for the surgeons hands and staff.

I got good news about 3 weeks ago, I am now cancer free after surgery and beamed radiation treatments for prostate cancer. There's no way to describe the feeling of having beat the big "C"!

09-12-2011, 05:37 PM
Prayers sent to you and your family.

09-17-2011, 08:55 AM
Well,,,I got home Thursday, which feels good, but with mixed emotions.
As the surgery went with complications, not all as expected.
Turns out this is a fast growing type, or faster than expected. Most bladder cancers are contained within the bladder, mine had gotten into the muscle wall. This we knew from the first CT scan. But by the time surgery could be scheduled 2 weeks later, it had grown it's way down, attached itself to the pelvic, and wrapped around the renal artery. When the Doc got to this, he quit, not wanting to risk any possible damage to the artery. But he did get the illium conduit in place,,,,,that atleast allows me some uninterupted sleep.
So the plan is now to hit it with chemo and radiation, to shrink it away from the artery so it can be removed safely. Hope is, that it don't have time to spread much further in the 3 weeks it takes to heal this surgery some before starting the chemo. That is the scary part, as time seems to be critical, as fast as this grows.
Then too we had some disagreement between my Urologist/Surgeon and the Oncologist, with a treatment plan. Mostly in regards to the radiation part and surgery afterwards.
The wife and I had tendency to agree with the Oncologist. We had a discussion with the Urologist, and having worked with him some years ago, the wife suspected he was uncomfortable with the second surgery. Basically, she /we said, we understood, but he better get another surgeon on board that has seen this before. Get him/her involved Now, as to have some say in threatment proceedure. So she brought the Mayo Clinic up, and turns out my Urologist knows one of the leading Urologist/Oncologist there. I found out he is on board as of yesterday morning, and so far his outlook is positive. We still have another week to go before treatments can begin, and this time still has me plenty worried. But we can't turn back the clock, and have to go with what is, hopefully the time is sufficient.

Somtimes I find the wife's tenacious bullheadedness very annoying. But if it wasn't for her, this first surgery would have been 10 days later and the Mayo would have not been contacted. If it is God's Will that I survive, I owe it to Him and then her!! Otherwise, someone with less knowledge of the situation,,,,, well, I don't think I would have seen Christmas! There is still some scary woods ahead, and we still really don't know the outcome.
As I said, this Mayo Doc, has a positive outlook,,,,but I'm still very much in God's hands!
I have a few more test this comming week before we can start treatment. And then it will likely be 4-5 weeks of treatments before we really have an idea. I'm praying that we still have this in time and the bladder removed (likely at the Mayo), with some final radiation treatments to "clean-up" any reminents of the cancer. I certainly hope that I'm home and cancer free for Thanksgiving Dinner.

As for myself wishing to live longer,,,, I have no fear of dying. But I have yet, much to teach my youngest 12 yr. old son. For that reason alone, I have a selfish want, to supercede God's Will. Knowing that is not possible, I pray he gives me more time for Andrew's sake. I appreciate all here, previous thought's and prayer's, and will I appreciate your continued prayers. Andy, is my only reason for bringing this forward. And if any are interested in following my progress, as I won't post all that often here, our D-I-L set this this up,,,
And feel free to do the guestbook thingy if you so wish!

Thanks to All !!!

09-17-2011, 09:34 AM
Prayers are on the way Dave. Your wife is doing exactly the right thing. Don't take what the doctors say as gospel, get second opinions and ask them to present your case. In most instances the hospitals have a round table of doctors that have open discussion of cases like yours. It opens your case to critique and almost always improves patient care.

09-17-2011, 12:49 PM
More prayers from here too Dave. Your son needs his father around.

09-17-2011, 01:01 PM
I'll try to pray every time I see your subject line.

09-20-2011, 10:20 AM
Prayers are on the way Dave. Your wife is doing exactly the right thing. Don't take what the doctors say as gospel, get second opinions and ask them to present your case. In most instances the hospitals have a round table of doctors that have open discussion of cases like yours. It opens your case to critique and almost always improves patient care.

Yeah Dean,,,, This hospital is fairly big, but how many specialist they have in the same field to round table with, I don't know.
From further talks with the wife, I know this Dr. was was going to close me up, and he told her that I roughly had 6 mos. maybe a bit more. Personally I think his ego was getting the best of him. He didn't feel comfortable with the situation, and wasn't going to admit that by refering me to someone else that maybe had some more experience with similar case's. It wasn't til she pressed him, that we got somewhere beyond his thoughts.
Even the Oncologist on the case already, said that straight chemo and radiation has been successful to the degree, that reoccurance is 90% at 18-24 mos., but still managable at that time. With the same treatment, and removal, he said reoccurance drops to 10%, and that it shouldn't be a problem shrinking the tumor away from the artery.
It was that vast difference that had us/her questioning the surgeon. Again, it didn't take her long to figure out, that it was his ego . And again, while not out of the wood pile as yet so to speak, I feel chances are much better now. The main reason being, besides the addition of this other Dr. from the Mayo is, She flat out told him that it is was ok and we understand that this was well beyond hiw comfort level, which relieved him or let him off the hook, but she/we wanted to know exactly what's what with no smoke blown up our derriere.

With this life changing experience, I have been seriously considering volunteering and donating some time to become an advocate for other cancer patient's, that either have nobody or limited knowledge to help them. Not that I know all, but with my experience and Teresa would only be a phone call away if I need help, Hopefully this won't happen to other's. I just feel with today's technology, there is very little excuse for the ball to be dropped like it has been for me in my situation. Sometime's all it takes, is to get in the face of situation, to necessarily alter some ego's, and change the outcome of someone's life.

09-20-2011, 04:08 PM
Prayers for elimination of that cancer and guidance for the surgeons hands and staff.

I got good news about 3 weeks ago, I am now cancer free after surgery and beamed radiation treatments for prostate cancer. There's no way to describe the feeling of having beat the big "C"!

I felt compelled as I do at times, to re-read the thread as it does help to see the support here. I had meant to comment on this earlier, but I find my mind loses track and focus rather easily these days.
As my mother always said,,,,"my mind is going a hundred forty eleven directions at once",,,ya i know, it don't make sense.
Anyhow, I'm very glad you made it through your battle snuffy! It gives me more hope and confidence, in seeing such post/experience!!!
Thanks for sharing!

09-20-2011, 05:52 PM
You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. If I can make a suggestion, you have to have a no holds barred, take no prisoners attitude with this. My Mom did great right up till an idiot Dr. told her she only had six months. She was dead in 2 weeks and we saw the immediate change in her attitude right after Dr Dipwad opened his mouth. As far as I'm concerned that moron as good as killed her. So you fight and you fight to win and kick it's butt and you don't give it an inch! Shoot it, stab it, bayonet it, beat it with a rock, whatever you need to visualize, just get your head in the right place and thats better than half the battle right there.

09-20-2011, 08:12 PM
From further talks with the wife, I know this Dr. was was going to close me up, and he told her that I roughly had 6 mos. maybe a bit more.

Sounds like you got a future obama appointee to a death panel. I cannot fully convey my contempt for the cretins in the "care" business that see not people, but beans and bonuses if they can shut them out and kill them off. No, my contempt needs such foul language as to be uncivil and I may frighten some folks.

Prayers for the good doc's if you can find them,, and I'll let it go at that.

09-20-2011, 08:26 PM
Prayers coming Dave, and it's beat-able. My brother did it.

Charlie Two Tracks
09-20-2011, 08:53 PM
Father, I pray the Dave will know how much you love him and that he knows your peace. I ask you to heal him of this cancer and calm any fears. Please give him strength for the day and your healing peace at night. Thank you. In Jesus name......... amen.

Hang in there Dave. Keep in touch and let us know how all is going.

09-21-2011, 08:56 AM
Yeah Bret, I'm not about to give up, as I know if it was God's Will I would be too far gone, and that I am not. I truely believe, He still has purpose for me here.
That's the problem Ken, it's become a "care business" rather than service of healing and compassion. At first, I thought to retaliate in some manner, but then realized, that really is a judgement call that is not mine to make. Rather helping other's in a similar situation that he is involved with, might be the best solution. As in the long run, it may help him to become a better Dr., and those we need.

Thanks Charlie, and Dutch, and again, to all the rest of you as well.
All, past present and future, are greatly appreciated!!!!

09-23-2011, 01:57 PM
May the good Lord fondly look down upon you and yours at this time of need. May he see that you have work yet to do on this earth before he summons you home.

smoked turkey
09-23-2011, 06:02 PM
Dave my wife sent an email to our daughter in law this morning prior to her second mamogram due to something they saw the first time that caused questions. My wife saw somewhere recently this: "God is Large and in Charge". What ever the outcome He is watching over everything that is happening down here. In my daughter-in-laws case her second test was clear. We praise God. In your case we can pray that you are allowed to continue being the positive influence on your son and the rest of the family. Attitude is very important as has been stated. It appears your attitude is where it should be.

10-07-2011, 07:12 AM
Update from the wife on CaringBridge,,,said it as well as I could have, only a modification for the time difference.

We got back from Rochester and the Mayo Clinic yesterday. We met with Dr. Karnes, very nice person and easy to talk with. He had positive news, he felt from looking at the MRI and everything that he could remove the bladder and tumor. He seemed very optimistic that it can be done without to much difficulty. He said he won't know for sure until he does the surgery, but from his perspective he didn't see a problem with being able to do the surgery. He wants to do Chemo for 3 months, he added 1 other chemo drug besides the one we knew of. He is also going to discuss Dave's case at a group meeting they have 2 times a month, I guess they all meet as well as the oncologist and discuss various cases and seek input from everyone. He said Dave's is unusual and he is confident in the plan, but he will verify with the others as well. So got a lot of experts looking at his stuff on Tue. He gave the go ahead for chemo to start, not doing radiation unless the group has a different suggestion. If so he will let us know on Tue. He was going to call Dr. Hubers in Sioux Falls and talk with him and get the chemo started. Plan is for surgery in Jan. following the chemo. He gave us a lot of hope and relieved alot of anxiety. He seemed very confident and reassuring that we are going to get the best care possible, with the best outcome possible.

Only addition to that, I am starting Chemo this morning, of which I found out later yesterday.

10-07-2011, 07:58 AM
My prayers are with you both this morning. It always pays to get another opinion, and seek out the best docs available in fighting this disease or any other one for that matter! Joe

10-07-2011, 02:40 PM
This is the first I have seen this. My prayers for your recovery. You are so lucky to have such a wife! We are all pullin for you!

10-07-2011, 03:59 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep the faith. Faith is what keeps you going.

10-07-2011, 04:36 PM
Dave, you have to be correct. If there was no plan for you to be here for your son you'd be gone already.

You're and yours are on my prayerlist. Good luck and godspeed!

10-08-2011, 01:33 AM
Prayers for you, your family, the doctors, and that everything they do works.

My mom was first diagnosed when she was 50, and has had it come back three times,but she's always beat it, with His help, and now she's 80 and acts and looks 20 years younger! Know that you can do the same!

01-04-2012, 10:53 PM
Anybody that's been monitoring Dave's caring bridge page already knows the good news. But I thought I would post todays entry there, I'm sure Dave wouldn't mind.

Dave's surgery went well. The Doctor was able to remove his bladder and removed all of the lymph nodes in the area and they were all negative. He feels everything was contained in the bladder and Dave should do very well. He said no chemo after surgery and essentially he got everything. That was the best news we could have asked for. All our prayers and those of you have been answered. We are so happy we came here and for this Doctor who was able to give Dave another chance. Thank you to all for your prayers and support, we are so grateful for everyone's support. The news today was the best!!!!!!!!

Prayers go out to Dave for a quick recovery from the surgery and the effects of the chemo and radiation.


Praise the lord, looks like he's gonna beat this![smilie=w:

01-05-2012, 02:25 AM
Great news!

Thanks, Snuffy. I've been keeping up, but this thread needed an update!


gray wolf
01-05-2012, 05:18 PM
Well I also missed this and I feel very bad that I did.
So I have to play catch up.
Prayers for you and your recovery.

01-10-2012, 01:19 AM
This is today's installment on news from the hospital for Dave.

Things have gone a little slower in the recovery. Dave is still in Rochester, he needed to have some blood transfusions and his body is a little slower to get moving. They say chemo does have lasting effects and it is just slowing the recovery. He is doing much better today and they are starting to remove some of his drains and his blood counts are getting better. He is only taking liquids at present, need to get his system moving. Hopefully tomorrow they will try something more. They anticipate perhaps Tuesday going home if things go well tomorrow. Overall we are fortunate to get to this point and every little sign of progress are good. I will update more as he gets closer to going home.

01-10-2012, 10:57 AM
Here's hoping that he's resting comfortably at home today. :)