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View Full Version : Third world has come to Carson City

09-06-2011, 08:57 PM
Shocking day for us here locally . .. first I will apologize to the Mods here ... maybe wrong forum but had to express my / our sorrow for those who are involved ...
Everyone will hear about it soon .... this morning just before 9.00 am there was a shooting at the local IHOP restaurant ... details are still sketchy but the latest is an individual went into the restaurant with a AK type rifle and proceeded to shoot a total of 8 people .... three have died , two of them being male national guardsman and one female.

My company is located about a mile or more from that very location and also happens to be straight across the street from the National Guard facilities here in Carson ....
Was in the office at the time , a close friend was online at the moment looking at local news and read about the incident that had happened a few minutes earlier , ... my response of utter disbelief ....here ... in Carson City !
Later this afternoon , just learned one of our employee's wife and relatives was in the same place at that moment ... all I could get was something about them crawling out the back emergency door ......
During the morning another employee was out in the yard and said he heard the shots .... 2 rounds intermittently then full auto ....
Apparently the shooter did himself in as he passed on a couple of hours later this morning .

as I was driving by the location about four hours after it happened on my way out to the field , it looked to be something like organized chaos , part of the main highway was shutdown all the perimeter roped off with all the official vehicles about , lights still flashing , a big blue tarp over the front entry way to the building .... these things are supposed to happen in other parts of the world right ?
My heart goes out to the families of the Guardsmen and the others .....
Our company flag is at half mast as of this afternoon.......
Enough ..... typing for now , having a hard time seeing the keys.....

09-06-2011, 09:29 PM

No words will do

Just prayers


Jim Flinchbaugh
09-06-2011, 09:43 PM
A very sad event, and another reason everyone should carry

09-06-2011, 10:24 PM
Yes a very sad event. +1 on everyone should carry. But IHOP does not allow concealed carry in their businesses. That is a shame. I will say a prayer for the families tonight.

09-06-2011, 10:53 PM
First off, my thoughts to all the survivors. I live in a prison town, roughly 110 miles from Carson City on the Republic of Kalifornia side of the border. I'll let you guess what town. I've seen a spike in crime in our 12K population, even with an increase in city PD. I don't know if it is economy related or something else. We must remember this sort of thing can happen anywhere. It is so easy to become complacent. Let's all try to stand togeather for the victims and our rights to protect ourselves.

Love Life
09-07-2011, 01:46 AM
This is a terrible thing. I was in Carson City this afternoon when I heard about it. I was shocked. This reminds me of the luby cafeteria shooting in Texas. I hope and pray that the victims who are still with us pull through with minimal physical and emotional injury, and I will pray for the family members of all who passed.

09-07-2011, 02:10 AM
Sad. Nuts are going wild. I was worried some of our members would be there, but the Nevadan's I know here at CB would have fired back if had the opportunity.

09-07-2011, 12:26 PM
A very sad event, and another reason everyone should carry

IHOP has a corporate policy forbidding firearms in their restaurants. I wonder if they will take responsibility for the tragedy since they prevented their patrons from defending themselves.

They don't just prevent concealed carry, they prevent ALL carry.

09-07-2011, 12:28 PM
IHOP has a corporate policy forbidding firearms in their restaurants.
Ya, that worked.

09-07-2011, 12:51 PM
I heard about this only minutes after it happened. As the news developed during the day very little information about the perp was clear, except his name. No reason, no motive, nothing. Why would a man just walk into a family resteraunt and murder people? Thrills? Absolutely sickening.

jblee10......I'm pretty sure which town you're in and yes, it has changed since that prison was built. They almost did the same thing here (I'm north of you, up by the Oregon border) but the people shouted it down in time.

09-07-2011, 12:59 PM
1 of the fellows killed was a former employee here on our depot nephew/cousin/and school buddy to my coworkers. He left just before I hired on. So I will take liberties here and thank you all for your thoughts and prayersand pass them on to the families here.

The news this morning says the shooter was born in Mexico and held a US passport. His family said he was having some psych issues,countered by the family attorney saying "he was such a nice guy,I can't imagine why he would do this. He loved everyone" etc,etc.

I guess the biggest issue for me is how 1 charming young man(by that I mean exactly the opposite filled w/racial slurs and expletives)can decide to end his life while making all of us gun toting law abiding folks look like .................well the bad guys.

I guess maybe I'm still angry about the last 6 nutjobs doing stupid illegal things and having to pay for their actions.

09-07-2011, 01:38 PM
Is it possible that he picked IHOP because of the ban on weapons? My prayers go out to all those targeted and I will never choose to eat there again if I cannot protect myself or my family.

09-07-2011, 03:22 PM
The local IHOP here in Brownsville, Texas does not have the required signage to prohibit folks with a CHL from carrying in their store.

That aside, no words can convey my shock, dismay and sadness at this act.

09-07-2011, 03:29 PM
Fox news reports that this jackwagon filed for bankruptcy in 2009, and his assets were listed as "having $200 spread over three bank accounts and $923 in disability income, mostly from Social Security".

So he's a foreign national, here on a passport, spending money he doesn't have, sucking our own dollars out from underneath us without working, and then uses our constitutional rights to kill our citizens and servicemen.

My heart and prayers go to the families involved, but we should have bounced this guy long ago, and prevented, at least, this instance.

Uncle R.
09-07-2011, 03:37 PM
My sympathies to the victims and their families as well. It's a heartbreaking event but I'm not too concerned about this incident being used to promote more gun control laws. I fully expect this one to go down the memory hole just like the DC sniper (where the perps were black and muslim) and the Fort Hood attacks (where the shooter was muslim and a military officer.)
Why would this incident be hushed up? Easy - the shooter was Mexican. The masters - the people who really rule - know that most Americans favor tight controls on our southern border and trumpeting this incident will fan the flames of those sentiments.
Any cries for more gun laws could be countered with cries for tighter border controls - and that's not what the masters want.
When they finally get the incident they want (or perhaps create the incident they want if they get tired of waiting) they'll put the propaganda machines in gear. I doubt this event will serve their purposes.

09-07-2011, 05:07 PM
Uh........I have a question. How did a foreign national with a passport purchase firearms in the first place? Seems to me that every time I've purchased a gun there's something called paperwork and a background check......???

Uncle R.
09-07-2011, 05:27 PM
Foreign nationals legally in the US are allowed to purchase firearms in at least some cases. Of course if the OP's mention of full-auto proves to be correct then the AK was almost certainly illegal anyway - which obviously did zip to prevent this crime.
With the perp being a poster boy for the kinds of issues that feed taxpayers' anger over border policy you can bet this story is already swirling around the rim of the memory hole. Watch how quickly it leaves the headlines. Sometimes the use of the mainstream media as propaganda is SO blatant that it's hilarious - or at least it would be if it wasn't our freedoms and our rights that they seek to overthrow.

Love Life
09-07-2011, 05:32 PM
Uh........I have a question. How did a foreign national with a passport purchase firearms in the first place? Seems to me that every time I've purchased a gun there's something called paperwork and a background check......???

He might have bought it from a private seller.

09-07-2011, 05:37 PM
Things like this make America bleed. I have no words......

09-07-2011, 11:54 PM
The local IHOP here in Brownsville, Texas does not have the required signage to prohibit folks with a CHL from carrying in their store.

That aside, no words can convey my shock, dismay and sadness at this act.

Neither does mine. We'll continue to carry.


Rafe Covington
09-08-2011, 10:27 AM
I am very sorry that this happens to anybody, want to send my sincere condolances to the victims and families.

It seems Carson City has joined the world at large, sad thing but true.


09-08-2011, 10:31 AM
We have the posting rules here also, I don't know about that particular store ,I don't remember sinage but its been several years since I was there. These days I expect I could get the kids back in the car if there were any other choice of places to eat.

Its funny,peculiar, that we don't see more guns here being an open carry state and w/concealed carry exemptions in the state laws.

09-08-2011, 10:55 AM
My Aunt and my Grandfather live about five minutes from that IHOP. I visit there in the fall and just last year we all ate there before heading to the Reno airport. That's an eerie feeling.

I feel so bad for the families of the Guard members. They didn't die from IED's, some religious zealot, or battle. They died right here from some waste of a human.

09-08-2011, 11:12 AM
Makes you wish that at least Guard officers were allowed to carry their 92's whenever in uniform. Shooting back should always be an option.

09-08-2011, 11:33 AM
He might have bought it from a private seller.

Like the back of a van? I shouldn't joke. It's just I either joke or rant and have to break things.

09-08-2011, 12:41 PM
The only way this will ever be stopped is for more people to get their concealed carry and to drop a few of those jackwagons at the start of their murders. I am angry and will never understand how these people can get so messed up. How can you murder unarmed people?

My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims. The idiots at IHOP corporate can't stop what they can't see. That is why it is called concealed carry.

Love Life
09-08-2011, 02:55 PM
Like the back of a van? I shouldn't joke. It's just I either joke or rant and have to break things.

NO. Like an ad posted in a paper. "Gun for sale", and El psycho shows up to buy it.

09-08-2011, 03:12 PM
Fox news reports that this jackwagon filed for bankruptcy in 2009, and his assets were listed as "having $200 spread over three bank accounts and $923 in disability income, mostly from Social Security".

So he's a foreign national, here on a passport, spending money he doesn't have, sucking our own dollars out from underneath us without working, and then uses our constitutional rights to kill our citizens and servicemen.

My heart and prayers go to the families involved, but we should have bounced this guy long ago, and prevented, at least, this instance.

He is not a foreign national if he holds a United States Passport. He is a United States citizen born out of the country. A foreign national would have his own country's passport with a US Visa stamped in it.

This guy either naturalized or his parents were US citizens (derivative citizenship).

Love Life
09-08-2011, 05:55 PM
I just heard on the news that the westboro Baptist church plans to picket the funeral services of the fallen national guard members. Are there any Patriot Guard Riders in the area?

09-08-2011, 06:25 PM
So sad in so many ways, most of which is the loss of innocent lives. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of the lost.

09-08-2011, 06:27 PM
I'm pretty sure the Baptists will be out numbered. I know a few Iron Nation folks,and a couple of inactive Angels. Half of Mineral county will likely attend more certainly if they bring Chris home.

There was a threat to protest the war and picket Kenny Bostic's services here in Hawthorne, they pulled in 20 odd NHPs to protect the protesters from the locals. The protesters never showed. As long as they respected the services it would have been tolerated but 1 false start and thered a been thehell devil to pay.

Everybody knows everybody here and is on a 1st name bases w/some relation of everyone who's ever lived here I think. I might go to the out of town service, take my sheep suit and beat me some baptists w/a King James edition. Why the heck would you even want to protest a funeral. Your going to taunt folks that are already an emotional wreck, that most likely will colapse in tears but may just explode. Funerals are no place to poke sticks at folks.

09-08-2011, 06:54 PM
it is sad im just sick about it .but if you cant carry you cant stop it when it goes down.you will get sued and have to pay the rest of your life and lose all you have. but you can sleep at night that you stoped this kind of thing.i for one would do it no prob.some thug come in on me and mine oooooooo yes i would if it cost me my life I JUST WISH I COULD DO SOMETHING FOR THE FOLKS

09-10-2011, 06:13 PM
The only way this will ever be stopped is for more people to get their concealed carry and to drop a few of those jackwagons at the start of their murders. I am angry and will never understand how these people can get so messed up. How can you murder unarmed people?

My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims. The idiots at IHOP corporate can't stop what they can't see. That is why it is called concealed carry.

More people being armed won't prevent these things from happening, but it will reduce the death toll. Check out some of the research into school shootings and terrorism done by Lt.Col. Dave Grossman. While sometimes controversial, one of his points which is very consistent with data is that there is no deterent effect to psychologically-challenged mass-murderers. They'll still attack, but multiple armed citizens on site and able to respond will certainly reduce the negative impact of the attack, and that is extremely worthwhile.

Prayers for the victims, survivors and families from this tragedy in CC, NV.

09-10-2011, 07:14 PM
I am very sorry to hear about this. Given that various members of the military have been
targeted in some of these attacks (still not clear if so in this case), I'd like to see the pistol
be part of the uniform for officers at least, even better, for everyone that is normally issued one.
And they should be loaded, of course. Better that they have some chance to shoot back,
although a pistol against a rifle is always a severely unequal situation.

I carry all the time and would hope to be able to do some good if I were in a situation like
this one. I sure wish someone had been there to stop him, like the one in a mall a few years
ago where an off-duty LEO was carrying (IIRC against dept regs and against the mall rules) and was
able to stop a Muslim teen with a shotgun by just pinning him down in a store until the SWAT
folks could get there. I think that was in Salt Lake City, but not sure. A number had been killed
and wounded, but at least he went to the fight and changed it from a slaughter to a fight.


Phat Man Mike
09-10-2011, 09:26 PM
it's sad for sure. look how the IDF walk around. I think that's how it should be. it might have stopped this and the Ft Hood attack also.