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View Full Version : Removing Cosmoline .????

Russ in WY
08-26-2011, 11:07 PM
Friend has an ole rifle that He bought long time ago .. Whats the best way/ thing to use to remove the Cosmaline ??? Tks Russ.

08-26-2011, 11:17 PM
I just take them down and scrub with mineral spirits,then when done with that use some carb spray to finish.
When cleaned enough I oil lightly.

08-26-2011, 11:45 PM
Mineral spirits is a good approach for the wood, but if you are adventurous enough to seperate the wood and metal, a soak in boiling water will remove the stuff from the metal better than anything else. Once out of the water, the hot metal will quickly dry itself. Be cautious, as you must immediately relube to prevent flash rusting, as the hot water removes all the oils.

I have done this to my barreled actions, etc. many times and have had no problems at all. My first time out I tried mineral spirits, acetone, etc, and will never again go down that long tedious, messy road. Unfortunately there's not much else you can do with the wood, unless someone has come up with a new method, in which case, I would like to learn about it, as I have two more to clean up, and am not looking forward to attacking the wood.

I don't usually like WD-40, but as it is a water dispersant, I normally hit the hot metal with it first, let it soak a bit to remove any residual moisture, then I hose it all down with carb cleaner followed by CLP, ATF, or whatever rust preventative I have handy.

08-26-2011, 11:45 PM
+1 on mineral spirits. I've also used diesel and kerosene, but mineral spirits works fine.

08-26-2011, 11:56 PM
We used diesel fuel or JP5 when I was in the Navy.

MT Gianni
08-27-2011, 12:02 AM
If Cheyenne is as hot as Montana is this weekend, remove the wood and wrap it in a clear plastic garbage bag. Leave it muzzle down outside for 4-6 hours. Clear the bore.

08-27-2011, 12:07 AM

here are a few good articles.

tomme boy
08-27-2011, 01:21 AM
Wrap in paper towels. Stick in a black plastic garbage bag. Stick in your car or truck on the dash or by the back window where it will get direct sunlight. Let it sit till the hottest part of the day. Pull out and wipe off the grease. Put back in and repeat till it stops.

Or like I do and go get a gallon of Purple Power from Walmart and when the stock is really hot from sitting in the car, Spray with the PP. Wipe, Spray, wipe, spray, wipe. This will bleach out the stock so it will have to be re-oiled with BLO.

08-27-2011, 01:38 AM
The garbage bag/sun/car method works good to get a large amount of gunk off both the metal and wood (in different bags). Follow up with some kind of solvent/degreaser on the metal. If you know somebody at a garage or machine shop with a parts washer, pay them a visit. Some guys at CMP put their wood in the dishwasher and run it through a cycle with dish soap. I cleaned my wood with mineral spirits and then rubbed it down with BLO and then Gunny Paste, but to each his own.

08-27-2011, 01:49 AM
I hesitate to recommend this, but my father told me this was how they did it back when. He was drafted during the Korean war. His unit, an engineering outfit was issued a bunch of WWII left-overs that had been bathed in cosmoline. To expedite matters, they filled a 55 gallon drum with gasoline and dunked and scrubbed each rifle in the drum. With gasoline so flammable, and nearly 4$ a gallon, I don't know how practical this would be, but that is what he said they did in 1950 in the Army.

08-27-2011, 01:57 AM
I use Goop, and a toothbrush. Use someone else's, it makes them taste funny.

08-27-2011, 05:50 AM

here are a few good articles.

+1. Those good old boys know what they are doing.

Russ in WY
08-27-2011, 06:27 PM
I will pass this info on to my Friend...Russ

PS: Yes it is that hot here in Chy also 90º +..

Rocky Raab
08-27-2011, 06:35 PM
Go the heat or hot water ideas one step further and you have the REAL cosmoline cutter: steam. One of those home steam-cleaning units will strip cosmoline like it was butter.

08-28-2011, 09:32 AM
Know any mechanics with a shop?? A parts washer cant be beat. I have used mineral spirits with great success. One of the larger plastic storage tubs from Wal-Mart os a washer vessel.


08-28-2011, 09:33 AM
Know any mechanics with a shop?? A parts washer cant be beat. I have used mineral spirits with great success. One of the larger plastic storage tubs from Wal-Mart os a washer vessel.
