View Full Version : 1874 Shiloh Sharps Question

08-26-2011, 09:25 PM
I just picked up a used 1874 Shiloh Sharps i n 45-90 and have a couple of questions that I was hoping someone could help answer.

The rifle came with 100 rounds of Buffalo Arms 405 grain cast smokeless loads and I was wondering if these are recommended for use in this particular rifle. Also, I was wondering if someone could suggest a starting load with a 405 grain cast bullet and 5744 powder. I'm thinking around 25-28 grains.


08-26-2011, 10:08 PM
I have one of those. Very fine gun.

First, Shiloh recommends heavy boolits, 500 grains or better. Second, Lyman's reloading manuals have some very good data for 5744 and cast boolits, and a few other excellent powders.

My preference is Reloder 7 because of the degreased recoil/increased velocity compared to what 5744 will do, but I use heavier boolits. RX7 is neat because it has a consistent burn rate whether light or heavy charges are used, it doesn't spike pressures even when compressed, and is easy to light.

If it were me, and I don't like cleaning leading out of that 34" barrel (been there, done that!!), I'd break down those factory rounds and load my own with boolits that I KNOW fit the gun's groove dimension and throat, have a good lube, and aren't too freaking HARD. Who knows what boolits the Buffalo Arms cartridges are loaded with.

I got best results in mine with the 535-grain Postell boolit (Lyman 458132) cast from 20:1 alloy, sized .453", wet-patched with two wraps of notebook paper, lubed with Felix lube and sized .459" over 38 grains of RX7 and a half-grain of Dacron filler.

Here's a 200-yard group shot from prone with no other rest:

http://castboolits.gunloads.com/imagehosting/thum_89094e2b381598c9c.jpg (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=1551)

This is what it looks like, and a 100-yard target. The gun will shoot groups like this all day with those soft PP boolits, possibly better with better eyes, no cleaning necessary at all, first shot as good as the fiftieth.

http://castboolits.gunloads.com/imagehosting/thum_89094e2b37df9f01b.jpg (http://castboolits.gunloads.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=1549)


runnin lead
08-26-2011, 10:54 PM
I had great results with that bullet & 27gr 5744 . I worked up a load while fireforming brass for my 45-90 Pedersoli.
I also found that pushing it with a faster load it opened up then actualy got so bad that you could not keep them on a 4'X 4' sheet at 100yds.
I also found that shooting a lot fairly fast while fire forming to necksize only afterwards
left a lead wash that was a PITA to clean out of the barrel.
In my rifle after 28 or29 gr things realy started to open up , 31 or 32 grains they were all over the place. with 27 gr off of a rest you could hit a chicken at 200m all day.
Your rifle may be just a little different , even though it is a 45-90 that light 405 gr bullet when pushed fast out of the 1-18 twist will be spraying all over.
Try 26-28gr & somewhere in there you should be happy with it.
This load wotked well with the barrel sight on my rifle.
With the globe FS removed & replaced with a blade FS,when the FS was filed down to hit a 50m chicken with the buckhorn sight ,with the ladder sight folded up & at the lowest setting it would hit a 200m chicken. I set it up that way for elk one year.
Just shooting test loads I had no problems with a lead wash
in the barrel ,it was after establishing a load & going out to firefoarm 100 rounds before loading with BP that iI got that PITA lead wash

08-29-2011, 05:31 AM
I have loaded several 45-90s with 300 to 550 gr bullets over the years and have gotten good to excellent results with 27 gr of 5744 with all bullet weights. I have hardly had any leading as long as I did not over heat the barrel by firing fast. Generally I shoot a 10 shot group in about 8 to 10 minutes and then let the barrel cool for about 5 minutes between groups minimum. M very best group I ever shot with my Shiloh was with a Lyman 405 gr 457193 bullet sized .459". It was 10 shots into 3/4 inch center to center at 100 yards and all were in the X ring of a 25 yard pistol target.

cajun shooter
08-31-2011, 11:35 AM
What a wonderful rifle to have, you are a very lucky person. The one thing that I see is that you should find some one who shoots the Sharps with the real BP. You may be surprised at the groups you receive. The fun is so much more than firing the smokeless.

08-31-2011, 04:03 PM
actually I have done so and with the same bullet in the same rifle shooting a load of 65 gr of FFG my best group was just under an inch center to center.

08-31-2011, 08:56 PM
What a wonderful rifle to have, you are a very lucky person. The one thing that I see is that you should find some one who shoots the Sharps with the real BP. You may be surprised at the groups you receive. The fun is so much more than firing the smokeless.

Yes people are amazed at the group size you can get from black powder. I have an 1886 45-70 that I load with FF and a wad and I can place 5 shots inside a 1.5" circle at 100 yards with it. People at the range are totally flipped out that I can beat them with there bolt rifle and a scope on top. "Isn't a lever action shooting black powder supposed to be very inaccurate?"

I have been looking for a sharps for a year now and nothing has come up but I will be patient and one will come along eventually.

08-31-2011, 11:49 PM
I'm with gearnasher, you do not know if the ammo you have is loaded safely at pressures the sharps can take. I've lost count over the years of how many rounds I got when I bought a rifle.
And never fired one of those rounds. I have a hard and fast rule, Never, Never fire someone eles's ammo. You have no idea what powder or primer, how many times it was loaded or bullet alloy. I pull the bullets, dump the powder & primer and carefully check the cases. I suggets you do the same and load your OWN powder,primer, bullet after checking the cases. Sounds nutty but at least I have all my fingers and eyes. Don't take this the wrong way. I am concerned for your saftey. I had a buddy pick up a 357 mag round at the range. Chambered and fired. He was lucky, only the primer blew. Frank

09-01-2011, 01:36 PM
The ammunition provided with the rifle can be classified as 'commercially loaded' by personnel at Buffalo Arms.
Further, Buffalo Arms states on their website that it is suitable for use in a Sharps 45/90 rifle.

I see no reason for your question regarding it's suitability, as that information is readily available. You might consider asking them what smokeless powder they use, and in what quantity.