View Full Version : Sanding finish stuff

08-20-2011, 04:21 PM
Was in Sally's Beauty Supplies with wife and saw these emery boards brand name Tropical Shine, these come in every size small to large like a file and every grit from course to super fine, they are washable and cost about $1.29 each and are always on sale. I've been using them to work a handle on a knife kit I'm putting together.

08-21-2011, 10:13 AM
Good idea! I like it!

08-21-2011, 10:45 AM
I've used them on building guns for years. Very handy items.

My problem is with the regular sand paper you have to buy now. It doesn't last near as long, or cut near as well as what used to be available. Maybe it is just my local hardware store, but I remember good 3M sandpaper that would last much better than the current stuff. Anyone got a good brand to recommend?

08-21-2011, 11:38 AM
I use a lot of 3M Gold Stickit. It's adhesive backed and stays sharp for a long time. As far as I know it only goes down to 320grit though. I stick pieces of it onto sticks cut from laminate (Formica) in widths and contours to match the detail I'm sanding. Stick it on and trim with a razor knife. I still like 3M wet-and-dry (the black stuff) in grits 400 and finer. A quick shot of 3M spray adhesive lets me stick that stuff onto laminate sticks too. The Stickit comes in handy when making up sanding blocks and for making up sanding dowels too. Good stuff. A buddy gave me a roll of 100x and 400x paper made in Germany that was the best sandpaper I ever used, but I've never been able to find it State-side.

I'll check out those emery boards, but at $1.29 each, I can make them cheaper with the Stickit and some cut-off pieces of laminate.

08-21-2011, 11:47 AM
Guys, the best sand paper I have ever used, bar none, is Norton 3X. In the nearby town it is sold at Home depot. Lowe's does not have it. It is so long lasting that I glue strips of 60 grit to a piece of wood and use it as a rasp. The stuff is utterly incredable. Try it you'll like it.

08-21-2011, 08:27 PM
Waksupi--I ran across some 3M Sandblaster paper a while back when I needed to skuff up a polyurethane floor finish that had dried on me for 4 days. The paper I had plugged up almost immediately (as I expected) but when the wife came back with the Sandblaster Paper it worked great! It lasts a long time cutting and doesn't plug up. I have it in 120 and 320 grit. You might give it a try.

Once I start sanding gunstock finishes in between coats I usually use the wet/dry papers and water.

08-21-2011, 09:05 PM
Model airplane builders have recommended those abrasive nail-files for years. Finding high quality ones is a treat, though. Most of them don't last.

I use a lot of wet-or-dry, refinishing motorcycles. Sadly, like everything else, most of the paper available to consumers at retail now is Chinese-made, and nearly worthless. Norton and 3M are still good IF you buy from a mill supply house - apparently they've both tried to stay competitive in the consumer retail marketplace by rebranding stuff bought from China. That's what I see at my local chain hardware stores, anyway.

I've bitten the boolit and bought enough good stuff to last me for years. I don't buy gold, but I do buy stuff in quantity that I know I'm gonna need. (Yeah, the lead and brass joke applies to me, too.)

Like the idea of using Formica as a backer. Thin enough to be slightly flexible, last longer than wood.