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colt 357
08-19-2011, 05:54 PM
Hi guys just wanted to let everyone know my new find. After cast sizing and lubing I found that peanut butter jars work great in storing boolits. My son can kill a jar of peanut butter in a week so jars are easy to get at my house. I just use a sharpie to mark the top what in the jar. I then use them to store raw cast, sized. and finished product, I also use them to sort brass till it time to load them.
Any of the plastic jars work great I even got a couple of big Folgers coffee cans to put range brass in. Plastic jars dont rust or break like grass.

08-19-2011, 06:09 PM
I too use the plastic Folgers buckets. You can get them in various sizes. I use them for sorting brass, small ones for cast bullets and one for odds-n-end junk under my reloading desk. They also make good water buckets for the chief snake killer around our place (the cat).

08-19-2011, 06:18 PM
The nice thing about the PB jars is the fact that you can see what's in it. Saves opening a container to see what's in it at a glance. I know, if it was marked, you could tell the contents of anything, but I like see-through things. What can I say? :bigsmyl2:

08-19-2011, 06:21 PM
I use the coffee cans as well as the plastic containers you can get from the dollar store.
When done casting I put them in metal cans for a day or two,then off to the plastic ones.

mold maker
08-19-2011, 06:24 PM
He He, I use 3/5/7gal buckets for brass. I can't find time to cast that many boolits. My bucket list is growing, but my to do now, list is getting shorter. I bought the smaller size food storage containers with 4 snap, lids for cast production. Since I have quiet a few molds, the ability to stack them takes less space.
My peanut butter jar supply is non existent, since both kids are over 40. I can remember when I once used what ever was available, even the larger baby food jars.
Hint,,, Keep what ever plastic container you use, in the dark. Sunlight over time, will give you a surprise, when you go to pick up a plastic jar of boolits.

08-19-2011, 06:34 PM
Here one of the plastic container's I use.
I start casting and when their full I finished.
The first one's 45-70 330gn HP
The second one's LEE TC 451 230 TL





08-19-2011, 06:47 PM
those 45-70 s have a large hollow point hole........what mold is that?

08-19-2011, 07:02 PM
I don't think I have thrown away a peanut butter jar in twenty years, have a collection of them on a shelf in the basement just waiting to be used.

08-19-2011, 07:03 PM
Here's the whole thread


Centaur 1
08-19-2011, 07:04 PM
I use peanut butter and mayo jars for all of my pistol boolits. They get labeled with those computer printer labels that come 30 to a sheet. I use a lot of Ranch Dog tumble lube boolits, and at any one time some are as cast, some lubed once, and some sized to either .356" or .358" and lubed a second time. It's easy to keep track of them and make sure that I always have some ready to load.

41 mag fan
08-19-2011, 07:08 PM
Heres what I use. They're miner bit boxes from work. They'll hold 50-60lbs of casts and are stackable.
This is the 4 I brought home today.

Anyones interested in any pm me. I can work out something pretty cheap on selling them as I get them.

08-19-2011, 07:19 PM
Heres what I use. They're miner bit boxes from work. They'll hold 50-60lbs of casts and are stackable.
This is the 4 I brought home today.

Anyones interested in any pm me. I can work out something pretty cheap on selling them as I get them.

I'd like to get a couple of those, but I bet shipping would be stupid expensive to me.

08-19-2011, 07:37 PM
My wife drinks that General Foods International Coffee ****, comes in little metal and plastic cans with lids. You can store about 150 230gr 45acp bullets per can. Write descriptions on the lids with sharpie (cleans off easily with a wet rag).

Brian Murphy

08-20-2011, 03:45 PM
I save all of the Plastic UTZ Cheese Ball Containers when my kids finish them.

I'd hate to lift one if it was full of boolits.

But, They hold lots of brass, and They make great tumblers too!:D


08-20-2011, 04:05 PM
I'm a big fan of the peanut butter jars as well. The plastic cylinders that packages of Crystal Light drink mix comes in works great for smaller quantities as well but the lids are not as secure.

08-20-2011, 04:06 PM
I use the plastic containers you find at the grocery store...yum. Sometimes when I buy the thin sliced deli turkey I save those containers, wash them out and use them.

08-20-2011, 08:46 PM
I have been using peanut butter jars for nails,bolt and nuts, small paint samples for years. I just started to store brass in some. They work great!

08-20-2011, 10:19 PM
I store all my un-lubed boolets in peanut butter jars, in the hot garage. I like to see inside. I also like PB.

08-21-2011, 11:25 AM
I find labeled cardboard boxes to work well. Easy to throw away and don't cost anything. Case, tumble lube, store in cardboard box with label. I could see using clear shoeboxes, but most are polystyrene and they are brittle and crack easily.
Just be sure to clean your PB and Folger's jars first.
Aaahh, the smell of burning coffee beans and PB in the morning...

08-21-2011, 03:45 PM
I've been using these Glad type containers from Hillshire brand lunch meats.

I'd like to do that tumbling thing in the rotisery but my wife would kill me. She likes the thing for roasting chickens, and she did some large chicken breasts (44DD's) last week that was some of the best chicken I have ever had.

I also use the Kentucky Fried Chicken side order containers for smaller boolits.

All this stuff costs nothing and is good for the Hobby.


08-21-2011, 03:53 PM
Anything you get for free is good. The plastic FOLGERS can are good for brass and loaded rounds. The old fashioned metal cans hold boolits.

We have been having "feeds" at work for 40 people...pork steaks or brats or ? plus potato salad and baked beans. Nice lined steel cans from the beans and heavy duty plastic containers with snap-on lids from the potato salad.

The man cave/reloading shed is still a work in progress. After the wiring, insulating, and panelling is done, I can put up shelves..reinforced!...to stack up my comonents and loaded ammo.


08-21-2011, 09:54 PM
I usually grab just about all of the recycling for one reason or another, car parts, painting, cleaning parts, making lube, etc, etc, etc. I've got an old dresser in the basement half full with stuff soup cans, plastic containers, glass jars, tin pans, etc.

My wife thinks I'm nuts whenever I pull stuff out of the recycling to wash it. :grin: "What are you doing with that now?, don't you have enough of that junk down in the basement already?" I just say "I'm Recycling".

I haven't spent a dime yet on storage stuff for reloading and storing brass and boolits.

I like the 4lb plastic containers that Domino Sugar comes in for storing boolits in bulk.


Not as big as the blue Maxwell House or red Folgers tubs I save for keeping bulk brass in, so they don't get as heavy., and I know all my boolits are in the yellow containers.

In my Portable "Bench in a Box" reloading setup I use the 1lb plastic Folgers container for primers, plastic JIF Peanut Butter container for boolits, and a plastic Helman's Mayonnaise container for Brass, an old black pepper tin for miscellaneous stuff and dippers, and a small plastic Wispride Cheese container for storing the funnel and as a powder cup for dippers.

08-21-2011, 10:13 PM
Kirkland brand Nut jars from Costco. Just the ticket.

08-22-2011, 02:37 AM
I didn't see it posted.........
Any of the 16 oz. - 24 oz. WIDE MOUTH drink bottles(Gator-aid, energy drinks etc) make great bullet storage also, don't take up a lot of space and can be tucked in about anywhere.
And easy to pour out a handful of boolits.
Works well for me! YMMV.

08-22-2011, 03:25 PM
Voodoo: That's a lot of nuts!
