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08-18-2011, 10:28 AM
I am sure many of us are buying Silver these days. Where do you get it and how do you store it?
i am ready to put money into silver for physical posession in the safe.
Any help or advice is appreciated.

08-18-2011, 10:40 AM
I am skipping right over silver and gold and looking at things that will sustain a household.

I would rather have $1,700 worth of food and gasoline than an ounce of gold if and when things collapse...

...and I won't be trading for anything that is not useful in sustaining a household.

08-18-2011, 10:41 AM
I have a local dealer I have bought from.

I strongly suggest if you don't have yours in a bank safe deposit box, do not be telling people on the internet where your stash is.

08-18-2011, 10:41 AM
Many years I bought gold from this man - no problems - fast delivery.


08-18-2011, 10:52 AM
I am skipping right over silver and gold and looking at things that will sustain a household.

I would rather have $1,700 worth of food and gasoline than an ounce of gold if and when things collapse...

...and I won't be trading for anything that is not useful in sustaining a household.

My advice, read the Patriots: Surviving the coming collapse by James Wesley Rawles
He has a blog too, great info:


I don't plan on staying in place, too many "have nots" to contend with coming up the hill. Everyone has a "BOB" (bail out bag) and I have just started on the silver. I dumped about $80.00 worth of change out on the table the other day. Only found one pre-64 quarter and a few buffalo nickles. Time to hit the junk dealers and reputable coin shops. Going price is at $32.00 an ounce IIRC right now.

08-18-2011, 12:06 PM
I just sold a roll and 1/2 of 60's quarters I had accumulated. Bout' fell over when the handed me a check for $700 plus last week.

There's no way I would buy gold or silver at these current prices.

08-18-2011, 12:08 PM
I am skipping right over silver and gold and looking at things that will sustain a household.

I would rather have $1,700 worth of food and gasoline than an ounce of gold if and when things collapse...

...and I won't be trading for anything that is not useful in sustaining a household.

Solid advice.

08-18-2011, 12:10 PM
Food items that I buy just went up 25-30% in the last 3 weeks here in CA, even at Wal Mart.

08-18-2011, 12:48 PM
Better plan well where you go when you "bail out". Pretty much every piece of land is
owned by someone, although there are national forests and such. Most farmers and
ranchers are not going to be welcoming folks 'bailing out' with open arms. More likely
with small arms.

This 'head for the hills' mentality seems a bit unrealistic to me. Better have a place that
is safe or at least defensible and the goods and tools to make it through any hard times.


08-18-2011, 01:07 PM
There's so much remote land in this country, I think someone could do OK in a mobile camper rig, but be prepared for security. Setting out on public land, national forests would be safer than a city but anyone can enter your camp at any time. Owning land, and knowing your neighbors and surroundings has it's benefits.

Fools have wandered in our neighborhood before and learned real fast that folks around here don't welcome strangers uninvited. Nobody wanders in these parts. You've got to have a reason to be there.

08-18-2011, 01:57 PM
Better plan well where you go when you "bail out". Pretty much every piece of land is
owned by someone, although there are national forests and such. Most farmers and
ranchers are not going to be welcoming folks 'bailing out' with open arms. More likely
with small arms.

This 'head for the hills' mentality seems a bit unrealistic to me. Better have a place that
is safe or at least defensible and the goods and tools to make it through any hard times.

Well that could happen while I'm of a mind that if the you know what hit's the fan, it's not just going to knock it over, it's going through the wall and into the next room.
If something on the scale I am worried about happens (heaven forbid in mine or my kids lifetime), folks better gather togeather, because the have nots are going to be one mad group of folks that don't have anything left to loose. Think London in every major city in the US when enough is enough and Uncle Sugar can't pass out welfare and food stamps any more. :wink:

08-18-2011, 02:06 PM
Buy low and sell High !

I recently sold about $1000 of silver.

08-18-2011, 02:40 PM
Invest in firearms, ammunition, components, powder & primers.

08-18-2011, 02:44 PM
Better plan well where you go when you "bail out".

I am not planning on "bailing out", "bugging out", "hunkering down", or anything else of that nature. Here is where I am, here is where I'll stay.

If living in the wilderness offered more choices for day to day living than being in a town, that's where all the indigent people would be right now, living large.

08-18-2011, 03:11 PM
Hunting for food may not be an alternative with 150 million other people doing the same thing.

08-18-2011, 03:43 PM
Be sure you have plenty of the "other" precious metal, lead...Ray

08-18-2011, 04:38 PM
Gold just pushed $1800.

No way I'd buy at that price. I'd go dig some up before that, and I know I could do about an 1/8 an ounce a day. But lord please don't make me get back into that again ...:shock:

Please continue to buy my stuff everyone ..:mrgreen: ...PLEASE!

08-18-2011, 04:45 PM
You know , I was at the save a lot where I customarily get ordinary food the other day. They are a third to a half off prices other groceries around here charge. If you can live with the limited supply of different brands that they offer they are all right to get just plain food at. But, as i started to say, the other day I was there to stock up on tomatoes and beans and oatmeal and the price of oatmeal has gone from $1.89 to $2.39 per big box in the last 4 weeks, meat was ridiculous and didn't look good to me, and pot pies were $.75 each. Poverty is coming upon us I fear. I think I will set up squirrel feeders rather than bird feeders this fall.

08-18-2011, 04:52 PM
Personally, I truly believe as soon as business and individuals see Obama's and Harry Reid's end in sight, we will see things turn around on a RAPID clip.

There's a lot of wealth sitting out there scared of being invested simply because of these idiots. We're not headed for doom unless for some crooked reason Obama gets reelected. Then hunker down, cause we'll be totally screwed.

08-18-2011, 05:40 PM
+1 on the patriots book it's what made me strive for self sufficiency.

08-18-2011, 05:52 PM
I bought all my silver at $6.50 a troy oz ..........sold some to get my orignal investment back and now just sitting on a pile of free silver and its PRICELESS and even better than master card!!!

08-18-2011, 06:06 PM
One of the reasons the price of gold and silver is so high right now, is that they are used so widely in the electronics industry. Gold is one of the best conductors of electricity there is, and, it doesn't corrode and spoil the connection under any circumstances. It can also be thinned to a few molecules thick and still have the necessary electrical properties for use in the industry.

That being said, I won't be trading any of my life-support items--food, heat, light, self-defense, etc.--for any amount of gold or silver, if the time comes when I need those items. Try spreading gold on a piece of bread to make a gold and jelly sandwich. Doesn't work, does it?

08-18-2011, 06:14 PM
We're not headed for doom unless for some crooked reason Obama gets reelected. Then hunker down, cause we'll be totally screwed.

Amen to that.

08-18-2011, 06:34 PM
Back to the original Question.

I buy silver in pre-1964 USA minted coins. If the monetary system collapses I will have a currency the is easily identified and will be excepted.

Saw a post once that stated:
100 cans food
100 silver dimes
100 bottles water
100 lbs fuel
100 rounds ammo (in each firearm) LOL

Just keep increasing in small units, you will reach the goal you set for yourself.

08-19-2011, 12:22 PM
I asked the question because I want to have something of value if/when the collapse comes. I have 4 AR15's and enough components to outfit the Chinese Army.
Unfortunately the ATFE knows me too well with registered full auto stuff, supressors, SBR's, AOW's and the like. They will come and get those at some point I am sure.
Even if silver loses some of its value, the dollar will certainly lose ALL of its value at some point. THEN is the time to have silver in your possession.
I have worked a barter with the organic farmer down the road from us. I traded loaded 9mm for vegetables. Those veggies go into the freezer after vacuum sealing. That is what will happen in the future....win-win.
If/when the collapse comes, I will be ready as much as I can be. Silver is worth something all the time. That is what I want in my posession.
Guns, components, silver and food.
What's in YOUR wallet?

08-19-2011, 12:37 PM
If we get actual conservative leadership in this country once again, not the fake kind, and we are able to once again invest in mining and hi tech energy drilling and get back to work, force the deadbeat welfare class back to work, -gold, silver, and the cost of fuel will drop. That's why I hate the thought of buying metals now. Buy high and sell low?

08-19-2011, 01:18 PM
I look at gold and silver primarily as a means of transferring some of the wealth you have right now, into the future to wherever the economy's at when it finishes changing. Silver's a more practical form of moneys for everyday transactions while gold's easier to store or use as larger amounts of moneys. Don't let others know you own any, and don't store it in the bank where Uncle Sam can confiscate it trying to save the republic. Personally, I think the economy is already past the tipping point of no return and paper money will hyperinflate but the only thing that really matters on that thought is what'll happen if "any" other country thinks the same thing and decides to dumps the dollar... game over.

As someone else said, they'd rather have $1800 in needed supplies than $1800 in gold. If anyone is really interested in seeing what happens in society with the economic fall of a government, go on the web and look up FerFal. Much of his work is lost but he gives first hand accounts of what happened in Argentina (?) when their economy went belly up... it's excelent reading.


mold maker
08-19-2011, 01:39 PM
Before it hits the fan in America, there will be, what historians will call, "America's Second Revolution".
When that conflict is settled, gold, and silver will buy your way, in the new economy, just as it always has before. The haves will want more, and the have nots will work their donkeys off to exist until the New America emerges.
Come on guys. Enough of the gloom and doom talk. Yes it it wise to be prepared, but you can't prepare, for the end of the world, and thats not what we're discussing. Nations collapse, and the only folks who are in deep do do, are those that caused it, by professionally living off it. Even if the printing press stops printing promises, those not dependent on it will get by. Eventually it will sort it's self out and we become stronger by surviving it.

08-19-2011, 01:50 PM
Hi Mold Maker,

I don't see any of this as doom and gloom. Instead, I see it as just another fact of life to be dealt with. Prepping and forthought just makes the transition from here to there easier.


08-19-2011, 02:21 PM
I am not a doom and gloom guy either. Blizzards, tornadoes, floods, economic collapse, extra people for dinner, turkey season, I like to be ready for them all.

08-19-2011, 02:28 PM
bowfin, you forgot earthquake, tsunami, drought, and hang nails...

Lead and other loading components are a pretty good hedge. As well as a few firearms and/or ammunition that could go out the door in a the door in a trade for needed commodities or services. Good ole barter system, doncha know.

... and livestock and seed.

Now, a plan to protect it.

gray wolf
08-19-2011, 04:56 PM
I don't see any of this as doom and gloom. Instead, I see it as just another fact of life to be dealt with. Prepping and for thought just makes the transition from here to there easier.

Very well said, And don't forget your Meds. if you need medicine to stay alive or take a psychotropic to stay balanced , how much do you have on hand ?
could be a big, big problem for many, and a very big problem when the likes of Prozac runs out.
A little silver or gold is OK for barter, if your looking to make a killing if TSHTF than your heads in the wrong place. Think two slices of bread and what you can put between them, and get the heck out of the city's if that's where you are now.
You can't fight off a hungry mob. Much , much more to do for a good prep.
to much for me to type. If you think we are not headed for it--I would think it over very carefully.

08-19-2011, 05:04 PM
Ever try to get out town on a weekend or during a snow storm. Forget going anywhere if shtf. lets be realistic.

08-19-2011, 05:28 PM
Ever try to get out town on a weekend or during a snow storm. Forget going anywhere if shtf. lets be realistic.

Wow, I could only wish! Not where I live now though. 550 cord and some boughs and snowshoes R us! Here and now, it would be on foot and sticking near rail beds. No way to interstates or major secondaries. Sure it would take awhile to get there but w/o a noisy truck for a mob to hit I'll go for a walk in da woods any day. ;-)

gray wolf
08-19-2011, 06:09 PM
Ever try to get out town on a weekend or during a snow storm. Forget going anywhere if shtf. lets be realistic.

Ain't SA-posed to hold off till the last minute.
If that's the plan--you don't have a plan.

08-19-2011, 06:12 PM
atlantic,bullion and coin.


08-19-2011, 06:16 PM
If we get actual conservative leadership in this country once again, not the fake kind, and we are able to once again invest in mining and hi tech energy drilling and get back to work, force the deadbeat welfare class back to work, -gold, silver, and the cost of fuel will drop. That's why I hate the thought of buying metals now. Buy high and sell low?

I agree with Pat. Gold is at an all-time high and still goining. 4 or 5 years ago housing/real estate was at an all-time high and many thought still going strong. Then the bubble burst! There is a buying frenzie for gold right now, when it ends and everyone starts selling the bubble will burst again.

If you live in the country I would suggest you learn how to grow and preserve food. If you live in the city I would suggest you not come to my 40 acres without an invite.


08-20-2011, 01:02 AM
American Precious Metal Exchange

I bought silver rounds @ $11.50 an oz. I plan on passing them on to the as yet unborn grand kids when they become adults. It will add another story about an eccentric grandpa. I think I will tell them that I only take them out and count them by the light of a full moon. ;)

Where I keep them until then is my business.

08-20-2011, 08:36 AM
If it goes to krap and you come to my farm looking to buy a chicken with silver in hand you'll leave without a chicken. I'm in the same boat as 99% of the people out there- I don't know what gold or silver actually look like, I have no way to ID them from anodized metal, etc. Precious metals and stones HAVE NO REAL VALUE! They only have value because people say they do, just like paper money. Lead and tin have real value as solder, diamonds as cutting tools, gold and silver as plating but that's about it.

Come to me looking for a chicken with a pound of nails or screws or 50 feet of rope or a good shovel or a bag of goldenseal, mint, apples or spuds. That's value.

08-20-2011, 08:38 AM
+1 on the patriots book it's what made me strive for self sufficiency.

"Patriots" was a complete let down for me. No end to money, perfect people, perfect morals, just everything done perfectly. If you have a bunch of friends with unlimited money you can do what they did, otherwise look into to other doomer fiction to base your plans on. "Deep Winter" and "Lights Out" are good ones.

08-20-2011, 11:18 AM
"Patriots" was a complete let down for me. No end to money, perfect people, perfect morals, just everything done perfectly. If you have a bunch of friends with unlimited money you can do what they did, otherwise look into to other doomer fiction to base your plans on. "Deep Winter" and "Lights Out" are good ones.
"One Second After" is next on my list to read.

08-20-2011, 12:39 PM
I had some extra money from selling my house in the city, and bought $10,000 in gold at $250 back in end of 98 or some time around there.

Then I sold it to expand our acreage here. Had I kept that gold today....:shock:

Eventually the land will pass it up so all's not lost. Maybe already has. No one's got a crystal. Shoot I would be retired if I did. Like moving on Apple when it was $13 like I wanted.

08-20-2011, 05:48 PM
"One Second After" is next on my list to read.

Not a bad book, but the hero is just a little too perfect, again. I forget the name of the story, but somewhere in Frugals fiction section there is one about an everyday guy that gets caught with his pants down. That one truly interested me. The ones like "Patriots" where the protagonist has every possible angle figured out before hand I find booooring. The ones where Joe Average uses whats at hand to get by...those make me think. Or the ones where it's less fighting off mutant zombie bikers and a lot more down to earth surviving, growing, dealing with the everyday affairs of life. Anybody can write a story where the heroes have everything figured out ahead of time. When the hero is more Joe Average than Dash Riprock and he has to figure out how to create a septic system instead of using city sewer services...that's a lot more interesting to me than "As Dash Riprock entered the forbidding crevice his steely eyes caught the furtive movement of Kaspar DeBadguys AK coming up to cover him. With cat like reflexes Dash pulled his Zig Zower 999 417magnum laser equipped automatic and put 5 192.6 gr depleted uranium Black Claw Tactical Elite Death Dealers in Kaspars left ear lobe, spinning Kaspars head around with such force that a gout of blood sprayed 37.2 meters away and breaking his neck! Dash then returned to his Hummer and activated the 27 CD changer and began listening to Brahms as he returned to his super secret mountain hideout via the tunnel blasted out of 7 miles of granite under the 17,000 foot Mount Doom. "Glad I had the foresight to buy Intel and Microsoft back in '87." mused Dash....". I mean, come on. If you read "Patriots" my exaggeration is only a little off.

Here's a post I made on another site that pretty much sums up my thoughts.

Oh man, "World Made by Hand". I read a short excerpt and got so charged up I actually paid full shot for the hard cover at Borders! If you want a book that shows what sitting on your butt waiting for someone else to do something for you, if you want a "hero" that's a loser, if you want a lot of new age hoopla mixed in with Kunstlers normal fears and eccentricities then it's a decent book. It's way more sci-fi than doomer fiction. He has a sequel "The Witch of Hebron" that I'll wait for with less than baited breath.

How about books to stay away from? Here's my list of some books that are a waste of money AFAIC for prepping and a brief reason why-

"Patriots-surviving the coming collapse"- Gear, gear, gear, no end to money, protagonists that are superhuman in ethics, morality, resources and judgement. Useless.

"The Long Emergency"- There are about 10 paragraphs of worthy information and the rest is made up of Jimmy Carter worship, Global Warming hype, Kunstlers fear of anyone even slightly different than him.

William Johnstones "Ashes" series- Entertainment? Yes. Anything any normal human being could possibly hope to accomplish- no.

The Left Behind series- Yes, I have actually seen people refer to this series as "prep material". Please, besides being written on the 8th grade level I'm not about to base my future on someone depiction of what God and the Anti-Christ may do. Should the End Times come in my life time I think all bets are off.

Frugal Squirrels, Time Bomb 2000, Life after the Oil Crash forum...all have doomer fiction. Some is decent, some is good, most is made up of lines and plots that remind me of the stories my 7 year old tells, or maybe a bad porn novel. There are 2 main plots-

Scenario 1- Incredibly rich guy, usually ex-military/CIA/NSA, builds retreat in incredibly expensive/remote area and fights off hordes of mutant zombie bikers using incredible array of incredibly expensive exotic weapons while having incredible relations with his incredibly gorgeous ex-super model Christian sniper wife who produces incredible meals from their unbelievable stock of incredibly expensive stores transported to their Fortress of Solitude in their incredibly expensive Bug Out fleet of super vehicles equipped with every option ever conceived by mankind.

Scenario 2- Normal everyday Joe gets caught with his pants down more or less, but manages to persevere though incredible luck, a few outright miracles, the fact everyone else except his friends and the bad guys die of a strange disease or starvation. Hero kills off bad guys using incredibly expensive array of exotic weapons pilfered from dead people, abandoned exotic weapons warehouses or donated by kindly incredibly wealthy prepper while having incredible relations with his incredibly gorgeous ex-super model Christian sniper wife who produces incredible meals from their unbelievably productive garden.

Okay, as you can see I have a little higher than normal expectations. It takes time to find the decent stories. If you want real info then best to start looking for homesteading info and war manuals.

08-20-2011, 10:24 PM
Okay, as you can see I have a little higher than normal expectations. It takes time to find the decent stories. If you want real info then best to start looking for homesteading info and war manuals.

I'm in the same boat, although part of my reading is FM 21-76 and a little brush up with 7-8 never hurts from time to time. ;-)

Just recently started reading the "Backwoodsman" wish it came more than 6 times a year though. :cry:

08-21-2011, 08:14 AM
"Backwoodsman is great! Get the collected anthologies. He's offering 5 of them now and they go back to issue #1 I think. The whole shebang is only fifty bucks I think.

08-21-2011, 08:30 AM
"Backwoodsman is great! Get the collected anthologies. He's offering 5 of them now and they go back to issue #1 I think. The whole shebang is only fifty bucks I think.

Great! The wife just rolled her eyes, "More for Santa?" :mrgreen:

08-21-2011, 09:22 AM
I personally think it's unwise and way late to buy gold or silver as the prices have skyrocketed and later on when things cool down and the price drops radically you'll take a bath on it. My parents taught me many years back to diversify and I bought all my gold at $450 per ounce and silver at $4.50. That was way back in I believe the 1980's when folks thought it was too high even back then. Like the others have said I'd go for long term food and re-loading componants, garden seeds, fertilizer, hand tools and a small generator if you live out in the boonies like I do and have a water well. A water well without electricity is useless and NO ONE can live long without water.

08-21-2011, 10:35 AM
Dejavu'. History repeats itself with so many similarities.

Back in first part of 1980 gold peaked at $800 plus. Jimmy Carter "The Green President" was is in office and Ronnie issued his official walking papers first of 1981.

I remember the time so well as I was a few years out of High School, starting my first business. I remember lines going out the door for near minimum wage jobs, and I thought to myself as a youngster there's no way I was going to sit inline for that. We had the same doom and gloom.

I was bustin' my butt much as I am right now, when Ronnie took the reins and I rode out of the hole right with him. We can and will do that again.

Obama's gonna loose in a landslide. Gold will drop again. Realestate will go up again.

08-21-2011, 05:36 PM
Obama's gonna loose in a landslide. Gold will drop again. Realestate will go up again.

Pretty bold statements there Pat. I'm not saying I disagree, but predicting the future is a scary business.

One factor that could affect the price of gold it the fact that the US dollar is losing it's world reserve currency status. If it becomes gold, oh my. There isn't nearly enough gold to cover that sort of demand. The price would/could right through the roof.

Will it happen? Who knows, not me that's for sure.

Investing in gold/silver is very scary. Very volitle. I see it as valuable for transitioning across a currency collape, if one should happen. From old to new it'll take some time.


Ed in North Texas
08-21-2011, 06:33 PM
Invest in precious metal. Buy Lead!

(And powder, primers, brass, etc.)

You could buy an oz of gold at >$1800, or 4,000 rounds of Silver Bear .308 145 gr FMJ delivered. Or 20 - 200 round German Surplused 7.62 NATO battle packs, also delivered. Both would have a little change left over. How about 5,000 rounds (5 - 1k round loose pack cases) of Federal 5.56mm 62 gr FMJ. Shipping on those is guessed from what I paid a couple of years ago (OK, what I think I remember I paid in shipping) and J&G's current prices. I couldn't begin to guess what that $1800 would buy in components.

08-21-2011, 07:15 PM
Sure there's a risk to buy gold and silver. But with gold if you are watching you can tell when it starting to drop and silver doesn't drop as quickly. Both gold and silver will be going up for awhile. But you have to watch what's happening like anything else. I will be buying both when ever I can scrounge up enough money to buy more.

As far as where to buy it most local coin shops sell silver rounds. They sell it for spot plus what they make on it. Or you can buy pre 1964 dimes, quarters, halves, and silver dollars. But remember there not pure silver so don't buy them at spot.

As far as having enough food on hand a question that must be ask is. How much is enough? A month, 6 months, a year, 2 years. I raise or kill most of my own food but I still don't know HOW MUCH TO KEEP ON HAND!


08-21-2011, 07:38 PM
I'm probably one of the most independent-minded people on this forum, but a question I ask myself, and all of you here, is (if tshtf) how long do you really think your "plan" will work if you survive as an individual or small family unit? For anything beyond a few months, you'll need land, knowledge and tools for living off of said land, and lots of like-minded, trustworthy FRIENDS. How will you defend your livestock and crops 24/7 by yourself? If your plan is to disappear into the woods and live like a savage, how long do you think you can make it without a "tribe"? You will get sick and hurt at some point, and alone you will die, sooner or later. Anyone (like me) trying to stay put on a decent plot of land with some supplies and resources ain't gonna make it very long without at least two or three other like-minded people to help.

The only thing that really makes sense to me if the worst happens is to grab a sack of gold/silver/precious stones, a pistol, a rifle, as much food as can be carried, and head for the best country remaining on earth, where ever that may be.


08-21-2011, 07:46 PM
The only thing that really makes sense to me if the worst happens is to grab a sack of gold/silver/precious stones, a pistol, a rifle, as much food as can be carried, and head for the best country remaining on earth, Texas!


There,, fixed that for ya!

08-21-2011, 08:02 PM

I'd like to think so! If the right kind of people would get together, it would be. I know you'd be welcome at our place anytime. Plus, we have our own power grid, the personell to operate it, and the resources to feed it!


08-21-2011, 08:44 PM
If you are of the mind to store some extra food rations don't forget bulk salt and coffee. If worse comes to worse you can trade salt for seasoning or salting down meats and at some point a couple of ounces of ground coffee might bring you something special in a trade.

08-21-2011, 08:44 PM
A little land+ a good woodstove+a six month supply of firewood+a roof good for a few years+plenty of boolit lead+ a supply of stainless fishhooks+ a decent water supply = the shelter and warmth every living thing needs. The hard part is keeping the freezer working. If we elect the right next President. The price on gold and silver will crash big time. This precious metal bubble is getting a little ridiculous.

08-21-2011, 08:53 PM
These days buy the lead you can, gold and silver are good investment, but are you going cast a gold bullet for deer hunting. Then figure how much the gold bullet is worth compared to the deer.

Then buy powder and primers.


08-22-2011, 10:49 AM
As far as where to buy it most local coin shops sell silver rounds. They sell it for spot plus what they make on it. Or you can buy pre 1964 dimes, quarters, halves, and silver dollars. But remember there not pure silver so don't buy them at spot.

As far as having enough food on hand a question that must be ask is. How much is enough? A month, 6 months, a year, 2 years. I raise or kill most of my own food but I still don't know HOW MUCH TO KEEP ON HAND!


Lot of coin sales on eBay. Put up as much food as you have room for, that will keep.

If we loose reserve currency status Cat, who knows how much is going to hit the fan. It could get real ugly. That would be the wild card here.

If things got so bad where I couldn't make a buck in the machine shop, I'll go back to mining. It's a lot of work. Can be a lot of fun when you find gold, but depressing in between times. I would not suggest it unless you really know what you're doing.

08-22-2011, 11:01 AM
Invest in firearms, ammunition, components, powder & primers.

add land to this equasion and you got it all ... owning land will determine if it can be hunted on land is the only thing that they dont make any more of , and the only thing that will always have value,you can garden on it and hunt the critters trying to eat your garden

08-22-2011, 11:05 AM
A little land+ a good woodstove+a six month supply of firewood+a roof good for a few years+plenty of boolit lead+ a supply of stainless fishhooks+ a decent water supply = the shelter and warmth every living thing needs. The hard part is keeping the freezer working. If we elect the right next President. The price on gold and silver will crash big time. This precious metal bubble is getting a little ridiculous.

gold is gonna crash just like the house prices did .. its way too high , thats why the companys are selling gold to you.. and paying good money to advertize it thats my opinion and im sticking to it

08-22-2011, 11:14 AM
You're right. Sure bet to attract all of your game. Plant a garden ...:mrgreen:

08-22-2011, 02:41 PM
When you get sticker shock from the high prices of anything just remember:

It' not the prices going UP.....It's the money going DOWN

and it's got a looong way to go yet....down that is.

08-22-2011, 04:07 PM
gold is gonna crash just like the house prices did .. its way too high , thats why the companys are selling gold to you.. and paying good money to advertize it thats my opinion and im sticking to it

Hi Bad,

The way I look at it, an ounce of gold or silver will always be worth..... an ounce of gold or silver. As far as the real estate bubble goes... after the bust you still have the same house and land after the bust you had before the bust. People keep looking at these things as "investments". Instead, I look at them for their 'utility', not their price.


08-22-2011, 04:59 PM
The trouble with Texas as the country to head for is far too many people there already have guns and will use them. I prefer to stay here in California and let most of the dumb anti-gun yuppies expire and then I will have land to use as I see fit.

08-22-2011, 05:45 PM
The trouble with Texas as the country to head for is far too many people there already have guns and will use them. I prefer to stay here in California and let most of the dumb anti-gun yuppies expire and then I will have land to use as I see fit.

Minnesota is much like California, and probably the place to be when TSHTF,
WHY ??? ...Minnespta is full of Liberals
(Using the punch line from a multi-racial racist joke,)
"They taste like Buffalo"

08-23-2011, 12:43 PM
There are parts of California (most) that are pure heaven, and when I look across the country and see what is going one elsewhere, no reason to consider a move.

Liberals will eat each other when the time comes. I'll fold out my chair- kick back and watch.. :mrgreen:

08-27-2011, 10:14 AM
Y'all are giving me the jitters. Just when do y'all expect the S to HTF?

08-27-2011, 06:20 PM
Sometime before hell freezes over

08-27-2011, 06:40 PM
Minnesota is much like California, and probably the place to be when TSHTF,
WHY ??? ...Minnespta is full of Liberals
(Using the punch line from a multi-racial racist joke,)
"They taste like Buffalo"

And we have the nice winter weather that separates the fools from the wise.

08-27-2011, 06:51 PM
Y'all are giving me the jitters. Just when do y'all expect the S to HTF?

Nobody sees the future, but the M2 money supply has increase 25% in the last 2 months. Normally that means inflation(an annual inflation rate of 462%). But it may just be that people are getting out of bond,stocks, etc & putting money in the bank or under their mattress. IMO, it's some of both.

08-27-2011, 07:41 PM
We will have inflation again!

I wouldn't keep all my money in the bank. Real property, or comodities you already own look to be safer.

08-27-2011, 11:24 PM
We will have inflation again!

You mean still, right?


08-28-2011, 01:07 PM
A solid 20-25% inflation has hit this state, and that's with prices already high. It's been happening for the past 2 months or so. You guys will catch up.. :mrgreen:

08-29-2011, 10:23 AM
You mean still, right?


Sorry, I meant HIGH inflation, not low inflation.

MT Gianni
08-29-2011, 10:51 AM
The management dog and pony show came around a few weeks ago. They were doscussing business and borrowing. The statement was made that there were some money fund owners viewing the market as volitile and wanting to put their money in a safe secure place. They spoke with some banks about this and were told that for the amount of money being discussed [several hundred million dollar range] not only could they expect no interest but would probably have to pay a fee to do so as the bank would have FDIC fees and cost incurred.

I see inflation as not enough money to go around so cost of money is raised, higher interest and loans are hard to get. Now loans are hard to get as few projects are going on but it is not due to the cost of money rather the dis-trust of anyones ability to use an end product.

A capable National political party with control of Congress and the Presidency can make this happen. I do not forsee it happening in the near future as we are too divided as a Nation.

08-29-2011, 01:01 PM
Part on the tight money problem is low interest rates. Commiting to a 30 yr loan at 4.5% is not very apealing from the lender side.

08-29-2011, 03:15 PM
The two causes of inflation is through defecit spending, where the fed creates money out of nothing and writes a check to the federal govt. so they can continue spending money they don't have. Quantative easing is fancy gobledygook speak for printing more money.

The other cause of inflation is fractional reserve banking, where lending institutions are again creating money out of thin air by lending up to 9 times what they have in reserve (think direct deposit accounts) and multiplying the money supply that way.

Trade unions, monopolies, cartels, gas prices, foreign imports, wage laws....none of these cause inflation.

A good rule of thumb is, if they multiply the money supply by 2 or 3 times what it once was, your dollar will only be able to purchase 1/2 to 1/3 what it used to.

Physical commodities (gold/silver) are bought with FRNs to keep your money from being stolen from you through inflation. You can just skip the whole game and buy what you'd normally use in the next 10 to 20 years if you have the space to keep it, otherwise, precious metals are a good choice as they don't degrade over time, they only take up a little space, and they are easily converted back into currency when you want to spend it.

08-29-2011, 03:38 PM
The two causes of inflation is through defecit spending, where the fed creates money out of nothing and writes a check to the federal govt. so they can continue spending money they don't have. Quantative easing is fancy gobledygook speak for printing more money.

The other cause of inflation is fractional reserve banking, where lending institutions are again creating money out of thin air by lending up to 9 times what they have in reserve (think direct deposit accounts) and multiplying the money supply that way.

Trade unions, monopolies, cartels, gas prices, foreign imports, wage laws....none of these cause inflation.

A good rule of thumb is, if they multiply the money supply by 2 or 3 times what it once was, your dollar will only be able to purchase 1/2 to 1/3 what it used to.

That first part is our problem now!
The second part is probably not significant right now since lending is down.

I am not an economist just a small time investor/businessman/working man.
Blah blah Blah real fast in the background.

08-31-2011, 04:17 PM
Wow- That's about $600,000 in metals. Nice.

Let's look at History.

What did people trade with to get food or whatever they needed in the 30's when the German bills went wheel barrow inflation worthless?

08-31-2011, 06:22 PM
The problem of saving comodities against disaster is that you can't eat silver or gold. A small amount might have value in some trades but if people are starving you aren't going to get 1500 lbs of flour for one ounce of gold.

08-31-2011, 06:25 PM
At some point you go to a barter system. A good shovel is worth 10 pieces of gold if you need to dig a hole to hide in. Someone to run the shovel?

08-31-2011, 06:29 PM
well when you go to sell silver or gold sell it on ebay. you can often find things that are sniped up at higher then spot price.

09-07-2011, 06:42 PM
The most important thing I've found is to have the skills and tools to make you a useful person.

Work creates wealth, not banks with 1s and 0s.

Work will take something worth a little, and make it worth more. All money is; is a symbol of a certain hours of work or effort that can be traded for the same amount of work and effort of someone with a different skill.

The guy with the tools/know-how rules!