View Full Version : P32 Kel-Tec

08-18-2011, 10:13 AM
My Pastor brings his P32 by last night and says he can't get it to eject a round of factory 71gr. Remington green box ammo. I fiddled and fiddled with it and realized the ammo in question was too long. It was within COAL according to my Lyman manual. And the rim was within spec as well. Strange. So he says to try some cast Lyman loads I had laying around loaded with their 77gr. RN bullet. Fed and kicked them out like a champ! Also saw my first instance of rimlock. Had to take the mag apart to free the rounds. Have had .32s in the past and never saw this. Just throwing this out there to any that may be concerned. The trend towards smaller and lighter is upon us and I know the Kel-Tecs are quite popular. Me personally, I am looking for an Ortgies pocket auto in .32 or .380.....:bigsmyl2:

08-18-2011, 03:31 PM
American Eagle (Federal) Red Box round ball ammo won't eject either.* But using a shorter round subjects you to the possibility of Rim Lock, like you mention.

That's the thing about the .32 Auto-- It's better than nothing, but hope that if the need arises, you can handle matters with one shot. Successive shots are not a given.

*(It should be noted that the P32 slide can be altered by a talented custom Gunsmith --like yours truly-- such that it shucks the long stuff reliably.)