View Full Version : Flea Market Extravaganza=BUST

01-21-2007, 10:29 AM
Me and the Boss went to the Flea Market Extravaganza here in FL this weekend. I was looking for tools and or reloading equipment as usual and in the past have found a few things at a good price. A lot of these things would come out of estates sales upNorth and the Yankees(I'm sorry, that's Damned Yankees!) would bring it down and sale it not really putting the highest price on it and some bargains were available. Well no more ,I walked that whole lot and did not see the first reloading tool! My question is, is this what weve come to because of E-Bay? Just wondering if anyone has seen the same trend??? Thanks!

01-21-2007, 10:40 PM
The Fla flea market that I have attended have been hit or miss. There are a lot of smowbirds that go south for the winter and deal out of local flea markets.They head back in the spring.With the economy being in the dumps in Mi. and Oh. many I bet aint going south.Same thing with gun shows up here.There are usualy a dealer or two that may carry reloading stuff.If that one guy is a no show...
I allways liked the market in Webster Fl.

01-22-2007, 11:38 AM
Hi Shooter,
I was just making an observation for the first time and thought other people would be interested,maybe not. I was actually disapointed in what I saw or didn't see and put it down to E-Bay but don't know. Yes I've been to Webster and it is the biggest Flea market in the state. If you go on up the road north of Webster about 2 miles there is a Flea Market there at an old Drive Inn Theatre that I enjoy because it is smaller and is made up of mostly people just wanting to sell their junk. I always started out there and then hit the back field at Webster. I hope this isn't the shape off things to come. E-Bay is fine for sellers but I'm not impressed on buying off there because why pay $170 for a product you can buy new for $200??? Never made sense to me! Oh yea then there's the shipping! Go figure!

01-29-2007, 04:06 AM
I can't speak much for florida, but here in CA, reloading stuff is rarely seen. A while ago I picked up a MEC600 with accessories components, but a few broken parts for $80 at a recent "flea market".

I still find most of the best reloading stuff at the smaller gun shows. The last show I went to about 1/2 of everything there was reloading stuff, and I picked up some neat new toys for a steal.

01-31-2007, 02:38 AM

From what little I've seen on e/bay the few times I've looked.
You've got it backwards.

New stuff sells for $75-100, e/bay it goes for $225 then plus shipping and 30% fraud on top of it too.

Plus, they're anti's, so I don't use it period.

01-31-2007, 04:54 AM
On EBAY item 110084178679 is a bullet mold Scrounger is planing on buying--don't bid him up.

01-31-2007, 05:16 AM
You're mean!

01-31-2007, 10:09 AM
On EBAY item 110084178679 is a bullet mold Scrounger is planing on buying--don't bid him up.

What kind of a sicko even looks for stuff like that.... Shopping for the sheep again, Ray?

ron brooks
01-31-2007, 10:30 AM

You are so baaaad to Carpetman. :-)

Say does your tagline go for the picture of Ray's date as well? :-D


01-31-2007, 12:53 PM

You are so baaaad to Carpetman. :-)

Say does your tagline go for the picture of Ray's date as well? :-D

Apparently he thinks it does.

01-31-2007, 03:05 PM
Seagiant - Want to know why E-Bay exists? I bought a small lot of reloading stuff at a garage sale for $2. None of it, dies mostly , was in a caliber I could use. Stuck the stuff on E-Bay one piece at a time. Got over $500 for the same lot of stuff.

01-31-2007, 10:13 PM
Ray, are you finding it disturbing, that Scrounger has this obsession with sheep? I'm worried about him!

01-31-2007, 10:40 PM
On EBAY item 110084178679 is a bullet mold Scrounger is planing on buying--don't bid him up.

I see it's a dual cavity........

01-31-2007, 10:47 PM
If I recall correctly, from the old shooters.com board, Carpetman was instrumental in the development of the bra holster.

02-01-2007, 01:29 AM
Waksupi---Most people I would be worried about them having an obsession with sheep. In Scroungers case it is a graduation --giant step up and some progress in his rehabilitation.

02-01-2007, 01:32 AM
Wills you are correct--I did donate my services to the Ladies on the Women board in development of bra holsters. Tough job,somebody had to do it.

02-01-2007, 01:58 AM
"I see it's a dual cavity........"

Uh Oh....even I ain't gonna coment on THAT one!!....[smilie=1: ..........Lee:)

02-01-2007, 09:52 AM
A bra holster??? I'snt that what the bra already is???[smilie=1:

02-01-2007, 02:29 PM
ArkansasPackrat---Now that you mention it,yes indeed a bra would be a holster. Back on the old Shooters board they had a room for the ladies. A big discussion was about bra holsters---I guess you'd call it making it a double duty deal. Cant you just see a woman grabbing for her gun -and well grabbing the wrong thing/ Give me your money this is a tit up.

02-01-2007, 02:37 PM
I woud like to see your avatar do that.

02-01-2007, 11:40 PM
Then there is the bra gun in the movie The 10th Victim:
“The gem of this film is an opening sequence in which Andress dances around her ninth victim in a hipster club, fashionably slapping the men in the audience with cool and choreographed abandon before mowing down her adversary with bullets fired from a gun hidden in her bra (a gimmick later ripped for the Fembots in Austin Powers).”