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01-19-2007, 05:21 PM
Notice the hat:


01-19-2007, 05:29 PM
Holy sheepdip...

01-19-2007, 05:42 PM
Does that hat say "ATF"?!!!

01-19-2007, 08:41 PM
And is that finger really INSIDE the trigger guard.......... moron

01-19-2007, 09:25 PM
Sure hope he don't develope the need to SNEEZE! BLAMO!!!! [smilie=1:

He had better not be their Training Officer!


01-19-2007, 10:22 PM
I'm with Bret, my first thought was the hat said ATF. I tried to magnify the picture but it blurred to much to be sure.

I would say he is definately from the shallow end of the gene pool.


mike in co
01-19-2007, 10:34 PM
guys open your eyes......

where is the photographer standing????

duh.......sorry posed pic......

you guys are way too easy

01-19-2007, 11:53 PM
The Photographer may be from the same Gene Pool as the subject?

"Hang on a minute you guys, I want to get some action shots!"[smilie=1:

01-20-2007, 10:10 AM
I was assuming the picture was a joke. You guys don't really think anybody is dumb enough to do that?

01-20-2007, 10:34 AM
If it's the ATF, yes I do think they're dumb enoough to do that......Lee:)

01-20-2007, 10:44 PM
Bret, the guys you shoot around in New York must be a _whole_ lot smarter than the ones I see at the ranges in Texas.....pic may well be posed, but I've actually seen guys turn a pistol around (yes, with finger on trigger) and look down the barrel--checking to see if the bullet really came out, I guess.

01-21-2007, 01:07 AM
I was assuming the picture was a joke. You guys don't really think anybody is dumb enough to do that?

YES I do

At the range we have a ball cap from a EX member with a bullet hole / powder burns
The story is he pushed his bill up with his muzzel and his finger in the trigger guard


01-21-2007, 03:25 AM
My brother had a girlfriend, one time she said to me: I don't believe in guns......... I then ask her if she believed in santa, GOD I am glad she diddn't last long. So yes there are stupid people all around us. JETWRENCH

01-21-2007, 06:41 PM
Posed photo or not there are people out there in the Gene pool who REALLY are like that. Like the person who scratches the side of his head with a Brad nail gun and wonders why he now has a headache. A case of finger holding the trigger down and the skull activating the safety mech.........

Then there is the person who has the see if a cable poking out of the wall is live.

Well, It is good to have a chuckle at their expense, posed or not, and hope that we don't become that forgetful.

Now what was I ..........[smilie=1:


01-22-2007, 12:28 AM
I was assuming the picture was a joke. You guys don't really think anybody is dumb enough to do that?

I thought you actually interacted with the public as a cop????

Rhetorical question?

I'll tell you about my brother in law sometime.

01-22-2007, 08:55 AM
Oh yeah... I guess I forgot about THAT part of the public. My bad.

01-22-2007, 12:17 PM

If my span of public contacts is anything like yours--the folks here are light-years ahead of a lot of our "customers" we deal with.

To expand a bit--I would be willing to bet that many, maybe most of the members here seldom if ever have contact with the police, and seldom have need to request assistance. Once in a while--a house window gets smashed, or a car gets clouted, or they get victimized in some way--that's normal, and they report it, we do what we can about it, and all parties go on about their business.

On the other hand--there are people in every community I've worked in that call us weekly--sometimes DAILY--and this continues generations-long. These parties are thankfully few and far between, but a significantly large portion of a law agency's time gets spent deailing with these folks and their largely self-created crises. It is from this sort of client that cops (mistakenly) create the impression that citizens are sheep-like and largely dependant creatures. I impressed upon my trainees over the years that we almost never see 98% of our service population, and to not let the antics and upset of the 1%-2% we see regularly influence our viewpoint about our true employers. What sanity I was able to retain over 28 years of cop work was saved by keeping this in mind.

01-22-2007, 02:02 PM
And to take it one step further, and from part of that 98% of the population:

It is unfair to judge "the cops" by the antics of one who makes the newspapers. 98% of them are people too, just doing a job. A job which makes my life safer.
I count as friends 2 police officers. A "State Boy" and a local Chief. Two of the nicest, sanest, most level headed people you would ever meet. Who will treat you with respect if you will return the favor...................................Lee:)

01-22-2007, 04:57 PM
Hey, I got people I've arrested whose kids invite me to their High School graduations and birthday parties. When you get one of those addressed to "Uncle Bret" you KNOW you spent wayyyy too much time with those folks!

01-22-2007, 07:18 PM
guys open your eyes......

where is the photographer standing????

duh.......sorry posed pic......

you guys are way too easy
Posed, not necessarily. Many years ago our Civil War Skirmish Association Artillery unit took the 3/4 scale model 10 Pound Parrot cannon to a Western Days, Pioneer Days celebration in Murphy, Idaho.

We offered the public a chance to shoot our CW muzzleloaders for a buck a shot, money going to the local Museum. Or, for $5 they could light the short fuse to fire the cannon, loaded with small bags of .69 and .58 round balls, or the occasional concrete filled juice can that just fit the smooth bore.

A local news photographer watched a few shots from the cannon and decided he wanted a real "authentic" view of the flame and smoke (my best recollection is we were using 1/4 pound charges of Fg or maybe Cannon grade black powder) coming from the muzzle.

He asked SEVERAL times to be allowed "just in front of the barrel, but slightly off to the side" to get his shot. We had to watch him very carefully as we were afraid he'd try to scamper out in front without warning.

Yes! The gene pool does have some of this kind of fool around, usually when you least expect it![smilie=1: