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View Full Version : Advise and recomendations on books

01-18-2007, 10:42 PM
Hey all,

Looking for some advise on the best books out there for casting knowledge.

I am the nerdy sort when it comes to learning before I go out and try stuff.....

Got the following now:
Beartooth bullets manual
Veral Smith's Cast Performance manual
Lymans Cast Bullet manual #3
Precision Shooting Reloading book (with a short section on precision casting)

Ordered Magma engineering's Bullet casting book too.

Couple others I have questions about:
Paul Matthews series -- Which one/ones are better/best?
Is there a difference between the
Casting Precision Bullets for the BPCR
Cast Bullets for the BPCR?

CE Harris' NRA Cast bullet manual
Wolf's supplements to the Cast Bullet Manual?

Others out there that I may have overlooked?



01-18-2007, 11:37 PM
Sounds like you've got way more than I have ever had. Might be enough! Get a copy of E.H. Harrison's book"Cast bullets" either from the N.R.A. or off of ebay. It's 40 years old, but it will give you an excellent technical base to expand from. None of it has been disproven and it came from well conducted research by the NRA technical department.

People use all types of lead, all types of lubes, all types of casting techniques, they like all different types of molds (bullet designs, and number of cavities). I will not try to tell you that these variations are equally good. I believe that they are not, and that the issue is to weed out all but the best. You are on the right track. study, and learn, first, and continually!

Kinda fun to be the first to answer a thread! If you want to correspond please P.M. me. Ted

01-19-2007, 01:34 AM
You're definitely going about this in the correct way. Get all of the information that you can. Then, after you have gotten your feet wet, you can instruct US!:mrgreen:


01-19-2007, 08:33 AM
Elmer Keiths books on handguns, Phil Sharpes "Complete Guide to Handloading", JR Matterns " Handloading Ammunition", Earl Naramores "Principals and Practices of Loading Ammunition", any of the Wolfe "Cast Bullet Annuals" (now available on CD for 25 bucks), any of the old "Fouling Shot" magazines, especially any with Frank Marshalls articles, the NRA "Handloading" book and all of the older Lyman manuals.

Many of these are out of print or hard to find. Don't over look this website as there is more info here than you'll find anywhere else. And, most of it is pretty much correct.

01-19-2007, 08:34 AM
Matthews books are geared more towards black power cartridge rifles of at least 45 cal. If thats your gig they're good.