View Full Version : Fire Roasting peppers ??

08-07-2011, 09:34 PM
My jalapenos are starting to realy produce .......well not mine realy

A freind of the family has 30 acres of peppers this year

I have been told his contract is 2/3 filled already and I can pick all I want
Just don't make tracks or bother the pickers

Later this week I plan on picking a few , maybe a bushel
I love them fire roasted

But I have never done them on bulk
I have always done a few on the BBQ grill with other foods a few at a time

Is there a simple ( cheap) way of bluk fire roasting them
Or should I just fire up the BBQ grill

Also , can I freeze peppers ?
As I have almost used up all my canning jars
So vacume sealing them and freezing would be handy

Or if not , I guess I will have to make a trip into town for mor jars


08-07-2011, 11:06 PM
You can also dehydrate them and then freeze.

08-08-2011, 12:22 AM
Pick up the Blue Ball book from the makers of ball canning jars. They have the real scoop on how to preserve vegetables. Best and easiest way. They know their business.

MT Gianni
08-15-2011, 07:10 PM
The best Mexican cook book I have says to roast them over a gas flame and slip the skins. They are then ready to use. This isn't really roasting them just prepping them to use in a dish. I can get more info if this is what you want.

08-15-2011, 10:13 PM
Come on fire up that grill and do it right!!:kidding:

08-16-2011, 07:06 PM
Finaly had the time

I did 1/2 bushel the other night

I used charcoal
Just threw the peppers on the coals
Turned as they turned black

Cleaned off most of the black
Cut the stem off and pulled some of the seeds out

I then vacume sealed them 2 cups to the bag

I have a big bowl of the peppers and onions choped with a little olive oil in the frig
Great on a burger


08-23-2011, 10:25 PM
they freeze fine, just put in a zip lock, burp extra air, good to go for the year.

09-01-2011, 05:29 PM
I made some stuffed jalapeno peppers with cream cheese with seasoning and tiny baby shrimp mixed in the cream cheese AWESOME!